


  • HappyRunner34
    HappyRunner34 Posts: 394 Member
    HI there:

    I am open to connecting with (friending) fellow runners of any age/ability who are looking to compare notes, trade stories, share lesson's learned and be realistically (daily is not necessary) responsive! I am a positive outlook kind of guy with tons of races coming up. Have a few 10Ks and a Half in the bag already with a Half, 30K, trail races and two full marathons coming my way in 2014. I have found that there is no better source of learning than runners sharing with each other; way better than books, web sites or paid trainers. (although I do read a lot too!) I keep a small FL so that I can be responsive too. So if you want to connect, flip me a quick FR with a note and let's run our *kitten* off!
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    Hi all. My name is Michele, I'm 44 y/o, and live in Queensland, Australia. I am currently training for my first half marathon in May this year, with hopefully another in July, and one is September. 10 km is my longest race distance to date. I have done a few 3, 4 and 5 km races over the years. I first started running about 10 years ago, but have had 3 children in the last 7-8 years, and a joint-related injury, so I have been on-off running during that time, with no running goals in mind. I only started back again about 4 months ago, but I am keen. I've dropped some weight to get back to pre-baby shape, I've got a HM training plan, I'm getting up at 5am to run or strength train, I'm reading books on running, and I'm just starting to believe that I can do this. In fact, I'm even thinking I could train for a marathon next year!

    I've seen a couple of people from my friends list on here, and I'm happy to accept friend requests from other runners!
  • MountainMaggie
    MountainMaggie Posts: 104 Member
    Hi, I'm Maggie.

    I just started running at all (or since I was a kid) in December, and I'm hooked! I am in my element. Though I haven't signed up for a specific one, I am training to run a half marathon by mid summer.

    Feel free to add me and keep me inspired! Good luck everyone!

    Also if you're on Strava, add me on there too.
  • Boxinggrrrl
    Boxinggrrrl Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, i love to run...and up till now have used it mostly in training for other sports. I have rowed, played rugby, competed in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and currently box...the only thing that has remained consistent is running. Sooo this is the year i will compete in my first race...hopefully a half. :) I am both terrified and excited. Any tips/and or support is appreciated thank you! Glad to have this group as a resource :)
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    My name is Don and I'm 49. I started running in 2004 and ran my first and only marathon in 2005. I have since raced a 25K (fatass trail race, nothing official) and two 50K trail races. Only one of those counts though. While I crossed the finish line, it was after the 8 hour cut off. Long story. My last 50K race in 2012 and I pretty much death marched the last 9 miles because my knees were in such great pain. I should have stopped, but I didn't. Since then, I have not run any distance and since that's what I love, I lost interest in running. But then I had an epiphany: just because my knees hurt going long at 200lbs doesn't mean that they will hurt if I race at 180! It's a theory anyway. So I've started running again and plan on building up my mileage and will try a marathon later this year to test it my theory. So that also mean me losing weight.

    I've been married for 22 years to my best friend and we have four great kids ages 9-19. To pay bills I manage an IT department. So I'm a bit of a nerd. That actually fits quite well with running. I love tracking everything I do. :)
  • carewithay
    carewithay Posts: 5 Member
    My name is Carey and I live in Aberdeen, Scotland. I'm 26 years old.

    I have always been quite active but only started running on a regular basis around 18 months ago, first on the treadmill at my gym and then I moved outdoors.

    To begin with I had no intention of doing any racing and actually didn't really enjoy running at first. I used to run short distances with my husband who was a lot faster than me and I could always tell he didn't particularly like waiting around on me :) It always felt like a struggle. I now run by myself which I prefer, especially since I can blast some music and just switch off.

    In May 2012 I completed my first 10k which was part of a charity run with my work. I had a blast and loved the feeling of accomplishment afterwards.

    After my first 10k I continued to run but have did not race again until March this year when I completed my first half marathon. Although I was delighted with my time (1:52:53)I found the HM experience quite difficult but have learnt some valuable lessons regarding fueling, hydration etc and already cannot wait to do another so I can be more prepared and improve on my time.

    I have been on MFP for a while now but haven't really used the community features, I'm more interested in discussing running than anything else hence why I joined this group. Feel free to add me! :) I am also happy to discuss diet and other areas of fitness too.
  • captainheadkick
    captainheadkick Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I'm Pat from Brantford, Ontario. I'm on week 4 of a half training plan and hope to run one later this year. Probably the Toronto Scotiabank Waterfront half. I've run a couple 5k races in the past, as well as the Warrior Dash and Baddass Dash. I'm running for weightloss and to develop a healthy life habit.

    I'd love to connect with other runners on here too!
  • Hello i'm JT. I have been running all of my life but have found out that now that I am older I am more competitive. I ran more than 2 dozen 5ks, in the last two years. Last year I ran two half marathons. I would love to add more running friends.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I'm Dee…started running 18 months ago, have completed 1 marathon, 2nd one coming up soon at the end of April..2 marathons in 2 countries in less than one year.

    Running has now become as much a part of my life as work/sleep/using the internet/reading a book/socialising

    I run to validate to myself each day that I am a new person and I am stronger than I was before.

    Oh…I only took up running because when I was 280 lbs, I thought it was the hardest thing to do in the universe.
  • icastro25
    icastro25 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I'm Isabel!

    Newbie at running as I just starting "liking" it around January. In the past, I've run because I HAD to, but not because I enjoyed it. After playing 16 years of soccer, I think all the running drills just turned me off to it. I signed up to do my first sprint triathlon a few months ago and have recently discovered that I am actually enjoying and looking forward to my runs. Currently, I can't even really say I'm a "long distance" runner as I average 2.5-3 miles 4-5x a week, but I do have the hopes to one day be able to run a half marathon. Just hear to learn from all you seasoned runners, especially once I start adding distance to my runs. I'm really quite at a loss for all the proper training and nutrition, and am really just seeking some support/mentoring once it gets to that.

    Plus, I can always use more friends on MFP for motivation and accountability. Excited for the spring :)
  • BonnieGirl2608
    BonnieGirl2608 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi All!!!
    Been running for 10+ years and love it. Have run numerous 5km with and without my lttle fella in tow, several 10km, the Sydney C2S, 4 half-marathon's, one marathon, a 52km trail run and in training for a 50km road run on the Gold Coast.

    I was looking at shedding a few kilo's in the lead up to the 50 in hopes of clocking an awesome time. Do have extremely high hopes of a win one day....

    "The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle"
  • ebeegle
    ebeegle Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone! I started running last January after quitting smoking (YAY!). I always hating running in the past, but now I'm signed up for my first half marathon in less than three weekk (EEK!!). My longest run so far is 12.6 miles, so I think my nervousness is all mental. I have definitely put in the miles, so I'm very excited to complete a half! Then, about three weeks later, I'm signed up to do a 25K. Who knows....maybe I will sign up for a full marathon come October! I have to say that I'm slightly obsessed with running now....I have been in a complete funk since I live in Michigan and it has been a very snowy winter ;(

    Hope to pick all your brains for help along the way! I will definitely need to assess what went good and bad during my training and will be back asking for tips very shortly!
  • k_perlinger
    k_perlinger Posts: 55 Member
    Hi all, I'm Kelsey. I started running in October 2012 as a way to finally lose the baby weight (youngest was 2 so not sure it was "baby" weight anymore). I was an athlete growing up and played volleyball for a year in college. Even though I ran track in high school I was definitely not a runner, in hind site I think I could've been if I hadn't thought anything over 400m was miserable :) Over the course of the last year I probably have averaged 25+ miles per week. I've finally committed to running my first half marathon in May. Training really hasn't been any different than what I've been doing on my own the last year and a half, but my long run distance has increased. Ultimately I would love to train for a marathon, but with little ones I'm trying to find the right balance between family time and mommy time. I truly enjoy running and it's something that I crave which you can all relate to. I'm happy to have found something I do just for me and that allows me a little me time most days.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Karen, I started running last September with the C25K programme. Was sidelined at the start of the year with PF but have gotten back running from start of March and am now on the road 4 days a week.

    My 5K PB is 32:06 - aiming to get under 30mins in the next couple of weeks. I have four 10Ks planned for during the summer and a half marathon in October.

    Hoping to do a few more HMs in 2015 and aim for a full marathon in 2016.

    I really enjoy running and can't believe that this time last year I couldn't even power walk a mile, let alone run 6!
  • Curtruns
    Curtruns Posts: 510 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I am Curt. I have always been pretty decent at running but never really enjoyed it; it was something I did in the military. I had a bucket list goal of running a marathon and began training for that in 2012. Somewhere in the midst of that training I realized that I was actually enjoying it. So I have been running for a few years now and have gradually increased my pace and have run a few marathons as well as shorter races. Eventually I would like to try an ultra!
  • des10705
    des10705 Posts: 30 Member
    My name is Desmond.
    I started running about a year ago.
    A lot of running on the treadmill to loose wieght (-50lb so far).
    Ran first 5k last thanksgiving round 30 min.
    For the last several months I have moved my running outside, much more fun.
    Working up to 25 - 30 miles per week.
    Start running the outside loop in Central Park (6mi) just got it under 1 hour.

    Myself and my wife just registered for our first half marathon in June.
    Starting to train for that now.
    Would like to try NYC Marathon this year, we'll see how the 1/2 goes first.
  • meg5694
    meg5694 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I'm Meg.
    I started really running at the beginning of this year. Previously I've been a sprinter in high school to national level. Following an injury I gave up on it all and put on a lot of weight. For some reason at the beginning of this year I just got super determined and a slightly tipsy New Years text to my friend announcing I would run a half marathon this year to my friend I started running.

    Just over three months later I've lost 12kg and yesterday I ran my first half marathon. It took me 2 hours 56 minutes but am absolutely stoked to have finished!! Not overly thrilled with my time but having been sick with a virus for ten days that cleared last week I'm happy and have left plenty of room to improve!

    Already have my next half eyed up in August. And a full marathon in November if all goes well! I'm very lucky to have some really awesome friends and colleagues who are supporting me and getting me into all this.

    There are many goals in the future and I look forward to tackling all the challenges!!
  • ProvenceBelle
    ProvenceBelle Posts: 38 Member
    Hi!! I'm Heather from Hickory North Carolina. I've run 3 marathons; Boston was my 3rd. I am a school teacher and I am 38.
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    Hello I am Jennifer.

    I have always loved the freedom of running and admired those that could do it but until recently I wasn't a full-time runner. Going out for a run was something I would pay the $$ as I hobbled around in pain.

    I have had 7 knee surgeries in my life, the last one removing a cyst from within my tibia. During this surgery, the doctor cultured my own stem cells to regrow the bone and parts of the meniscus. Since then I HAVE NO MORE PAIN. Everything is more enjoyable and NOW I CAN RUN. It makes me feel unstoppable...except when I have to stop. :laugh:
  • sportzmom23
    sportzmom23 Posts: 103 Member
    I am Dee, been distance running on and off for over 30 years. ran track and XC in high school, a bit in the Navy, then got bus with kids and a marriage, and for got to take time for me. Slowly been building back into running over the course of 5 years, different issues, bone spurs, plantar fasciitis, etc have sidelined me at times.

    I live in central NY, for anyone from not around here, I do not live in the city, yet do not live upstate either, I am actually mid state, just over the PA border