How did you feel post op



  • apelilag
    apelilag Posts: 30
    I am two days post op today. During my 2 day hospital stay nausea was my biggest hurdle. After they gave me the patch I was good to go. The main things I am battling is the gas and the soreness. I am getting my fluids in and feeling stronger everyday!
  • That is great to hear :-) They give me a nausea patch right after surgery thankfully... I hate having nausea but I am expecting it.
  • I had a few issues Post-Op. First was the chest pain form the dam air they use to inflate the area. Felt like a constant heart burn. WALK WALK WALK... this leads to the second issue. the telemetry module which hung to a point that was PERFECT with my groin (did I mention Cathidor?). while walking was not fun. Third was the pole I had to use for walking for the IV. Ever get the shopping cart with the squeaky wheel. Well that was me at 4:00am waking people while being hit in the "CATHIDOR" walking the halls. After that it got much better....
  • I felt really good a couple days out, then it kinda hit me and I was tired more easily. My dr put me on an Iron pill, so I am hoping that will help. I feel great for the most part, but still just a little more tired.
  • ruthshaw3
    ruthshaw3 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 4 days post op and my main problem has been pain from trapped gas under my ribs. I'm trying to make sure I follow my post op diet but am really having to force it down as I am not hungry in the slightest. Am feeling a bit weak but apart from that I'm doing ok. Was allowed home the day after surgery and am just taking paracetamol and codeine if I need it.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Better than I thought I would. They released me from the hospital a day early, (I was only in overnight) and I never took the pain meds. I napped the first few days home, but not after that. Went back to wok the middle of the week after surgery.
  • ggrn955
    ggrn955 Posts: 12 Member
    I went home the day after, up walking, no pain meds, little tired and napped the first few days but was back to work full time in 2 weeks, pain free.
  • ansleya
    ansleya Posts: 192 Member
    Honestly, I felt great. I made 2 videos for my weblog about it. I had very minimal pain and no nausea. I got up and walked a few hours after getting back from recovery. I began to drink my 1oz. I continued my pain meds (Liquid Hydrocodone) until I got home. Then I changed over to Liquid Tylenol. I took Gas-X melting strips with me and they were awesome. Then, once I got home, things were the same until day 6. The gas caught up to me. And I was completely drained of energy because of the lack of protein that I was so used to before surgery. My incisions were sore when we took the steri strips off but are fine now. I am 19 days out. I cannot go back to work until after 4 weeks and I am glad for that. I have been able to really adjust my diet and get my exercise routine in place.

    Good luck!!

    Highest weight 06/2013: 278
    Day of surgery 03/2014: 248
    Current weight 04/2014: 234
  • I had my surgery this last wednesday 4/9/2013. I felt pretty crummy the evening I had my surgery. I think it was mainly due to the anesthesia and gas they use to see while doing the operation. I slept on and off for most of the evening. I was up walking that night at about 10pm or so. I was more tired than usual the first couple of days after I got home. I never really had an nausea. What I have experienced is pain...of gas bubbles if I try to drink to quickly. I stopped taking pain meds after I got home. I have been able to sleep in bed the first night over half the night and the whole night after that. I I am using an extra pillow to give support to my stomach which does help. I am actually going back to work tomorrow. :happy:
  • Omg... It was agony for me, lol... I just had my VSG on 4/14/14.... The nausea, the constant vomiting and the most annoying acid reflux ever.... I'm 5 days post op and have felt relief... But please do not forget that every body is a different body... We all experience differently...