Week 3/24/2014/03/31-2014 accountability



  • Breeca2
    Breeca2 Posts: 25 Member
    I still do a lot of the modifications to but I do notice that I add a little more intensity each day. some days I looked up and say, "hey, am I actually jumping here?!?!" at some point it just happens..you'll just feel like, I can do this part! Or maybe it will take you by surprise like it did me. It does get easier.... Read a post from some member a week or so ago. lost 65 lbs and is now going to do the program again without the modifier!! So let Tanya be your best bud and trust that you are still getting in an awesome workout either way.

    I am glad to see I am not alone. I am like, dang, your in week 3 and still modifying, LOL. I am gonna keep pushing though.
  • mipmicah
    mipmicah Posts: 31
    Beta Week 3 day 4 Ript Circuit *** DONE ***
  • Hey there! I am new to this group! I am on week one day 4! I had a hard time with this this one today! I am SO SORE! I am thinking about putting in the stretch DVD and doing that every day.. Thoughts? I am a very busy woman with my wedding to plan, I am back in school and I work full time. :) I am really enjoying this 25 minute work out!!
  • MzFrieda
    MzFrieda Posts: 10
    Depends on the workouts Breeca2... TBC is my toughest to get through. I do need to modify some of the moves (pike ups- UGH). You will get stronger each week! It does get easier.
  • MzFrieda
    MzFrieda Posts: 10
    Pressing Play on T25 (second time doing the program, dropped 10lbs first time around last fall, shooting for a repeat).
    Week 1. Day 3. TBC is still a killer.

    Great work... Did you do anything between last Fall and Now?

    I run. That's my drug of choice :-). But no other workout programs..Just casual strength training at home and running.
  • MzFrieda
    MzFrieda Posts: 10
    Week 5 Alpha Day 3. I missed yesterday so pulled a double today TBC is a killer!! between TBC and abs, I thought I would die! lol.. at the end I actually started to cry.. maybe because I was happy to be done, or exhausted, or slightly insane, or happy that I pushed play and pushed through!

    That's how I feel when ShawnT says "Time" on the TBC dvd :-)
  • slik1227
    slik1227 Posts: 81 Member
    ok, I haven't posted for a couple days but I did do T25 every day! I did Rip'd and dynamic core. Today is Cardio. I also ran 2.65 miles this morning.

    I have been pretty busy - my husband is sick and diagnosed w/ pnuemonia and we had the entire fire depaprtment at our house...yikes! All is well - husband getting better and no fire, just a defective pellet stove....
  • mipmicah
    mipmicah Posts: 31
    Payday Friday :bigsmile: ... Beta week 3 day 5 Dynamic Core (feels like Shawn throws me to the ground & pounds & pounds & pounds some more) ***Finished***
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Glad to see everyone pushing through I missed yesterday but I doubled up today as planned yesterday was cardio which I completed today n today was ab interval & lower body focus completed ab interval and tmm my rest day will do lower body focus which should put me back on track for Monday which will be week 3 for me
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Week 2 completed I ended up doing all 3 t25 workouts yesterday so I'm a caught up in ally rest days frm t25
  • Week 2 completed as well ! Wtg everyone!
  • Lucilu75
    Lucilu75 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all. New to group. End of week 4 alpha for me. No change in stats apart from 1cm hips. No weight change. Still struggling with mainly TBC, lower focus and abs. Should I move to beta anyway in a week? Live it but getting despondent as no change. I know I need to be patient as have little to lose. I am feeling fitter though.
  • mipmicah
    mipmicah Posts: 31
    Week 2 completed I ended up doing all 3 t25 workouts yesterday so I'm a caught up in ally rest days frm t25

    OH my Goodness... That would have put me in ER
  • mipmicah
    mipmicah Posts: 31
    Hi all. New to group. End of week 4 alpha for me. No change in stats apart from 1cm hips. No weight change. Still struggling with mainly TBC, lower focus and abs. Should I move to beta anyway in a week? Live it but getting despondent as no change. I know I need to be patient as have little to lose. I am feeling fitter though.

    Welcome... I joined this group last week. I feel your struggle; however Alpha week 5 contains 3 TBC workouts, which helps bring in Beta. That said, I see nothing wrong with doing Alpha week 5 over until comfortable with progressing to Beta week 1.
  • Calikat61
    Calikat61 Posts: 17 Member
    Finished week 2 yesterday! Had to skip Saturday (we had a moderate earthquake here Friday with multiple aftershocks) but did my double day yesterday and did OK. I still have to follow the modifier and will probably continue to, but I'm feeling really good about this! I can feel changes in my muscle tone already. Will stretch today.
  • mipmicah
    mipmicah Posts: 31
    Last day of March and I almost "nailed it" Beta Week 4 Ript Circuit -- DONE
  • mbennett024
    mbennett024 Posts: 53 Member
    I finished week one of alpha and started week two today. It's already getting easier I love it :)
  • Rabbit914
    Rabbit914 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm new around here *waves hello* I completed week 1 day 1 yesterday and this morning completed day 2. I also plan to do the elliptical and strength training this afternoon as well. I plan to do that on Tues and Thursday afternoons and then run on Wednesdays. T25 is for early mornings before the kids and hubs gets up.