Day 26 ( 30 DS Challenge)

ecu_jules Posts: 35 Member
Got it done on hump day!


  • cmann1988
    cmann1988 Posts: 38
    I just can't keep up now that I'm back to work :(

    Once I get back into a routine, I may start up again. I'm 5 lbs away from goal so hoping that healthy eating will do the trick!! Definitely saw results even after only being able to shred for about 23 days!! Can't wait to hear about every ones results!!
  • dani_ban
    dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
    Well I was home with my DD. She went to daycare on Tuesday and only at 3 oz the whole day and spit up twice. So she isn't holding down formula well. So we are keeping her home all week. We have to feed her 1oz pedialyte and 1 oz formula and she can only handle 2oz at a time. It's so frustrating and worrisome because she is losing so much weight and not eating well. She still has a bad cough/congestion. I'm starting to wonder if she has reflux! I'm not really sure what is going on with her.

    My DH is actually off with her today and taking her to the pedi.

    So I wasn't able to work out.