Hi I'm new and I have UC

darkhorse43 Posts: 70 Member
Hi everyone. Just wanted to say Hi.

I was diagnosed with UC in January 2013. Initially I lost about 20 pounds, but after being on prednisone for 4 months I gained back 25. So here I am trying to learn to manage this disease and not have to keep buying different size pants. Glad I'm not alone.


  • Lady_Clarington
    Lady_Clarington Posts: 76 Member
    Hi! :)
  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    Hi, there! I am Crohner myself. Welcome to the group!

    As an aside, I know prednisone is terrible for us physically, but it had this weirdly positive effect on my disposition. I was a regular Sally Sunshine on it - jumping out of bed each morning eager to greet the day, seeing the silver lining in the worse situations, etc. I had some mild weight gain, but was okay with that since my general mood was so improved. I was actually a little sad each time they weaned me off. Anyone else had that experience?
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @ tchell99 Yep. That's me. I have a love/hate relationship with this drug (on it right now, about to start weaning off of 40 mg/day). It makes me feel the same way and gives me energy, especially compared to where I am when I start taking it. I wish the side effects weren't so crappy...I would use it as my maintenance drug!

    @darkhorse-Welcome. I am a Crohnie as well. I have had two pred flares in the past year (that's what I call them when the only thing that will help is prednisone). Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Learning to manage the disease is tricky, but you will get there. I have adapted a gluten-free diet and it has definitely helped to improve my overall health when I am not in a flare. Unfortunately, it hasn't prevented me from flaring entirely and when I do it doesn't really matter what I eat. Best of luck to you!