What is your opinion on rest days during the 30 days?

So i didn't want to bring this up but i figure it will probably be brought up anyway. what is everyone's opinion on rest days? I have heard that jillian actually advises one rest day a week to let your muscles heal properly but i don't know if i really want to take any if i don't absolutely have to :( what does everyone else think? I am afraid i would loose my drive :( SO I have decided to suck it up and do the whole 30 days in a row. I think it is a very different decision for everyone though,and should be made depending on how you feel.
Are you going to take a rest day?


  • beautifullyblessed16
    beautifullyblessed16 Posts: 180 Member
    I commend those who can do the program 30 days straight! I am going to do 5 days on and one day off twice for each level (to equal to 10 days per level with 2 breaks each. I know it help me to push through knowing my body can catch a little break throughout the program.
  • Think I will start with the mindset of taking no days of rest... If my body needs a rest, I will take a day off!
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Think I will start with the mindset of taking no days of rest... If my body needs a rest, I will take a day off!
    Same here! I know I can do it! ;) gotta keep that mindset!
  • I think I will do 1 day of rest each week. If it is as challenging as I think it will be I know I will need it. That one day a week will give me the extra push I need when things get really tough, knowing I have a rest day to make it to.
  • morgo20
    morgo20 Posts: 68 Member
    I think it is very important to give your muscles a break as that is when they are the most prone to build and become leaner. I am going to take off every sunday ( although during my break days i can still do cardio and things like walk the dog etc. altough for weight training I am going to take a day off!! I wish we were starting today... lol
  • sksgooch
    sksgooch Posts: 8 Member
    I plan to Maybe take at least 1 day off per level ...I agree with resting your muscles and with my experience of completing up to day 12, we will need it.
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    Think I will start with the mindset of taking no days of rest... If my body needs a rest, I will take a day off!
    Same here! I know I can do it! ;) gotta keep that mindset!

  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    I like the idea of committing to the 30 days with no rest breaks, but if I feel I need it, I will allow myself no more than one per week.
  • Melissas9799
    Melissas9799 Posts: 34 Member
    Think I will start with the mindset of taking no days of rest... If my body needs a rest, I will take a day off!
    Same here! I know I can do it! ;) gotta keep that mindset!


    This is what I plan on doing too!
  • I think a recovery day is important for building muscle, especially if you're working the same groups every day. However, I think the 30 day shred is varied enough (works all muscle groups) that you can probably get by doing it every day. But I am definitely taking a rest day each week -- I like the previous poster's idea of five days on, one off. I'm in for that!
  • dmfrank78
    dmfrank78 Posts: 16 Member
    I think I will see how I do and if I don't feel like I need a rest day I won't take one. But...knowing how I am I will probably end up taking one rest day a week, I think I'll need it!
  • butterrum13
    butterrum13 Posts: 77 Member
    I plan to Maybe take at least 1 day off per level ...I agree with resting your muscles and with my experience of completing up to day 12, we will need it.

    I agree. Last time I made it to Level 2 Day 4 and know I definitely will need some rest days. I am planning on 5 days on, 1 day off per level. I'm going to start 3/31 and should finish 5/4.
  • muroo
    muroo Posts: 68
    I think a recovery day is important for building muscle, especially if you're working the same groups every day. However, I think the 30 day shred is varied enough (works all muscle groups) that you can probably get by doing it every day. But I am definitely taking a rest day each week -- I like the previous poster's idea of five days on, one off. I'm in for that!

    Rest days are good for you! If taking no breaks keeps you motivated, then go for it. Otherwise, from what I know (which might be out of date/out of style) taking a day off (or 2 or 3 esp if you're doing other exercises) will not be noticeably less effective than pushing through all days of the week. You won't burn the calories you would have burned, but your muscles will have time to get stronger!
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    I did Level 1 straight through and I am doing Level 2 straight through as well with the exception of last week-end.
  • I started the DVD so I could do it in the mornings without leaving my house. Most days of the week are just too hard for me to get to gym after work, but getting up super early also wasn't working for me. I am hoping to be able to stick with this. My plan is to do it M-F each week. I will go to gym to do a longer workout one day over the weekend and take one rest day the opposite day. I hope this works!
  • MrsV1983
    MrsV1983 Posts: 39 Member
    I def plan to take a rest day at least once a week b/c I'll be supplementing with either 30 mins on the elliptical or with a couple Zumba tracks on the Wii in addition to doing 30DS...with my schedule and everything that I have going on, I need at least one night a week to focus on other things or to catch up on sleep.
  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    I started the 30 day shred 5 days ago with the idea of taking no rest days. But today I realize I really need to take a day to recover. 5 on 1 off might be what I need. I am relatively new to circuit training so maybe once I build up more muscle I won't need to take days off.