new here

Hi. This is my first post, so I hope I'm doing it right. Finding that it's harder to lose than when I was younger. Want to lose about 30 pounds. I just seem to lose and gain the same 10 pounds over and over. I really want to get healthier.


  • C1131
    C1131 Posts: 25 Member

    Welcome to the board. I'm mostly a lurker but am also struggling to find how to do 'actual' weight loss over 50. It definitely seems harder--particularly so in that MFP likes to tell me how much weight I 'will have lost' if I keep eating the way I am. My bathroom scale, however, keeps telling me the same numbers over and over. I wish these two could get their act together ;-)!

    I also want to lose weight for health--particularly for the well being of a cranky knee. Apparently the days of jogging for calorie burn are gone. At the moment I feel it will be a near miracle if I take off even 10 of the 20 pounds I'd like to lose. My current best hope is that it is starting to be cycling weather here. I'm planning to dust off my bike this weekend and give it a test drive after it sat in the garage all winter. What's your plan for success?

    I could really use some motivation and commiseration for this. Want to be buddies?
  • vicabra
    vicabra Posts: 56 Member
    Welcome! I am currently working on 50lbs, with about 40 to go. I find it more difficult myself to lose the weight as I get older. I am focused on 1lb a week, working on a healthier lifestyle, not just a 'diet' - one day at a time. I find MFP to be helpful for me, because I am accountable for what I eat, nobody else. And when I do want something that is not good for me, I I really want to report this and lose those valuable calories? My next focus is to get more exercise calories each week. And the support system here is great!
  • maryellen125
    maryellen125 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the support. My first weekend fitness goal is to avoid the treats at my son's Scout ceremony tonight. It's supposed to be a rainy weekend. 30 minutes of walking for 2 days would be a good start. Have a good weekend.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Welcome. Since I never seriously tried to lose weight when i was younger, I don't know if it's really harder now, or not. The good old "east less, exercise more" has been working for me, though!
  • ruthlesswr
    ruthlesswr Posts: 114 Member
    Welcome! It definitely is harder to loose after 50 isn't it? But it IS doable. I've been at this since the middle of last July and this morning when I weighed in, I'm less than a pound from my goal weight! This is a great group of supportive ladies so you've made a great start by joining here! Keep us posted and hang in there!
  • C1131
    C1131 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Ruthless,

    Very good to hear that you are almost to goal! I feel as if my lifetime of dieting has honed my body into a machine designed to never, ever, ever lose weight again. But I have to admit that other than getting 10K steps per day, I'm pretty scattered in my efforts. I'm lucky enough to have a busy, crazy life that makes it a challenge to keep at anything for more than a weekend.

    This weekend, however, is all mine!!!! Yay!

  • susantarcher
    susantarcher Posts: 4 Member
    I hear ya! I've lost 32 lbs. since Jan. 1st but I wouldn't have been able to do it without my doctor's help. I've been eating about 1000 calories a day (wouldn't recommend unless under a doctors watch) and exercising 3-4 days a week. I would have never believed I would be able to lose so much in such a short period of time. What will be harder than losing it, will be keeping it off. I'm determined to continue counting every thing I put in my mouth with MFP for the rest of my life! :)
  • Brownies98765
    Brownies98765 Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for the inspiration! I'm needing to lose the 40 lbs that have "magically" appeared over the past 8 years! Nice to have a spot for us 50-something gals. Looking forward to any wisdom you can share!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Eat less, exercise more. It really does work!