He sleeps!!! (Do not read if you are a sleepless mama)

rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
My 9 month old slept TWELVE straight hours last night!!! I'm in shock and elated and praying he will do it again. We did nothing differently. He just decided to sleep. He has been waking up 1-2 times each night to nurse. I slept-get ready for this- EIGHT glorious hours! I feel incredible. It's amazing the difference that good sleep makes. If you are one of the sleepless, stay strong! Someday your baby will sleep and you will too!
I know this is a random, possibly irritating brag post, but I cannot overstate how much better I feel today than any other day over the last 9+ months. I had to share! I also want to remind the sleepless that if you're feeling crappy or down it is most likely sleep deprivation- you're not a bad mom for feeling tired! No one is at their best when they are sleep deprived.


  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Brag on, mama! I'd be doing the same. Enjoy that good feeling, you've earned it! I got seven hours a couple of times last week and was feeling pretty good about my life.

    And thanks for the words about sleep deprivation. I really needed to hear them today. :) (Rough night last night.)
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    Thanks! He slept 9 hours (6 for me) before nursing last night, which is still great by my standards. Sorry about the rough night. LO is my third, so I know that it gets better. It is nice to have that Ray of hope every once in a while though. :)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member

    It's amazing how getting a full night of sleep makes such a huge difference :D
  • MimGSR
    MimGSR Posts: 61 Member
    I'm very jealous! My daughter is only 2 months but she really hates sleep, I'm beginning to feel like I'll never have a full nights sleep again. It's nice to hear though, gives me a bit of hope!
  • NelsonKatelyn
    NelsonKatelyn Posts: 120 Member
    Woohoo! My son is 7 weeks old and has been sleeping for 7 hours at night this past week. Such a relief for momma and dad! I'm looking forward to the morning I get to sleep in, as now he wakes between 530-6. Enjoy it while it lasts!
  • mummyto4girls
    mummyto4girls Posts: 1 Member
    this last few weeks my near 10 month old has started to sleep through:) She is a little baby for her age and only eats one tiny bit of food a day and 4 bottles of 5 onz. She was feeding at 11pm dreamfeed and then about 3-4 most nights and now she is going all the way through to 5.30-6.00 from 6pm the night before.
    She is my 4th and my only one who has not slept from 6-8 weeks but i am so proud of her x