Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
Who are you ? What are your likes and dislikes ? What job do you work on the wonderful midnight shift ?


  • pawprints86
    pawprints86 Posts: 59 Member
    Nice to see this group :D

    I work as a bail bonds agent, 3rd shift, long hours and (usually) crazy customers.

    I snack and snack and snack, especially during those early morning hours when there may be nothing going on, and I feel myself starting to crash.

    Hope to see more faces here! Would love to swap ideas and things to help make our 3rd shift lives easier. ;)

  • Dschnei475
    Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks ! I searched for one and couldnt find an active one so I figured I had to make one.

    You have quite the interesting job by the way !!! Something Id totally be into lol

    Snacking was the worst for me but now my health coach has me eating 20 grams of protein every 2.5 hours that I am up so that helps knowing I can have a snack at those times because I used to just eat and eat just to stay up !
  • Dschnei475
    Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
    Well I guess I should introduce myself too :)

    I work midnight shift for going on 5 years at a rehabilitation residential facility.
    My clients sleep most of the night so I do have alot of down time which is nice but I definitely want to
    get a day job after I graduate in April.

    I think the hardest thing for me with this shift in regards to health is when to sleep and getting enough sleep. I am losing weight but sometimes worry that since I only sleep 4 -5 hours a day that I will eat more than I should.

    I hope more people join so we can share our struggles and ideas on how to fix them :)
  • pawprints86
    pawprints86 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks ! I searched for one and couldnt find an active one so I figured I had to make one.

    You have quite the interesting job by the way !!! Something Id totally be into lol

    Snacking was the worst for me but now my health coach has me eating 20 grams of protein every 2.5 hours that I am up so that helps knowing I can have a snack at those times because I used to just eat and eat just to stay up !

    Great idea by making one! :D I don't know why I was looking for one tonight at the same time, but it's a great group!

    Yes indeed, quite an interesting job I must say. I really do love my job, my boss, everything about it - just wish I had less long nights. :P

    Protein is a great idea, what kinds of protein do you eat, by the way? I've been needing to go more gluten free these days until I lose some weight and exercise more (yikes, lol). So I would love some tips even with just the protein aspect, I've always been a carb junkie!
  • Dschnei475
    Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
    My main sources are grilled chicken or Egg whites

    Also, I am on herbalife products and they have a drink mix with lots of protein. It legit tastes like koolaid lol

    I need to look up more protein things though because chicken and egg whites get old really fast.
  • mercurywinks
    mercurywinks Posts: 104 Member
    Hi! I'm so excited to see a night shift group. I work in a secure lock down facility for the mentally ill. S'called a crisis stabilization unit. I have the exact same problems, I don't sleep enough during the day and then I eat the ENTIRE time I'm awake...or I did, I'm doing much better on the whole...but its rough lol.
  • Dschnei475
    Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
    Welcome :)

    Thats good its gotten better.

    Are you on a specific food and work out plan ?
  • Dschnei475
    Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
    Also your jobs sounds super interesting to me !
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    HELLO!!! Fellow dark sider here. I work as a 911 dispatcher in a large city in central NC.
  • Dschnei475
    Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
    wow props for doing your job ! I almost applied for the same position but realized I am just not strong enough for that ! Welcome by the way :)
  • NancyH66
    NancyH66 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm a Veterinary Technician. I actually don't currently work third shift except like now when i'm covering for one of my co-workers. 10 years ago i did work full time overnights for three years and i've worked it on and off since then.

    This week i'm experimenting with sleeping as soon as i get home vs waiting til noon to go to bed. What does everyone else do? Today i basically slept til four then got up and futzed around the house til it was time to come in. Tomorrow i'll try to have more energy and go outside and go for a walk or bike or something.

    Also i tend to stick with frozen dinners when i'm working nights. And i bring healthy snacks and try very hard not to go to the vending machine for candy.
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    Yeah it definately takes a certain personality to do this job. I have spent most of my adult life in emergency services (firefighter/paramedic) but this, by far, is the most fun to me.
  • pawprints86
    pawprints86 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm a Veterinary Technician. I actually don't currently work third shift except like now when i'm covering for one of my co-workers. 10 years ago i did work full time overnights for three years and i've worked it on and off since then.

    This week i'm experimenting with sleeping as soon as i get home vs waiting til noon to go to bed. What does everyone else do? Today i basically slept til four then got up and futzed around the house til it was time to come in. Tomorrow i'll try to have more energy and go outside and go for a walk or bike or something.

    Also i tend to stick with frozen dinners when i'm working nights. And i bring healthy snacks and try very hard not to go to the vending machine for candy.

    Wow, everyone has such interesting lives! I'm glad I'm not the only night-walker in here. haha :P

    Also, I wanted to reply to this as I read about the sleeping schedules. My sleep schedule used to be all OVER the place when I first started 3rd shift about 3 years ago, but (unless there is something else I'm scheduled for during the morning hours, like a dentist or doctor appointment) I get off work between 6-8am, and I usually lay right down and try and sleep until about 3-5pm, whenever I get up. Lately I've only been getting about 6 hours of sleep so I too am worried this will start affecting me.

    I've found that sleeping right after work, or trying to, and then waking up and having some downtime before work really helps me get a more stable schedule.

    Also, the reason for my 6-ish hours a day of sleep is my darn anxiety. It starts hitting sometimes and I will wake up much earlier than I intend to, or else my room is much too light.

    I think I need to work on exercising WAY more to work on that anxiety, and investing in blackout curtains. :P
  • Dschnei475
    Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
    By the way 116 down ? thats awesome !!! how did you do it ?
  • mercurywinks
    mercurywinks Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome :)

    Thats good its gotten better.

    Are you on a specific food and work out plan ?

    Not really lol. I'm eating 6 or 7 times a day, no soda. Recommended serving sizes lol No fast food.
  • mercurywinks
    mercurywinks Posts: 104 Member
    Oh! weighing in on the sleep thing. I also sleep first thing in the morning when I get home around 8. I've been making my self stay in bed until 330 or 4 so as to keep my eating on track. I've found that black out curtains and then a white noise app on my phone help a LOT. Then sometimes I just set an alarm on my phone and say "you don't have to do ANYTHING until you hear the alarm on you're phone." because I found a LOT of the time I had this sense of things needed to be done that had me getting up to early...and then I'd just sit in the chair in my living room and eat like a zombie lol. Not healthy at all, so yeah, those work for me, ESPECIALLY the app, I have one where you can mix you're own sounds so its really awesome.
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    Hello all :)

    Some interesting jobs here for sure. I work at Walmart as a Customer Service Manager. I'll tell you working 3rd shift there is always interesting.

    I know I do not get enough sleep either, like most of you I'm sure. I tend to stay up in the mornings. I go swim for an hour or so after work each morning, then come home and catch up on house chores and computer time. I try to sleep by 12 or 1, My problem is not staying asleep. I wake up when my daughter comes home from school about 3:30. We usually chat about her day for a bit, and then she leaves for work and I try to go back to sleep. I'm usually up for good by about 8. Only time I get consecutive hours of sleep is on the weekends.

    Hard thing for me in the beginning of this journey was being around all the candy and junk food at the registers. Part of my job is to stock them, I tell you smelling chocolate all night long and not having any is torture! I used to have quite the sweet tooth. It has gotten much better over the last few months. I'm eating more fruits and veggies, and much less candy and chips and such. I do still struggle some nights though.

    So, do you all do this shift because you enjoy it, or out of necessity?
  • ludds
    ludds Posts: 40 Member
    Hello - introducing myself to the group. I'm a Police Officer so work a wide range of shifts. Currently in the middle of a set of nights (2100-0700). My sleep has ALWAYS been an issue.. However, I gave up caffeine in November 2013 and it has made a mahoosive difference. Today, I got into bed at 0800 and slept until 1330 which is really long, for me. I no longer use MFP for logging my calories, I stopped doing that about six months ago, having logged for about 2 years and losing about 20lb. I'm 5'4" and weigh 124lb these days which I'm happy with but I'm now looking to build muscle and generally go from being an ok slim shape to having a toned muscly body I'm proud of. I exercise about 6 days a week - a mixture of running, gym (including weights), circuits, netball and HIIT. I don't have a particular programme, I just like to DO something and feel my body BURN lol!!!! I have recently re-found MFP but these days more for the forums and community, than for the calorie counting. Thanks for the group!
  • ladonnabeard7
    ladonnabeard7 Posts: 13 Member
    I work the midnight shift also, and Im new to this website. I work as a 911 dispatcher and I work from 7pm to 7am. I work odd days like work 2 off 3 work 2 off 2 work 3 lol
  • ladonnabeard7
    ladonnabeard7 Posts: 13 Member
    I see that there is another night walker one here that is a 911 dispatcher....hey how are you?