Important stuff will go here one day.
Who are you ? What are your likes and dislikes ? What job do you work on the wonderful midnight shift ?
Emergency Services
Anyone in here involved in emergency services? Or more specifically 911 dispatch?
Trying to leave the midnight shift life
Hey guys, So now that I have completed my degree I am looking to leave the midnight shift life. I actually have had an interview for an 8am to 4pm job and they seem very interested. I am beyond excited...but mostly to have a normal schedule. Hoping I get this.. I was wondering if anyone was looking for normal hours or if…
What should you be doing right now ?
I know that our jobs are different but I am pretty sure none of the job descriptions include being on myfittnesspal all night. So... what are you supposed to be doing ?
Good Drill Weekend
We had a PT test on Sunday as well as being measured for height and weight. I managed to pass both the PT and the bmi on the height weight portion. That made it a good weekend even if the rest of it left something to be desired. In additon, this morning I was scheduled for an oral board with a local police department. Now…
Working Out
So, I joined the gym about a month or so ago. I started going at least an hour 6 times a week. It felt so good. However, now that I am in my last few weeks of undergrad and internship along with my full time job I find myself having to pick between sleeping more than 4 hours or going to the gym. When I pick sleep I feel…
meal times
Am I the only one who really gets confused as to what meal it is or when I am supposed to eat ?? I use herbalife and I am supposed to have a shake for breakfast and lunch and real food for dinner with snacks in between. I just get confused on what meal I technically am consuming.
Goals -not only weight loss
What are your goals this year ? Not only in weight loss but also in life. Mine are Lose 50 more pounds this year run a 5k graduate at the end of the month Find employment in my field meditate more So what are yours ?
Craziest thing to happen on your midnight shift ?
Seeing all the interesting jobs on here I am sure we have some good stories even if there are only a few of us so far ;)
Favorite healthy snack?
I don't know how it is for you other over night peeps but the night shift does CRAZY stuff to the way I perceive certain tastes and smells, so my favorite day time healthy snacks are out the door! Plus, with the whole, not having my kitchen at my disposal things get a little crazy when it comes to planning for snacks. What…