Trying to leave the midnight shift life

Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
Hey guys,
So now that I have completed my degree I am looking to leave the midnight shift life. I actually have had an interview for an 8am to 4pm job and they seem very interested. I am beyond excited...but mostly to have a normal schedule. Hoping I get this..

I was wondering if anyone was looking for normal hours or if you are content with the midnight life... let me know :)


  • FlashMorehouse
    FlashMorehouse Posts: 138 Member
    Grave shift sucks.
    But 9-5 jobs suck more.
    So that is my dilemma.
  • Dschnei475
    Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
    Haha. Well, My whole adult life has been working the midnight shift. So Ive never experienced 9 to 5 but it sounds like a dream to me !
  • FlashMorehouse
    FlashMorehouse Posts: 138 Member
    Haha. Well, My whole adult life has been working the midnight shift. So Ive never experienced 9 to 5 but it sounds like a dream to me !

    Ya better go try it out then. Good luck on that possible job. :)
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    Its a love hate relationship lol Been on 3rd for so long, I cant imagine having to deal with so many people again.... Kind of got used to the quiet.... Good luck with the new job possibility!
  • Dschnei475
    Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks guys !! I actually got the job offer today !! I start in two weeks :)
  • mercurywinks
    mercurywinks Posts: 104 Member
    I've worked morning shifts, I've worked mid day shifts, I've worked afternoon shifts and I've worked the over night. I think each shift has its pros and cons and its up to the individual to find what works best for them. I know when I was younger I couldn't work any shift that had me getting up at 500am. My body couldn't handle it, I'd get nauseated for some reason. So I moved to nights and its great for me. Like I said, its all up to the individual.