Jillian Rotation Workout

SharkBaitRachy Posts: 368 Member
I found this on Pinterest last night: I might try it after SAS & 6W6P. I'm gonna add weights to all the level 1 stuff. Idk. Worth a shot :-)


I'm in Pinterest workout ideas overload lol there's calendars for Jillian workouts and lots of health crap


  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    i dont have those videos but i like the schedule!! im interested. :) im finishing up 30ds & then doing RI30. both along with 6w6p & i am starting to rotate in beachbody's brazil butt lift dvd to tone up the thighs too

    jillian michaels rocks!!! :).
  • Finkerbell
    Finkerbell Posts: 154 Member
    Once I'm done training for this run in May I might do something like this. I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything right now lol. I don't know how you do it.
  • SharkBaitRachy
    SharkBaitRachy Posts: 368 Member
    OK. Firstly, you are wickedly overachieving! BRAVO! Second, which butt lift video are you doing? The beach body one? I typed in 'butt lift' in Amazon and apparently, that's a popular thing LOL. Do you like it?

    I did 6W6P and SAS 1&2 and I'm sooooo sore today. It's the first time I've really really felt it the next day but I did use my 8# weights a lot lol

    It's really hard to do SAS with the kids bc it's so long but I'm trying!

    My friend really wants to buckle down and lose weight too and she asked me for help. Even we don't live close to each other, I promised her I'd do 30DS along with her. So I'll be following the advanced version with weights and doing an ab video or something. Idk. I'm floundering :-(
  • TseliB
    TseliB Posts: 300 Member
    Ooh! Looks good. I need to kick things up a gear after S&S. I'm in!
  • alli4795
    alli4795 Posts: 672 Member
    I'm definitely game for trying this! But I'm heading to Florida in three weeks and plan on doing nothing but soak up the sun (so sick of this snow!) and may take some long strolls on the beach...so will need to figure out some modifications to the schedule. Yay!
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    brazil butt lift is series from beachbody a few years ago. I only use the bum bum & high and tight DVDs. the others are cardio, abs, and toning....I'd rather use Jillian for that. :)

    I don't know how much I will get to workout this week tho. I am in the process of relocating to IN and have been down there a lot of the past weekends and will be there again this weekend. So the few nights I am home have been dedicated to helping the kid with her homework, grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, unpacking & repacking....ugh. oh well :)

    i would really like to get in at least a day of 30DS and 6W6P. I *LOVE* 6W6P!! :)