T Slim Pump


my name is Ellen, I've been T1 for 10 years and had an animas pump for 6 before it died (right after the warranty ran out of course). Anyway, my endo is really pushing the TSlim pump, but I really haven't heard much about it besides the little research I've done. Does anybody have, or did have the TSlim and what do you think?

I of course would rather go with the medtronic with cgm but I'm assuming the supplies for the cgm will be outrageous. Any comments about cost from the cgm wearers? I know it depends on insurance, I just haven't had a chance to start that process yet.


  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    I use tslim with a dexcom G4. Love them both. T slim is small and easy to use. Love the touch screen and ease of programing.
    The G4 is more accurate than the medtronic cgm an I can get my sensors to run for 2-3 weeks.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    For me the micro delivery system was very important. If it has an issue it can not dispense the full volume of the reservoir. Also many find that the smaller delivery allows for better absorption. My basal rate dropped by 50% from what I needed on MDI.

    Let me know if you have any specific questions. Also Tandem has a Facebook page and there is a user groups on Tudiabetes.
  • emarie0452
    That's great info thanks so much! I love the look and praised usability of the Tslim, I guess I didn't realize I could use a continuous monitor with the T Slim, my endo didn't mention that to me. I've had an insulin pump before, and being able to get the constant basal as opposed to my long acting lantus gave me a lot greater control of my diabetes. Anyway thanks again I think I'm going to look into the Dexcom!
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    I'm also looking into getting the Tslim. I am deathly afraid my cat will go after the pump tubing though (she is going after the earbuds sitting next to my laptop).
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    I have three cats. One does like to play with zipper dongles. I just keep the tubing tucked in under clothing or bed cloths, sheets etc. Has not been a problem. I use either a Spibelt or a cheap cellphone case depending on type of pants during the day. Or in a pocket with tubing threaded through a small whole cut in pocket so it is completely hidden. Can be shirt or pants pocket.
    Some use a baby sock to cover it and then tuck in bra, but you have to go fishing to dose.
    You can do a quick button press bolus that you can set up for either carbs or units, but I prefer to enter my BGs at same time, so need to pull it out.

    Tend to sleep with it clipped to shorts rather than loose on the bed. I do sit my dex G4 receiver on the bed next to my pillow.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    The dex is separate from the tslim but will eventually be integrated. Personally I prefer the separate display. Don't have to pull out pump to check where I'm at. I work in lab and would rather not have the pump out if I don't have to.
  • tmlandgraf
    tmlandgraf Posts: 79 Member
    I was a MiniMed user from 1999 to 2013, then I switched to the T-Slim after the warranty ran out on my MiniMed. If I could combine things from both pumps, Minimed and T-Slim, I think the perfect pump would be created. I can't really think of anything I don't like about the T-Slim, and I would recommend it.

    If you contact Tandem and talk to them about the T-slim, they can set you up with a representative in your area who can give you a demo, let you actually play with one, and answer your questions. I would recommend you do that before making a decision.

    Overall, it is a good pump. Minimed is a good pump as well, so there are options if you don't want to go the Tandem route. Don't let your endo push you to one pump or another, unless you are absolutely sold on it. This will be your life-line for 4 years, so make sure its the life-line you want and will be happy with.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    I was a MiniMed user from 1999 to 2013, then I switched to the T-Slim after the warranty ran out on my MiniMed. If I could combine things from both pumps, Minimed and T-Slim, I think the perfect pump would be created. I can't really think of anything I don't like about the T-Slim, and I would recommend it.

    If you contact Tandem and talk to them about the T-slim, they can set you up with a representative in your area who can give you a demo, let you actually play with one, and answer your questions. I would recommend you do that before making a decision.

    Overall, it is a good pump. Minimed is a good pump as well, so there are options if you don't want to go the Tandem route. Don't let your endo push you to one pump or another, unless you are absolutely sold on it. This will be your life-line for 4 years, so make sure its the life-line you want and will be happy with.

    Amen to all of above. My endo/ pump team demo'd all available pumps and were happy to support what ever I chose. I was just the second tslim in the practice, but they were onboard with tconnect software on site for pump downloads, etc.
    A good endo practice will assist you with what ever you choose since you will be the one living with it and adjusting it as you need to 24/7.