

  • Pennben
    Pennben Posts: 28 Member
    So, after losing my mind for a couple of days this week, I upped my calories a bit and then had a night out with friends and (a little bit of) pizza and (a whole lot of) beer and seemed to have regained some equilibrium and perspective. So, I'm going to dance out of this week happily with my 0.8 loss; continue with a modest caloric intake increase and start OWL as MelRC suggested above and see how that goes. To that end, I purchased cottage cheese at the grocery store today for the first time in ages, to start the next level. It's the little things, ya know?

    Hope all are doing well!
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I upped my calories a bit and then had a night out with friends and (a little bit of) pizza and (a whole lot of) beer and seemed to have regained some equilibrium and perspective.

    Good luck to you! Another week, another opportunity for success. :smile:
  • Pennben
    Pennben Posts: 28 Member
    So, for the check-in this week, I'm down 1.0 lb. I'm not on track for my pre-month goal, but seem to be on track for my adjusted goal where I realized it was time to go to OWL (which goal is only partially formulated in my mind at this moment). One more pound down, who am I to complain?! Upping carbs/cals kept me going when last week I was throwing my hands up in the air in frustration. I'm now recommitted to sticking to this, even though I'm slowing down on the results front.

    I hope everyone is doing well! Even if you have to modify what you think doing well means, I hope you land in a spot where it all makes sense.
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I am only down one lb this week as well. I had a stellar week the week before with 5 lbs, so guess I shouldn't complain! :wink:

    2 more weeks to go! Good luck to all.
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    I am down a pound and half this week. Not sure if I'm going to make my goal. Wish I could make them disappear faster.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Lost about 3 pounds so far. I think I might drop another two by the end of the month. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for it.
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    On a trip this week - been eating a lot of salad with full fat dressing and steak. Hope it works! I did have one glass of wine tonight, but I think I am ok. I guess the scale will tell on Friday when I get home. Hoping my ticker still says "down 11 lbs" or MORE!!!
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I did ok on my trip! One more week to go this month. Hope everyone is doing well! We are on Spring Break starting this Friday, so need 1-2 more lbs this week to hit my 10 lb goal for the month.
  • Pennben
    Pennben Posts: 28 Member
    I'm really happy to be down 3lb this week after struggling the first couple of weeks this month.

    Hoping to ride this to a strong finish for the month. Hope all are well!
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    its good to see everyone carrying the torch while I am away!, keep up the good work
  • LuluNH
    LuluNH Posts: 75 Member
    Very happy to report 169 this morning!! Hoping during April to get to 165 or lower....
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I am going to claim my 10 lb victory for the month today as I am weighing in at 156! We go on Spring Break tomorrow, so I may not be logging in exactly at the end of the month.

    It is also sobering to think that I am now back to the low point I had reached in November before I started going off plan for a few months. It will be true forward progress from here on!!!

    As I mentioned earlier, I did do fine during my business trip last week, now I need to push forward during our vacation, which also includes my 11 year wedding anniversary on Sunday. We do eat out a lot while gone, but are staying in a condo, so will also have a kitchen available. I have been good about eating mostly meat and veggies while out, so will continue that trend. My 3 kids are also on board with my plan and remind me to stick to it.

    Good luck everyone with your month end weigh-in's!
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    How has everyone done this month? This has been a slow thread. I made my goal today. Did you?
  • chownot
    chownot Posts: 46 Member
    its good to see everyone carrying the torch while I am away!, keep up the good work

    You've been missed. Hope you are doing well.
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I am still at 156 today after my week of vacation including several nice dinners out, celebrating my anniversary and several nights with a glass or two of wine.

    On to the April Challenge!