Crazy first day with Finn

firegirley Posts: 86 Member
Very interesing day with Finn. I was cleaning the paddock (what WASNT frozen to the ground) and the dude wouldnt leave my side. I take a step, he takes a step. I take 3 steps, he takes 3 steps. Pretty damn cute if you asked me!

We were alone and I decided to saddle him up and walk the property to let him smell / see everything. We went about 100 yards into the woods and he started getting nervous. I turned him around and started to come back, and Hope let out a scream from her paddock. It set him off and he started bucking. Of course I went flying and he ran back to the paddock. I grabbed him and walked him right back to the barn and got back on. (I needed help from my tailgate he is so damn tall!) We swapped out his bit for a straight bar and started again. He was good until we got to the back side of the barn where he couldnt see any horses. Yup, he bucked me off again and cantered up to the other side of the field where he waited for me.

I got right back on again and took him in the indoor. He was much more relaxed but was still testing me. I got a quick few lessons from Carol (barn owner, also Percheron owner) and we were back and running.
I'm starting lessons on him next Saturday so we can learn how to read each other. Also, I'm thinking he's a lot greener than I thought he was...not a lot of miles. No biggie, we can work through that and I'm just the person to put the miles on him. He also is not a fan of trail riding alone. We will work on that, too.

I absolutely LOVE this guy! I love having a challenge, and he is PERFECT for me. Not overwhelmingly challenging, just enough to keep me on my toes. No more lazy "ghetto riding"! We are going to work together and be an AWESOME team!! <3 Finn <3


  • firegirley
    firegirley Posts: 86 Member
    PS Did I mention that he is 18 hands???:laugh:
  • alipene
    alipene Posts: 945 Member
    Wow! Good for you, that's quite a height to be bucked from! Sounds like you are the right person for the job here. I'm going to enjoy watching this space! :flowerforyou:
  • Aprilsdanes
    Aprilsdanes Posts: 17 Member
    It's refreshing to read a post about being bucked off and it ending on such a happy note! :laugh:

    Glad you didn't get hurt, that's a long way down! I slid off my Perchie once and landed funny on my hip, I jumped right back up to get back on but then decided to sit back down for a while. All while he stood there looking at me like "Did I do that?" I was sore for a few days and that was when he was younger and shorter!

    Looking forward to hearing about your adventures with Finn! :happy:
  • firegirley
    firegirley Posts: 86 Member
    LOL Not once but twice!! Obviously Mr Finn does NOT like to trail ride alone ;) We can work on that.
    I am at work today after taking motrin all weekend. A couple of bruises and a sore shoulder...but it feels like I worked out extra hard type of pain, so its nothing I cant deal with. Speaking of working out...LOL BOY was it tough to do my workout this morning! I cant lift my right shoulder very high and the floor exercises were very hard but I modified and struggled through.
    I gave Finn a break on Sunday but I will be getting back up on him tonight or tomorrow in the indoor ring. I must be part draft, I can be stubborn too :laugh:
  • cuppsc
    cuppsc Posts: 5 Member
    You are one tough lady. I wish I could do that. I'd be scared to death after being bucked off.
  • firegirley
    firegirley Posts: 86 Member
    LOL!! Nah, you all know what happens if you dont get back on, right? He wins and does it again! Thats not going to happen with me :) I can be stubborn like a draft too ;)
    I just bought a new trailer and he fits!! Yayyy! So I am now selling my old one. He got on/off really well, so that was a bonus. When I was walking him back to his paddock, Mr 2000 lbs of hunka hunka burning love decided to bolt back on his own. Ughhh!!
    This weekend will be LOTS of ground work and MANNERS. And a nose chain ;)