Starting Stats

kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
OK everyone, since I'm starting the challenge today after work, I bit the bullet and took my measurements this morning. I promised I would share them (no matter how much I didn't want to). I think it will help to keep me accountable. So, here goes...

Weight: 162.4
Bust: 39.5
Waist: 30
Right under Belly Button (the part I want to shrink MOST!): 36
Hips: 38
Left Thigh: 24.5
Upper Left Arm: 11.5

Come on Jillian! Help me see those inches fly off!!!


I forgot to mention I also took before pictures; front, side and back views.. If I stick with this, and get some results, I'll definitely post before and afters for all to see!


  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member
    Ok biting the bullet and posting my before pic. I need that as motivation now that it is out in the world I need to make it better.


    SW: 1/1/2014 180ish
    CW: 3/31/2014 165.2
    GW: ???

    Bust: 41"
    Waist: 34"
    Hips: 42"
    Thigh: 22"
    Thickest part of upper arm: 12.5"

  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Starting weight-123.8
    left thigh-21 1\2
    right thigh-22
    l calf-12 1\2
    r calf-12 1\2
    left bicep-10 1\2
    right bicep-10 1\2
    belly at bb-30
    belly at pants button-35



    cant wait to get started ladies! <3
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    Woke up this morning and took my measurements with a brand new measuring tape.

    SW: 150
    CW: 147
    GW: anywhere between 135 and 138

    Bust: 40"
    Waist: 32"
    Hips: 36"
    Thigh: 20"
    Upper arm: 12"

  • hi everyone i have started mine today so here are my measurements from this morning

    weight - 175
    thigh - 22.5
    waist - 34.5
    hips - 44.1
    bust - 38.9
    top arm- 11.8

    good luck everyone lets do this !! :happy:
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    took measurements this am, not sure how to post starting pic
    Goal - 115
    bust 35.5
    waist 35
    hips 38
    calf 12.5
    upper arm 10.5
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    took measurements this am, not sure how to post starting pic
    Goal - 115
    bust 35.5
    waist 35
    hips 38
    calf 12.5
    upper arm 10.5

    Try this
  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    Weight- 173.2
    Waist- 34.3
    Hips- 43
    Bust- 41
    Below Bust- 34.6
    Left Thigh- 27
    Right Thigh- 28
  • I gave up my scales for lent, but on shrove tuesday I weighed 129ibs
    My measurements are:
    L Arm: 11"
    R Arm: 11"
    Waist: 27"
    Hips: 37"
    L Thigh: 23.5
    R Thigh 23.5

    I am 5ft 2

    My Thighs are my biggest problem area so really focusing on them! :)
    Good luck everyone xxx
  • Imperfect_Angel
    Imperfect_Angel Posts: 220 Member
    Grrr. So far it seems like I'm the largest but a journey of a 1000 miles blah blah blah...

    SW 211
    CW 205
    GW (1st mini goal) 180

    I'm 5'8 & most, if not all of my weight lies on my waist line. I'm telling U, it's even got a mortgage there, it just won't budge & I'm hoping with the help of the shred + regular 90 min workouts, I can blast off at least 10lbs & inches
  • samfrancisco88
    samfrancisco88 Posts: 8 Member
    Okay so I plan on starting tonight and I am going to try and do 5 days on 2 days off.
    So here are my starting stats
    CW 131
    Upper arm 11 in
    Chest 33 in
    Belly button 28
    Lower belly (ugh get out of my life fat) 32
    Hips 38
    Thighs 22
    Calves 13.25

    Let's do this! :)
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    182.8 this morning
  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    My stats:

    Height: 5' 1.5"
    Weight: 129.5 pounds (this morning)
    Upper Arm: 10"
    Chest: 34"
    Waist: 30.5"
    Hips: 37"
    Thigh: 22.5"

    It's all in my butt and tummy!
  • caranais
    caranais Posts: 101 Member
    Hi everybody - good luck to us all.

    4ft 11in
    11st 11lbs
    bust 38
    under bust 33.5
    waist 34
    hips 38
    upper thigh 22
    calf 15
    upper arm 13
    neck 13

    Have taken before pics but just not brave enough I'm afraid. Let's hope that will change before long. xxxx
  • krissj
    krissj Posts: 9
    Hi guys,
    I haven't taken my measurements yet, but will try to get those posted today sometime. In the meantime:

    SW - 269
    CW - 190
    Goal - 160 (not for this challenge, but overall) I would like to see 179 by end of this challenge.
  • betaleonis
    betaleonis Posts: 176 Member

    Height 5'3
    Weight 147 lbs

    Neck 12.5 on 4/01/2014
    Waist 29 on 4/01/2014
    Hips 41.5 on 4/01/2014
    Biceps 13.5 on 4/01/2014
    Thighs 25 on 4/01/2014
    Calves 15.5 on 4/01/2014
    Chest 38 on 4/01/2014
    Belly 37 on 4/01/2014




    Good luck everyone. Remember to really push yourself

  • Starting Weight: 185
    My goal is 145, hoping to lose 10 lbs this month
    I couldnt find my tape measure :( will try to get them tonight
  • ryker789
    ryker789 Posts: 255 Member
    SW: 260
    CW: 230
    GW: 190 (First goal)
    I can't find my tape measure. I will look when I get home!
  • natasha_nicholls
    natasha_nicholls Posts: 5 Member
  • Height: 5'4
    Weight: 141.1
    GW 130
    Bust: 35
    Waist: 30.5
    Right under Belly Button 33
    Hips: 40
  • allieO3390
    allieO3390 Posts: 24 Member
    SW: 206.6
    CW: 194.4
    GW:145 (for this 30 days I would love to get below 190 and keep toning)




    Bust 41.75in
    Skinniest part of waist 34.5in
    widest part of stomach 41.5in
    butt and hips 45.25in
    left inner thigh 28in
    left arm 16in