Not long until Ramadan :-) insha Allah

Leylaos Posts: 136 Member
How was your last Ramadan did you loose or gain weight

I was pregnant so gained...... this year hope to keep it healthy I don't overeat as I don't agree with feasting but I do find it hard as I have to fast with inlaws n t he y cook mostly fried or sugar foods


    AHASRADA Posts: 88 Member
    I have lost weight during Ramadan over the past few years, elhamdouliAllah. The most important change was not viewing iftar as a chance to make up for not eating all day, a chance to have treats and eat whatever I want. I actually logged the last 2 years, and stuck to about 1200 calories per day while fasting. It is very easy to eat a whole day's worth of calories in a few hours, so even while fasting, we have to be careful.

    The biggest change I made was not eating fried or sugary foods, and including vegetables. Our traditional iftar food does not contain any vegetables, but lots of bread and honey. I would eventually feel terrible from lots of carbs and sugar and no fruit or veg.

    My Ramadan "diet" looks something like this:

    Suhoor: oatmeal (porridge), milk or yogurt, fruit
    Iftar: soup, meat, vegetables
    dinner: salad, eggs, milk or yogurt

    I still make the sweet and fried foods for the rest of the family, we all eat the soup, meat and eggs, and I make enough vegetables so everyone can have some, but mostly end up eating them myself. If you put the healthy options on the table along with the unhealthy ones, you are able to eat better without sitting apart from the family or having your "own food" and everyone has more choices.

    Insha'Allah we will all manage to nurture our bodies as well as our souls this Ramadan.
  • Leylaos
    Leylaos Posts: 136 Member
    Masha Allah very good sister I find it easy to have healthy suhoor ad I'm at home, but if tar is at inlaws n they never supply healthy foods lol I've hinted a few times also my sister inlaws want to do all cooking n I don't get a say , n if I try n avoid the food t he all gang up lol, I kinda just pretend I feel heartburn n eat later at home but hate lying, I think this year they might be go in on holidays half way through so I Can make iftar at home insha Allah
  • vakaranshah786
    vakaranshah786 Posts: 49 Member
    Assalam Alaikum sisters my family also have a tendency to feast at ifttar, last year i did not fast all the month due to breastfeeding but kept the fast afterwards i am looking for any healthy options for pakistani foods because we make alot of pakoras,samosas and kebabs in this month, most things can be grilled/baked and we will just have to be more aware of what we are eating Inshallah