April 1st - Day One



  • SluggishSwimmer
    SluggishSwimmer Posts: 17 Member
    I started it! But only made it ten minutes in before I got lightheaded and dizzy. :-/
    I'm SO out of shape, plus i made the mistake of not eating first. I won't do that tomorrow.
  • Apollo090
    Apollo090 Posts: 18 Member
    Today's day 3 for me, I'm a Sunday-start kind of person. Couldn't even sit down without pain! My lowers body definitely feels it working :)
  • miashbee
    miashbee Posts: 9 Member
    Just finished Day 1.... REALLY hate those damn jumping jacks ugh. Off to the shower with my stinky self!!!
  • betaleonis
    betaleonis Posts: 176 Member
    It took me allllll day to finally do this workout (started at about 8:30pm) but now, finished and showered and high on endorphins ^_^

    off for a walk with the boyfriend (who hilariously did this workout with me today:D) and the mutt to pick up some pizza. perhaps this is counter-productive... but.. deliciously so.

  • TurboTam
    TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
    Excellent job everyone! I completely forgot I had to go in to work early today so I will do my day 1 tonight! I'm so glad we have this group of awesome ladies!
  • ohsopoetictee
    ohsopoetictee Posts: 7 Member
    I agree, as I am breastfeeding too! lol
  • ohsopoetictee
    ohsopoetictee Posts: 7 Member
    You're awesome!
  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    I have plantar fasciitis and it is horrible. I wear inserts in my shoes, but they only help so much. Thinking surgery might be in my future. I do the best I can with it. The jump rope part kills my left foot especially so I found that if I just do a "run in place" for that segment, I can get through it with the same amount of sweat and less foot pain. I can push through the pain of the sore muscles from being new to the exercise, pushing through the pain of the plantar fasciitis is not nearly as easy to do.

    I think it was the jumping rope that made it hurt to the point that I decided to stop. Running in place is a good idea. I think I'll try that!

    This weekend, I hiked on Saturday and felt it but didn't know what it was. I purposely stepped in rocks in an effort to "massage" my foot. Then on Sunday, when I was running, it hurt more. It doesn't hurt when I get out of bed so I'm not 100% that it's PF. I'm going to do stretches and roll my feet on a ball just in case.
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    Round 2 of 30 DS for me! I did Day 2 Level 1 this morning. I have to do it before work or it doesn't get done! Good job for everyone that started!!
  • natasha_nicholls
    natasha_nicholls Posts: 5 Member
    Well I gave it my best shot- but was unable- will need to be more fit before I am able to complete it all. But I will continue to push myself as hard I can on it everyday. It might take me a year, but i'll get it done.
  • Hello, I just joined hoping to find others who would be willing to do Jillian's 30 day shred challenge. I've never joined a fitness online group before and thought it was time to branch out. All my friends think I'm crazy but it's been a long, cold winter in MA and I gained 25 lbs and feel so uncomfortable. I saw Jillian's 90 Day Body Revolution but didn't want to spend the $90 so I found her 30 day shred dvd at Walmart and figured why not. What's 30 days. I plan on starting the challenge on Monday, April 7, 2014. Anyone else interested who hasn't started yet?
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    Good job everyone!!! So glad to see the dedication that is in this group!
  • Melissas9799
    Melissas9799 Posts: 34 Member
    Just completed day one :)
  • Karissa_Clohan
    Karissa_Clohan Posts: 126 Member
    Starting day one in an hour and a half! My younger sister is joining me, and we're super excited!
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    Day 2 = DONE! Those push ups kill me...and, I need better bras for all of these jumping jacks! Good Job, ladies!!!

    First thing I did after trying it the first time was to buy a sports bra. LOL

    I made it through today, but one of my knees is killing me. Strangely enough, after I got to work and was standing for a while, it was better. Sitting down later in the day made it hurt again. My body is weird!
  • sbicica
    sbicica Posts: 52 Member
    Just finished day 4! I was 48 calories over my daily goal but I feel like I earned it with those damn side lunges w/ shoulder raise... (the worst part!!!)
  • sbicica
    sbicica Posts: 52 Member
    I'm done with Day 1. I have to say that the Side Lunges With A Shoulder Raise destroy me. I was dying in those 30 seconds but made it through with plenty of sweat. I'm also following Anita on most of the moves except cardio. Push ups are also a killer but hopefully by the end of the shred I'd have mastered the proper way of doing them.

    I'm off to the gym now....Good Luck guys and please remember to drink plenty of water. It does wonders not just for weight loss but for our skin too :-)

    I HATE the side lunges with shoulder raise. Good to hear you made it through!

    again... SIDE LUNGE W/ SHOULDER RAISE IS THE WORST!!! :-p I wish it was in the first strength segment, I think I would hate it less then...
  • krissj
    krissj Posts: 9
    The worse part for me in day one was the jumping jacks. I just can't jump like I did in my younger days. LOLOL It is now 9:30 and I am heading to bed so I ca get up and be ready for day two. Whoo Whoo.
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    I started yesterday, so today was day 2 for me. My thighs really hurt, whatever muscle that is in there.

    I can't freaking do a single pushup. It's like my arms are incapable of bending in that way. I did wall push-ups instead. I also cannot do the bicycle crunches. Not only do I not have the core strength to raise my legs and crunch simultaneously, I also lack the co-ordination to move my leg and my torso in sync.
  • dmfrank78
    dmfrank78 Posts: 16 Member
    Day 1 of 30DS DONE! I'm so excited to be doing this. I'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of results we all get. Congrats to everyone and let's do it again tomorrow!

    Oh, and I would like to add...it's amazing how much I can sweat in just 20 minutes!!