What's Your Workout?

kittikat1119 Posts: 96 Member
Just want to see what kind of workout everyone is doing (if any).

I am doing Chalean Extreme with TurboFire for extra cardio. I'm not going over an hour a day. I have the option of 2 rest days but I have a feeling it will be 1 rest day a week. I tend to eat worse on rest days, so the less I take the better.

What are you doing?


  • mgoblethomas
    mgoblethomas Posts: 14 Member
    I mostly ridethe recumbent bike, because that is less aggravating to my lower back (I have a herniated disc). I am now up to 50 minutes, 6 days per week, and am hoping to work up to an hour a day - that is what my glaucoma specialist wants me to do. I may try working in some elliptical and treadmill also. And sometimes I dance to reggae music (another concert coming up Tuesday night - Beenie Man!)

    I do strength training (mostly upper body) at least once a week, and back exercises 1-2 times a week (should do them more often). I also love to walk, so I walk when I can (but that is not considered aerobic enough for my glaucoma).

  • pandagirl813
    pandagirl813 Posts: 84 Member
    I think i'm going to start doing STRONGER Month 1 HIIT Workout on YouTube. I did STRONGER: FIRE(the first out of 10 videos) on Thursday and my quads were killing me the next day and i could still feel it on Saturday a little whenever i sat down. Its 30 minutes long, you don't need any equipment and i burned about 410 calories! Its more fun than i thought, and normally workout videos have a least 1 exercise that i cant do because it makes my back hurt but this one didn't have any.
  • AngJac77
    AngJac77 Posts: 37
    I did 6 weeks of Chalean Extreme , have now switched it up to p90x3 into my second week Monday. I may go finish up chalean when I am done this.
  • meglizbo
    meglizbo Posts: 42
    I'm starting p90x3 tomorrow!!! I am SO excited :)
  • calajane
    calajane Posts: 52
    I go to the gym 3 times a week. twice it's for aerobics (once with step involved) and once for modified pilates to engage the muscles and shape them a little. On days without gym, I ride my stationary bike and walk. Right now I allow myself two rest days, but I want to try and cut it to just one day without a workout.
  • glbrocks
    glbrocks Posts: 37
    Cardio 4x per week and full body weight lifting 3x per week. My goal is to be stronger and thin.
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    i workout on my stationary bike or treadmill for 30 minutes 5 out of 7 days a week. and i also am on a swim team and i ride horses at two different places.
  • bestmeicanbe1
    bestmeicanbe1 Posts: 160 Member
    Every day Jillian michaels 30 day shred and yoga. Five days week I do Zumba and squats. And sometimes I just do a random workouts
  • kimekakes28
    kimekakes28 Posts: 103 Member
    I have a set of 21 DVDs from Rival Fusion. They cover cardio and strength training. They are really good DVDs because they have reall people actually do the exercises with you and they explain how to do them, what parts of your body it works, and how to prevent injury. That helped my keep my weight "stable" during the winter months. Now that the weather has warmed up, I will do a four mile walk/jog then do one of the strength training DVDs. I try to work out at least five days a week with alteast an hour of cardio. but I've been slacking the last two weeks. I hope this group with be the encouragement I need.
  • meca85
    meca85 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi all!
    Saturday i finished 30 Day Shred and I lost just about 13lbs.
    Today I started Alpha T25.
    I have been doing Zumba Core for Wii about 5/6 times a week, and since T25 seems pretty intense I'll try to keep up the 5times a week or probably drop it to like 3 times.

    Good luck everyone!
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm doing Jillian Michaels Shred it with weights (kettlebell) as its easy to do in the mornings before I get myself and my son out the door. I might try and start the Insanity videos too, but every time I do them I swear its like the whole house shakes and my son wakes up...lol.

    I also try and do the gym on my lunch hour 5 days a week, which is short but 20 minutes cardio, 20 minutes weight machines. Every bit counts. I am waiting for the nice weather too so I can start jogging.
  • lgrix
    lgrix Posts: 160 Member
    My goal is 10,000 steps per day for the challenge
    Toning class 2 times per week
    Swim 3 times per week 2 miles per swim
    Spin class 1 time per week
    Recumbant bike as often as I can
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    I was lifting a lot but due to various injuries I had to stop, I am now doing HIIT 3-4 times a week as my main source of exercising, on weekends I try a get in a run and a little pick up soccer. I have made the most gains or should I say loss since starting HIIT, but it also coincides with me joining MFP and watching what I eat with the food log. I would recommend HIIT to anybody who likes a fast pace work out.
    If your curious about it just Google Tabata or HIIT.
  • MelissaRettie
    MelissaRettie Posts: 48 Member
    I do Focus T25. I'm currently in my 5th week of the Alpha phase!
  • msjohnson426
    msjohnson426 Posts: 40 Member
    I am doing a mix of Jillian Michaels and going to the gym.
  • ceemcb
    ceemcb Posts: 7 Member
    I feel like such a slacker compared to everyone! I do the elliptical/treadmill for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week and strength training for 15-20 minutes after (alternating upper/lower body).
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    I have an gym quality elliptical at home that I use at least 5 mornings a week for 30 minutes. I also use my lunch break at work to either use the gym we have (running on the treadmill, using weights, stretching, etc) or on nice days (if they ever get here!) I run or walk outside. I exercise during lunch usually all 5 days during the week unless I have a meeting that prevents me from taking a lunch. I am in a Bollywood Dance class one night a week. On the weekends, lately have been doing the elliptical at least one morning, but as it gets nicer, I tend to go for walks and hikes with my husband in the mornings. I have been trying to incorporate more stretching, and core exercise into my workouts.
  • kittikat1119
    kittikat1119 Posts: 96 Member
    I feel like such a slacker compared to everyone! I do the elliptical/treadmill for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week and strength training for 15-20 minutes after (alternating upper/lower body).

    It's not slacking if it works! :happy:
  • calajane
    calajane Posts: 52
    I feel like such a slacker compared to everyone! I do the elliptical/treadmill for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week and strength training for 15-20 minutes after (alternating upper/lower body).

    It's not slacking if it works! :happy:

    Exactly this! It's not slacking if it works. And this really does sound like a regular workout, so good for you!
  • DAY 4.... T 25 It is INTENSE
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm currently on day 11 of 30 day shred, Level 2. If I have time in the morning after I do that, I'll either do 20 minutes of Zumba or do a work-out with my Wii Active. Unless the weather is uncooperative, I walk to and from the train Monday thru Thursday. It's a total of 2 miles to and from, but if it's nice I'll take the long way and that's about a total of 4 miles to and from at a brisk pace. Week-ends along with the shred, I will walk through the neighborhood to the local high school and walk two miles at the track and then back home. If the weather's bad I have a treadmill and will do that. I also signed up for an April challenge with certain exercises each day. Hopefully the weather will start getting nice and I can ride my bike as well! I have to mix it up or I'll get bored! lol
  • KChesneyGal
    KChesneyGal Posts: 63 Member
    i go to a bootcamp class 2-3 times per week, the gym 2-3 times per week and do 30 min cardio then 30 min of weight training and i do 1 hour a week with a trainer
  • ceemcb
    ceemcb Posts: 7 Member
    I checked out a couple of those YouTube Hiit videos! They look like a great supplement for me to use for some diff. ab exercises. Any one just use them for that or do you think you have to do all the different ones?
  • MsFitzpatty
    MsFitzpatty Posts: 31 Member
    I do a mix of stationary bike, hoola-hoop, throw in an exercise video now and then (Jessica Smith, Jillian Michaels, circuit training tapes). Trying to stay under 1200 calories a day give or take. Trying for 60 minutes of exercise at least 3 days a week, but some amount of exercise every day.
  • luisalg14
    luisalg14 Posts: 202 Member
    I've just started up Insanity this week (minus the fit tests). I did two round last year, from Feb-June last year; man! It never gets easy, but I guess that's part of the challenge :smile: I probably won't combine it with much else, other than strength training and yoga in lieu of their 'recovery' days.

    Please add me if anybody's doing Insanity as well.
  • I have fibromyalgia and I have tried a few things and walking seems to be the best fit for me to keep the pain at a minimum. I walk at least 3 miles a day. Often I will do more, about 5-6 miles.
  • weathte
    weathte Posts: 6
    I do some form of water aerobics 5-6 times a week either preceded by or followed by Pilates reformer once a week; Zumba once a week; Yoga once a week and weight-bearing workout twice a week. About 1-1/2 to 2 hours/day and I take Saturdays off.
  • Nadisay
    Nadisay Posts: 18
    Wow....great people, so inspiring, I feel like am lucking behind. Doing insanity, done it b4, and am back on it again, but four times a week, coz my son is always on my breast....it is as hard as ever!
  • weathte
    weathte Posts: 6
    I have fibromyalgia and I have tried a few things and walking seems to be the best fit for me to keep the pain at a minimum. I walk at least 3 miles a day. Often I will do more, about 5-6 miles.

    I also have Fibromyalgia (and OA and RA). In Physical Therapy I was introduced to water exercise. It started with barely being able to walk across the pool, and now, 7 year later, I do water aerobics of some form most days as well as some land-based exercise. I can't do much on land, but I find I can do almost ANYTHING in water. Worth a try if you have a pool nearby.
  • Blanche76
    Blanche76 Posts: 89 Member
    Jillian Michaels body revolution 5 days a week in the mornings before the kids wake up, I'm going to step it up and start working out Saturdays and have Sunday as rest day.