April 1st - Day One



  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member
    I'm done with Day 1. I have to say that the Side Lunges With A Shoulder Raise destroy me. I was dying in those 30 seconds but made it through with plenty of sweat. I'm also following Anita on most of the moves except cardio. Push ups are also a killer but hopefully by the end of the shred I'd have mastered the proper way of doing them.

    I'm off to the gym now....Good Luck guys and please remember to drink plenty of water. It does wonders not just for weight loss but for our skin too :-)

    I HATE the side lunges with shoulder raise. Good to hear you made it through!

    again... SIDE LUNGE W/ SHOULDER RAISE IS THE WORST!!! :-p I wish it was in the first strength segment, I think I would hate it less then...

    For sure the worst part! Good job on the first day ladies. I'm alternating with c25k so see you for day 2 on Thursday.
  • eclaireya
    eclaireya Posts: 61 Member
    Level 1, Day 1 in the books!!! Slightly depressing as I wanted to take a break about 2 minutes into the first set. Sad to see how out of shape I have gotten....

    Great job ladies and bring on day 2! :)
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I'm so proud of everyone! Great job whether you finished, or didn't quite make it as far as you wanted. You still decided to try and give it your all! Be proud of yourself and see you guys tomorow!
  • hulamama808
    hulamama808 Posts: 499 Member
    Day 1 Done! Yay!
    Two teacher friends joined me today - we locked the classroom door after school and shut the blinds and moaned and groaned and complained loudly at Jillian's bossing us around, but we did it!

    I know that I looked like an old lady today with the modifications that I had to put into play - reverse lunges instead of squats because of bad knees, tiny jumping jacks to protect knees, "girl style" push-ups, and only imaginary weights - but I know that I got a good workout. I really want to make it through all 30 days so I think the modifications now will help protect me from injury as I build up my strength and endurance. Small steps!
  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    Just did day 1! A little later than everyone else, but I didn't get home from school until 7 pm and I live on the west coast so it's later here than other places :p It wasn't too bad, but it really hurts the bottom of my feet like some of you guys said. It hurts my arch really bad, and sometimes parts of my ankles and knees... but my whole legs are really messed up from running marathons when I was younger, so any other workout would be just as bad on my legs! Besides swimming.

    Can't wait to get to day 2. It's a challenge but it's well worth it.
  • Day 1 done! I am so out of shape and only stopped once for a drink of water! I am so proud of myself and everyone for making it through DAY 1 !!! First day of forever changing our lives! Great job everyone!
  • Day 1 of Level 1 COMPLETE!

    *Can't do a proper pushup yet. I am hoping that I will eventually be able to complete the Level 1 circuit doing proper pushups.
    *Why is jump rope so hard for me? I could do jumping jacks all day long with no problem, but jump rope? (I still did it anyway, despite how mad I was at doing them, haha)
    *I agree with everyone else on side lunges. I am proud of myself, though, for doing them without taking a break.
    *I picked the WORST time to get a new, and somewhat big, forearm tattoo when it comes to lifting weights. Oh well! Persevere!

    So proud of everyone on completing day 1! I did mine kind of late (it's my only day off and I wanted to binge watch my guilty pleasure show) but I am soooo excited to get this train moving until we complete day 30!

  • ryker789
    ryker789 Posts: 255 Member
    Day 1: Done! It was tough, but I can't imagine how hard it would have been 10 weeks ago. Great job everyone.
  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    Hello, I just joined hoping to find others who would be willing to do Jillian's 30 day shred challenge. I've never joined a fitness online group before and thought it was time to branch out. All my friends think I'm crazy but it's been a long, cold winter in MA and I gained 25 lbs and feel so uncomfortable. I saw Jillian's 90 Day Body Revolution but didn't want to spend the $90 so I found her 30 day shred dvd at Walmart and figured why not. What's 30 days. I plan on starting the challenge on Monday, April 7, 2014. Anyone else interested who hasn't started yet?

    Most of us just started today but some started a day or two ago. I think you'll be fine starting on the 7th if that's what works for you.
  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    Since I was only about to do 1/3 of the DVD this morning due to foot pain, I tried again tonight. Happily, I was able to complete the whole thing. I did the plank challenge too. :) Now it's time to massage my foot!!
  • Completed day one a few hours ago and I'm as out of shape as I thought T-T maybe more..
    But, we shall get through this!
    Can't wait to see those results at the end of this month, despite the dumb bell squats >.< My arms just turn to noodles!
  • Imperfect_Angel
    Imperfect_Angel Posts: 220 Member
    I'm done with Day 1. I have to say that the Side Lunges With A Shoulder Raise destroy me. I was dying in those 30 seconds but made it through with plenty of sweat. I'm also following Anita on most of the moves except cardio. Push ups are also a killer but hopefully by the end of the shred I'd have mastered the proper way of doing them.

    I'm off to the gym now....Good Luck guys and please remember to drink plenty of water. It does wonders not just for weight loss but for our skin too :-)

    I HATE the side lunges with shoulder raise. Good to hear you made it through!

    again... SIDE LUNGE W/ SHOULDER RAISE IS THE WORST!!! :-p I wish it was in the first strength segment, I think I would hate it less then...

    For sure the worst part! Good job on the first day ladies. I'm alternating with c25k so see you for day 2 on Thursday.

    I agree that the side lunges should have been in the 1st strength segment (which is my worst BTW). I was almost in tears doing them and they just wouldn't end! Anybody else who absolutely screams doing punches? I sink really low & it absolutely annihilates my soul lol. Worse than Jumping Jacks me thinks ????
  • Day 1 over - harder than I thought, went at my own pace!
  • danabm
    danabm Posts: 47 Member
    Day 1 Completed last night and boy did I break a sweat. It seem to take forever and she is talking about a 20 minute work out but it took 27 minutes...Weird, but I guess she doesn't count the warm up and cool down.
  • Oops... Day 1 got away from me and I didn't get a work out in :-( I could say it's because I worked a full 8 hours, then went to school for 2 hours, then came home and ate dinner and had to prep dinner for tonight (doing Whole30 which started yesterday and if you haven't done it, it requires a lot of meal prep) and before I knew it, it was almost 11pm. So, excuses aside, it was all just poor planning on my part. I'll start today and go until May 2nd :-) I'll even start getting up a little earlier if needed to fit it in in the morning if I have to.

    Cheers to everyone who got it done yesterday! WAY TO GO and KEEP GOING! :-)
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Since I was only about to do 1/3 of the DVD this morning due to foot pain, I tried again tonight. Happily, I was able to complete the whole thing. I did the plank challenge too. :) Now it's time to massage my foot!!
    Great job pushing through!!
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Day 2 complete!! Grumpy toddler next to me and all!!
  • rachelamber_x
    rachelamber_x Posts: 104 Member
    OMG that was tougher than I expected!!!!
    Guess I'm more unfit than I thought!
  • jcubedatund
    jcubedatund Posts: 71 Member
    I just started my day 1 today. I needed to get some hand weights. It was tougher than expected, but I finished and I am feeling that awesome sense of exhausted, sore, and a whole lot of satisfaction. On to day 2 tomorrow :)