


  • houseofjane
    houseofjane Posts: 4 Member
    Tell us about yourself: I'm a full time working mom who's tired of being tired and am ready to get fit!

    How old are your kids? 19 mo

    How long have you been here on MFP? 6 months +

    What are your goals? To be able to enjoy looking at a picture of myself

    Share anything you'd like! I'm super excited to meet other moms who are looking to be happy and healthy
  • godot77
    godot77 Posts: 24
    Hi, I'm 36, mom of 2, step-mom of 2 more who live with me.

    My kids are 1, 5, 7, and 12.

    I've been active here for about a month.

    My goal is to fit into my tiny pre-pregnancy clothes again. I gained about 60 and have about 40 left to lose.

    I'm 5'5", my pre-preg size was a 4, and I'm in a 12. I need to be at about 125-130. Looking for others who are daily loggers, working out as much as possible, and maybe also on fitbit.
  • Tell us about yourself!

    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Krystle and I am a 28 year old mother of a 2.5 month old little boy. This is my first week here at Myfitnesspal and I am thoroughly enjoying all the motivation that I am seeing thus far. I am currently 189.4lbs and would like to reach my goal of 160-165lbs.
  • Hello,

    My name is CaSandra and I am 29 years old. I just had a baby 4 weeks ago and ready to lose my pregnancy weight. The doctor released me and now I am ready to get healthy. I have three kids, one is 10, 3 and 4 weeks old. I lost 34 pounds before using this site after my 3 year old. I am starting early this time instead of waiting two years. Nice to meet you all.
  • AishaL1
    AishaL1 Posts: 31 Member
    My name is Aisha, and I've learned so much over the last 2 years. I'm married, I have a 4 year old and I'm enjoying life. It's not easy in the beginning of losing weight, because you're overwhelmed with so much information. It takes maybe 6 months to a year to find out what works for you, and after that it's all about discipline and consistency. I enjoyed reading some of your post and wish you nothing but the best. You Can and Will do it! Xoxo
  • Hello! I'm 32, married, and a mother/step- mother of 7 girls! I decided to join MFP in an attempt to tone my body and loose the extra baby weight! Exercise has never been an important part of my life. However, after having my fourth baby in November of 2012, I desperately want to lose that extra baby fat!! So, here goes nothing…
  • mlcollie
    mlcollie Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! My name is Michelle and I’m 33. I have two beautiful sons, my oldest just turned 2 last month and my youngest is almost 5 months. I gained about 50 pounds with my first pregnancy and had lost all but about 20 by the time he was a year old. We were surprised to find out I was pregnant again a few days before his first birthday. I really wanted to get my weight down so I wouldn’t be uncomfortable before getting pregnant again but sometimes life has other plans. ;-) I planned on staying in shape through my whole 2nd pregnancy but about 18 weeks in, I fell down the stairs and broke my foot and sprained my ankle horribly. I was in a cast and on bed rest for 6 weeks which really put a damper on my workouts.
    Luckily I watched what I ate and when my foot was better stayed semi-active…mostly chasing around a 1 year old. I only gained 13 pounds with my 2nd. I’ve lost all that weight but I still have 20+ lbs I would like to lose. I find it hard to find time to work out with 2 little ones and working full time. I joined the gym here at work and am trying to steal away time most days to go even if it’s for 30 minutes. I just started MFP again but have been a member for years.
  • nikole4712
    nikole4712 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, my name is Nikki. I just turned 32 on Monday and I have 3 kids. They are 10, 6 and 15 months. I have gained and lost the pregnancy weight the first two times. After my last baby I have gained 30 pounds POST pregnancy. I am at my heaviest weight ever and it's time for it all to go. I wanna take my time and do it right so I can keep it off for good!! I have been at it for about 1.5 months and I have lost 10 pounds. Only 60 more pounds to go :)
  • im 21 years old going to be 22 on sunday!!!
    i have 2 kids one is 2 months old and one is 2 years old.
    Im trying to loose weight with my husband so we can be healthier for our growing family.
    I lost a ton of weight after my first kid buit this time i havent had much luck.
  • Hello everyone! :-) My name is Brandi and I am a new mom to my beautiful daughter Kira Noel-Karen who was born 10/25/13. She was born at 36 weeks 2 days and has been a great blessing to my life..... I lost all my baby weight and then some in the first three weeks she was home and then I went on birth control and ended up putting thirteen pounds back on. I went back to work full time four weeks after having her and was being scheduled to many hours and didn't have enough time with my daughter and ended up with a small case of post partum depression. I am now working part time and thinking about becoming a stay at home mom. I have never been happier and now I just need to get some support so I don't give up on my weight loss journey...

    I have been a mfp member for two days.
  • Hi Everyone!

    I just turned 28 and I have a 20 month old son (Sam). You would think with all the Toddler chasing, the pounds would melt right off, but... :-) I really want to fix all my unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. I used to be an athlete that loved working out and playing sports, but now I find myself content ordering Chinese food after a long day of Toddler wrangling.

    I'm really excited to know there are parents everywhere that are trying to live better for themselves and their families, it's really inspiring. Good luck everyone, and I look forward to hearing everyone's stories!
  • acbertoldi
    acbertoldi Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Adela. I am 39 years old and gave birth to my first child (a girl) in August 2013. I worked out just about every day until I went into labor, but I had a very rough delivery that kept me in the hospital for 8 days after 3 emergency surgeries and 7 blood transfusions. I was bed ridden for quite sometime with a newborn. Thank goodness I have a very supportive husband who was able to take paternity leave. Our baby girl was born perfect, FYI. The experience, however, did a number on my body. I am a size 2/4 at 135lbs. My current weight is 170, body fat is 29.9, and I am a size 12. I am turning 40 in September and want to be on my way to my old weight by then!
  • surabhimhjn
    surabhimhjn Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Surabhi. My husband & I are lawyers and have been married for 3 yrs and had our precious little daughter in November 2013. I have been on mfp since December 2013 but I have regular only for the last couple of weeks. I was always a thin girl weighing around 110lbs at 5'4" but I gained 5lbs on bcp. I conceived my daughter 2 months after I got off the pill and therefore started my pregnancy at around 115lbs. I gained a total of 40lbs! That too when I was doing prenatal yoga and walking over a mile each day! She was a tiny baby though, weighed 5.5lbs. I have been ebfing ever since and I've lost around 22lbs but I still have 17lbs to go!

    2 weeks back I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's (goodbye thyroid) and I've been put on thyronorm (same thing as synthroid). Still bfing and planning on starting to wean her next month.

    I'm a vegetarian, (mostly) a healthy eater but the weight is stuck!:cry: I would love love love to be back in shape by our birthday (my daughter and I have our birthdays in the same week) because we plan on taking her to the beach! Won't mind being in shape before that either!

    I've heard people lose weight on bfing, didn't happen for me. I'm justly swollen and puffy. Let's see what weaning does!
  • jacquid17
    jacquid17 Posts: 2
    Hello, my name is Jacqui. I am a mother of two and am really ready to loose that baby weight! Looking forward to reading your post for inspiration! Thanks :)
  • Megpassmore
    Megpassmore Posts: 1 Member
    How old are your kids? 2 years and 10 months both boys

    How long have you been here on MFP? I joined after my first then stopped when i got preggo and just started up about a month ago

    What are your goals? loose 40lbs of baby weight i held onto i gained 60lbs with each kid and didn't have time to lose it all before i got preggo with my 2nd

    I am 24 and married for almost 4 years (on august 13th) I am a SAHM and starting a photography business for evenings and weekends.
  • dmgould81
    dmgould81 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, my name is Danielle. I'm 33 years old and I have a 3 month old girl named Violet. I also work full time as an NP. I've been on MFP for years but never really active on it. I lost 60 lbs a bout 5 years ago, then I moved in with my husband (who is 6'4 and eats like it) and had the baby, so I gained it all back plus 20... My goal is to get motivated, get back to the gym, and be at goal weight before its time to have another one!
  • ahmpierce1
    ahmpierce1 Posts: 221 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm Ashley and I am a proud momma of a 6 month old son!
    I have been an MFP'er since 2011 when I joined to lose weight for my wedding. I ended up losing 22 pounds and feeling great about myself. Now, I'm back to lose that same 22 pounds that I packed on with baby!
  • yvonnemhansen
    yvonnemhansen Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm Yvonne and I have a 16 month old daughter. I have been overweight for most of my adult life and I am sick of it. I feel so old and moody all of the time and I really want to be a better and healthier role model for my daughter so she learns to put health and fitness as a priority in her life. There are lots of reasons why she might be unhappy in her life but I don't want being unhealthy to be a part of it. :) I have just over 100 pounds to lose and I am just getting started on the 21 Day Fix program with Shakeology. I would love to get support and be support for others as well!!
  • Palmdesertgirl
    Palmdesertgirl Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm a mom to 3 beautiful girls(4, 2, and 8 months) and am looking to build a support system for myself as I undertake losing all of this baby weight! I started with wanting to losing 75 pounds and have lost 7 so far. Its a tough journey and would love the extra mommy support. I'm also new to MFP so still learning the ropes. Thank you!
  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    Hi mama's! My name is Kara, I have a 2.5 year old son. I have been on and off with MFP since 2012 but consistently back for just shy of a month now. Back in 2012 I lost 40 lbs with MFP but gained most of it back. I'm committed to taking it off and keeping it off this time- my goal is to lose 125 lbs and I'm down a total of 11 lbs so far. Always looking for additional support!