philippians 4:13

In what ways do you find yourself tapping in to God's strength through your daily life?


  • DorthyMontine
    DorthyMontine Posts: 4 Member
    prayer and meditating on His word which is truth, life, & powerful!
  • browns1908
    browns1908 Posts: 9 Member
    One of my New Year's goals this year was to start off every single day by praying and spending time reading and meditating on God's Word(before checking email or FB). It has by far been the best decision that I have ever made...I feel like my day goes better when I invite God to be an active part of it first thing. He is now a priority...not just someone that I "fit in" to my schedule. I also pray through out the day...more often when I am feeling anxious and stressed. ALL of my strength comes from God....
  • Peg4Jesus7
    Peg4Jesus7 Posts: 36 Member
    When I lift up something in prayer, say before going somewhere or as I'm preparing to do something, it always seems to go better than expected! Then I look back and remember that I had prayed ~ makes me wonder why I don't pray all the time, about everything! Prayer seriously works!! :)
  • MaryIM
    MaryIM Posts: 159 Member
    For me, it's doing devotions in the morning. Ideally, first thing before I "get busy" with the daily stuff.

    I also try to be in prayer throughout the day. Often short prayers. I like to pray when walking for exercise.

    And to surround myself with Christian friends! I sing in the choir at church and love being in choir -- it's a form of worship! I find myself singing choir songs in my head during the week.
  • ckdprevent
    ckdprevent Posts: 105 Member
    I tap into God's grace by spending time with Him daily. I read my Bible daily. Last year I made a commitment to read the entire Bible. I am 46 years old and have never done that. I have learned so much and truly feel the presence of God working in me. I also spend time in prayer daily, laying my praise and struggles to His feet. Now I have laid my physical being, my eating, my exercise, etc. at His feet.