Feeling discouraged :(

katrien1 Posts: 29 Member
Ladies, I am feeling so discouraged! I'm at the end of Stage 2, and have yet to see any physical changes progress I lift 3 days a week, do yoga once a week and run 1-2 days a week, and I eat about 1750 calories a day with 40/30/30 carbs, protein, fats. My weight has not gone down one ounce, and my body looks exactly the same. I have lost 1 inch off each of my thighs, my nothing off my waist (that might be due to me not exactly sure how to measure accurately). I am noticing that I'm getting stronger and progressing with my workouts, but it's just so discouraging to not see any changes with my body when I know I'm trying so hard. Has anyone else experienced the same thing? Or any advice? Thanks!!


  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I have finished Stage 2 and I am UP five pounds since starting this program, so it could be worse.:laugh: I am using my rest week to cut a couple hundred calories per day, hoping to trim down a bit. Hang in there and finish!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    It took a while for me to see the differences - wait for the whoosh lol all of a sudden I noticed and I've been noticing changes non stop ever since. I'm just about to finish Stage 4
  • sclaibo
    sclaibo Posts: 136 Member
    Are you taking pictures? Sometimes the mirror lies!
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    Are you running on your non-lift days? Could that be hindering your recovery? Are you eating 1750+workout calories or does that include your workout calories? Did you come to that number from the book's calculations? Just trying to think through it :) Hang in there.
  • katrien1
    katrien1 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm running on my non-lift days, but usually no more than 3 miles and nothing too intense. Running really relieves stress for me so I enjoy doing it and would hate to stop. The book tells me to eat 2219 on workout days and 1973 on non-workout days, so I am definitely eating less than the book suggests. I've been slowly upping my calories over the last few months, and while I have lots more energy, it takes me a while to get used to eating so much more. So I'm trying to work my way up to 2219 haha! I don't eat back the calories I burn from running, but if I am more hungry than usual I will eat something. I don't know what to do haha I'm trying so hard but nothing seems to be doing anything :) While strength gains are awesome, I really need to lose these pesky 10-12 lbs I gained on a month long vacation in December.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    The way I try to view my five pound gain is that I must trust in the process. I still have 5 more stages to complete so I will try not to judge my progress until the end. Seriously, my five pound gain could be part new muscle and part water retention from lifting. I know it's not new fat because my measurements are improving in the places I was hoping. You could have lost five pounds of fat, gained muscle/water and so the scale isn't moving but you are progressing all the same. Trust in the process and don't let the scale discourage you.
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    It wasn't until about 3-4 months into the program that I saw results. Fitting smaller clothes, decreased body fat, never did see a drop on the scale. Keep at it, changes will happen:)
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Starting stage 2 this week, after stage 1 I gained about 4-5 lbs and my belly looks bigger to me. My legs are a lot nicer and my husband says my butt never looked better, but I really was hoping to get some flatter abs. But I took some pictures and they don't show much change.

    All in all, changing your body takes time, and as they all said- trust the process, it will happen.
  • hskriver
    hskriver Posts: 33 Member
    Losing 1 inch off each thigh sounds like progress to me :smile: (I know I would be ecstatic if I saw that type of decrease myself!). But like others have said, it does take some time for your body to change and your weight loss may not be fast.
  • Hi all, hope it's ok to rejuvenate this thread as I'm going through something similar. I'm about to start my 10th week of training, into the second week of stage 2. So this week I'll do b/a/b, which means 2 x intervals after b. I run between 3 and 5 miles on non lifting days and have one rest day per week. Diet wise I've been strict for 7 weeks but tend to have a little treat on a Sunday with a roast dinner at my mums but even then I try and be sensible. Mfp app is set to 1485 which is my goal for non lifting days, for lifting days t should be 1785. I hardly ever reach the lower figure which I know is less than ideal.

    So far I'm seeing some difference in my upper body which is more defined and my butt seems higher. I've not measured myself and have no idea of body fat %! I feel this needs to change as today I'm gutted to see no change on the scales again (10 stone 6 for the 3rd week). I've lost 5lb only since starting. Any advice of the best method to analyse measurements and/or body fat would be fantastic as the lack of progress on the scales is really frustrating!