New member

Rosmerly318 Posts: 5 Member
Just saying Hi to everyone. I'm new to the group. On my second round of T25 ... I completed Alpha and Beta last month and lost 10 pounds...hoping to go down another 7lbs with my second round. Wold love more but shooting for 7 at least. Looking forward to chatting with you all :)



  • asherman1008
    Awesome results for your first round! That is great! I just started Beta today and really liked it. I am planning on picking Alpha back up when I am done too except I am going to give Gamma a try before that. Way to go! Keep it up :)
  • Rosmerly318
    Rosmerly318 Posts: 5 Member
    Yea I may try Gamma too after this round. Let me know how you like it.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Hi! Great results! I can definitely see myself redoing Alpha + Beta at some point too. I really think it's a great program.

    I'm currently doing Gamma.. in my first week. I made a board about Gamma if you are interested. :) I can already see myself repeating Gamma right after finishing it once. I think I may try something new like P90X3 when I'm done with that, though.
  • slik1227
    slik1227 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi Rosie! I am on Week 3 of beta and down 7 and loving it! Welcome :smile: