FitBit Flex and arm swinging (stroller use)

jme814 Posts: 4 Member
Will the Flex count my steps accurately if I'm pushing a jogging stroller (and my arms aren't moving)? Sorry if this has been covered before or a stupid question. Thanks!


  • dimple_gal
    dimple_gal Posts: 138 Member
    I find when I am pushing a shopping cart, it doesn't track. Maybe if you are running or jogging it will pick up the steps. I also find that when I use the eliptical, it doesn't track the steps if I hold on with the hand the Flex is on. If I put my hand on my hip, or in my pocket, it works great.
  • twinkles2121
    twinkles2121 Posts: 137 Member
    I attach it to my ankle when i'm grocery shopping, carrying stuff, etc.
  • SummerOBX8
    I try to only push the stroller with my non fitbit arm.

    I know when I grocery shop and push the cart, my fitbit goes automatically into sleep mode. I hate that. I have to push the wobbly walmart carts with my toddler in it with two hands.
  • bikingpanda
    bikingpanda Posts: 68 Member
    When pushing a shopping cart I take the fitbit off and put it in my pocket. That works for me at least.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    It does not track while you are pushing a stroller, or at least not accurately... I use the bigger band and put it around my ankle. If that doesn't work, I think putting it in your pocket would work - maybe not as accurately but I never want to miss getting credit for those steps!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I get so confused when I read posts like this because my fitbit tracks my steps when I am walking or doing anything like pushing a cart and my arms do not have to be swinging. I have my fitbit connected to my Iphone by bluetooth. I have held my fit bit in my hand that I wear my fitbit on and watched my Iphone app track each step as I walk. Same with pushing a cart - my phone is sitting in the cart on my purse and I will watch the steps track as I push the cart and again my hands do not swing by my side. So I assumed that the fitbit is designed to pick up your body movements not necessarily your arms swinging.

    Has anyone else tried this and had it track for you too?
  • SummerOBX8
    When pushing a shopping cart I take the fitbit off and put it in my pocket. That works for me at least.

    Thanks! I did that today and checking my stats, I got 400-500 steps each 15 mins. So that sounds about right IMO. Since I am not walking really fast though the store.
  • almoyo
    almoyo Posts: 1 Member
    Mine doesn't give me credit for steps when I push the stroller. I put it on my hip when I walk for exercise. (Usually wrap it around my undies at the hip).
  • boomerkae
    boomerkae Posts: 217 Member
    Excellent suggestions! I felt I was missing steps while grocery shopping and probably was. I try occiasionally to push with one hand, but with two kids hanging on at one point or another, a wobbly walmart cart and full of groceries, not always possible! I've also had it enter sleep mode!
  • changingL1sa
    changingL1sa Posts: 54 Member
    I find that mine tracks my steps accurately, even when I am pushing a shopping cart.
  • mrsbuggs
    mrsbuggs Posts: 2 Member
    My fitbit flex tracks steps when i am sitting knitting, i like the zip much better its more accurate
  • 100andOnward
    100andOnward Posts: 145 Member
    Mine seems to track OK when I'm pushing a cart or using the elliptical, but it seems to measure fewer steps (about 40% fewer) when I walk in place at my desk. Will have to try the pocket thing.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    I haven't really noticed but I will check. I did notice at the gym the other day it didn't track when I was holding the bar and checking my heart rate on the treadmill.