Starving on 1100 calories

monicas318 Posts: 6 Member
I'm so hungry and I'm not losing any weight and I'm only eating 1100 calories a day :( I'm 5'7" and 201.1 pounds.... I really don't want to go any lower and if I exercise more than 15 minutes and get dizzy....Any ideas?


  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    I eat between 1000 and 1100 and am full, what does your food diary look like? I get a lot of fruit and veggies and protein.
  • sebedina
    sebedina Posts: 161 Member
    Maybe you aren't eating enough, that sounds too low and body isn't having the kickstart it needs
  • lmjblues
    lmjblues Posts: 117 Member
    Hi Monica. I struggled with the low calorie requirements out of the gate too. So I changed them. I workout 5 - 6 days a week and 1200 cals a day was too low. Now I'm just getting started, so we'll see what kind of affect it has on weight loss, but so far so good.

    Also, I've included some links I've found out here that have been really helpful in figuring out my own personal goals for nutrition and calories. Hope this helps!!

    Good luck!!

    For those looking for a clear explanation of weight loss:

    Trying to figure out how to get started?:

    Confused about all those crazy acronyms?
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    1100 calories is too low - you should be eating a minimum of 1200 per day and probably more than that - did you set up your account properly and let the program calculate you BMR? If you are exercising you should be eating back 1/3 to 3/4 of those calories back. Your body needs fuel. Check the links that Imjblues posted - it should help you out.
  • MsDillieBar
    MsDillieBar Posts: 414 Member
    1100 calories is too low - you should be eating a minimum of 1200 per day and probably more than that - did you set up your account properly and let the program calculate you BMR? If you are exercising you should be eating back 1/3 to 3/4 of those calories back. Your body needs fuel. Check the links that Imjblues posted - it should help you out.

    Agreed!!! You can lose weight without being miserable!! Figure out what your BMR is and DON'T eat below that! Make sure your weight loss goal isn't too aggressive. Focus on adding exercise calories instead. I find that I'm quite satiated and still stay under my net calorie goal. Feel free to check out my diary if you like.
  • onematch
    onematch Posts: 241 Member
    Increase your calories. You won't stick to it if you're starving all the time. And your body needs the energy.
    I aim for between 1200 and 1400 per day, but some people will tell you even that is too low.

    Good luck!
  • wantintolose40
    wantintolose40 Posts: 28 Member
    1100 calories may be too low. Your body needs fuel, so eat fruits, veggies and protein. I am 5'7" and weigh 200. I workout at least 45 minutes a day 6-7 days a week, and I keep my calories between 1200 and 1500 ( try to anyway). I don't deprive myself of things I want to eat though because for me it is not realistic. This is the end of my 3rd week and I have lost 4 pounds. Try to up your calorie count and if you're not use to working out start slow and build up your endurance. Every little bit helps. Feel free to add me and we can motivate and support each other throughout our journey.
  • TudorRose2013
    TudorRose2013 Posts: 25 Member
    I really hope you'll consider increasing your calories! I eat between 1400 - 1550 a day and am losing. If you are feeling dizzy at all, it's a clear sign you're not getting enough calories. Try to increase your calories for a few weeks and see how you feel! It's much easier to lose weight and keep it off when you're not starving and weak.

    Feel free to add me if you need some motivation and support. :)
  • duichaser
    duichaser Posts: 172 Member
    Why are you only eating 1100 calories? That is not enough for anyone. You should raise that up. If your body is not getting enough, it will start to store what it thinks it will need to get through. Depending on your weight loss goals, you should be able to raise that up and make great progress. Drink plenty of water so your body doesn't feel as hungry, and I would say go up to AT LEAST 1200 cals. I started this shindig at 248 pounds and lived off 1700 cals while losing 50 pounds in 5 months. This isn't about starving, it is about being reasonable with food and accountable for exercising regularly.
  • skrlec70
    skrlec70 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi , did your MFP profile say to eat only 1100 calories per day? that's not enough, check your settings, based on your height and weight that is not enough, im 5"5 and 185 and they have mine set to 1200, days I find that I have low carbs, yes im starving, im a snacker of the midnight type also lol I find that if I need more carbs with dinner , I sleep straight through the night and im not hungry.
  • biddy249
    biddy249 Posts: 76 Member
    My guess is MFP does not recommend 1100 calories a day. This is a lifestyle adjustment not a fad diet. If you set your MFP goals and really track what you eat you will be fine. It is a simple equation of calories in calories out. You have to have a deficit daily to make it work but it must be reasonable. Weight loss doesn't happen overnight so treat your body properly and don't starve it, if you eat good balanced meals that fuel the body you will get the results you want. Patience is the key, follow the plan and it will work for you.
  • gitnfit2
    gitnfit2 Posts: 203 Member
    Like everyone else here I would recommend upping your calories especially if you are working out. You should never feel dizzy when working out. I normally try to plan my food intake around what workout I will be doing that day. If it is a high calorie burn day like a long run I try to take in more food and some type of high protein snack at least 30 minutes before for an energy boost. My profile is open so you are free to go through it. Just ignore the lack of entry this past weekend. bday weekends tend to get ugly in the food category :)
  • tammcclure
    I saw a professional dietician a few years ago when I had another round of blood clots due to having what is called thrombophillia. She was to help me figure out what foods were too high in vitamin K because it thickens the blood. Anyway, while we were at it she did my BMR and talked to me about how she would never, ever recommend a 1200 calorie diet to any adult. It isn't enough to power your body, you need nutrients, and yes you even need some fat in your diet. Your body will go into starvation mode and you won't lose weight and your metabolism flatlines.

    Her advice at that time as I was over 350 pounds was that I should be eating no less than 2300 calories a day. Each 5 to 10 pound loss I had to re-figure that number I am around 1900 calories a day now and I've gotten so good at eating healthy and exercise that I have a hard time eating ENOUGH these days. By the way I've lost 94 pounds so far. So don't get discouraged. Step back and re-evaluate. A normal adult female with moderate exercise needs about 1800 to 2000 calories a day to maintain a healthy weight so going on a 1200 calorie diet is just too strict and can be dangerous. As you mentioned you are feeling dizzy. Be sure to remember to include your work in your daily exercise too. You have to have enough calories to do your work and have enough fuel to power you through a work out, walk or other exercise you are doing.
  • kerrihmiller
    kerrihmiller Posts: 5 Member
    If you eat too few of calories, your body goes into starvation mode and stores fat. You will not loose weight if you do not eat enough and also replace what you burn during exercise.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Are you using the MFP tools above and tracking your food? Make sure to get enough protein which helps keep you full longer. Good luck.
  • soywoman
    soywoman Posts: 51 Member
    I'm so hungry and I'm not losing any weight and I'm only eating 1100 calories a day :( I'm 5'7" and 201.1 pounds.... I really don't want to go any lower and if I exercise more than 15 minutes and get dizzy....Any ideas?

    It doesn't sound like you are eating enough...You need to eat to maintain..the more you work out and the less you eat...your body won't let go of the weight...
  • staciedee10
    staciedee10 Posts: 90 Member
    HOLY MOLY - no wonder you're starving. 1100 calories is not enough for your height & weight. Your body is probably in starvation mode. Shoot for 1400 calories next week and see if you drop 2-3 lbs. immediately. I found that I have to "trick" my body from time to time by adding or taking away calories every once in a while. Important to have a cheat meal or two every week & stay on track the rest of the time. Everyone's body is different. Make a change by adding calories to see if that will work. If you gain, take some calories away. Switch it up. Lot's of luck & go EAT some more calories! =)
  • soywoman
    soywoman Posts: 51 Member
    HOLY MOLY - no wonder you're starving. 1100 calories is not enough for your height & weight. Your body is probably in starvation mode. Shoot for 1400 calories next week and see if you drop 2-3 lbs. immediately. I found that I have to "trick" my body from time to time by adding or taking away calories every once in a while. Important to have a cheat meal or two every week & stay on track the rest of the time. Everyone's body is different. Make a change by adding calories to see if that will work. If you gain, take some calories away. Switch it up. Lot's of luck & go EAT some more calories! =)

  • ProfessorCurlz
    Any updates on how you have adjusted your daily calorie intake?? Im just wondering...
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    I feel ya. My 5 yr old is on a diet set up by a nutritionist and a dietician. It's around 1300 calories give or take. I was just informed by his doctor that he wants me to be eating exactly what my son eats. A 1200-1300 calorie diet. It has only been 3 days and I feel like I am starving. I am supposed to eat back my calories, but wow it's been hard. (I don't know if it is going to help with my weight loss). The program is helping me realize that fruits and veggies are essential in having a low calorie diet and staying full.