Being invited to dinner

pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
Hi everyone! Hope Day 3 is going well. I need some ideas and support from you guys. My boyfriend and I are invited to a colleague's home for dinner on Saturday night. For many reasons, I do not want to tell these people that I am watching what I eat. Do you have any tips for how to control what I eat there without being able to weigh and measure things? Should I just eat light during the day and maybe have a protein shake before I go? I don't want to be rude and not eat, but I also don't want to overdo it!


  • agent85
    agent85 Posts: 23 Member
    just fill your plate with whatever they have thats healthiest, and if they have something bad, like something fried and you feel rude turning it down just take a tiny portion. probably nobody will notice or say anything but if they do just say something like "ummm... i love veggies." or something like that. and you could always just push the bad stuff around on your plate or use the old hide it in the napkin trick. lol.
  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    I'm a super picky eater (think of the worst three-year old and that's me) so I have this challenge a lot. I also have a food allergy and I have been known to use it as an excuse. :)

    Eating before you go is a good idea. The other thing I have done is put the food on my plate but then pass it off to my husband when no one is looking!
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    How did it go? I love socializing and that's when I tend to overeat or eat off plan.
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    How did it go? I love socializing and that's when I tend to overeat or eat off plan.

    I was about 95 calories over for the day. I was upset but it wasn't too bad. I mean, we had healthy food like kale salad, roasted fish, homemade bread! But I totally killed a creme brulee at dessert. I managed to control myself on the wine though!
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    How did it go? I love socializing and that's when I tend to overeat or eat off plan.

    I was about 95 calories over for the day. I was upset but it wasn't too bad. I mean, we had healthy food like kale salad, roasted fish, homemade bread! But I totally killed a creme brulee at dessert. I managed to control myself on the wine though!

    Only 95 calories over is WONDERFUL!!! Way to go. I love crème brulee and the whole menu sounds wonderful. I would have a tough time controlling the wine, it's my favorite. We had a celebration anniversary dinner with my in-laws on Friday at a local restaurants Chef's table, 5 courses with wine pairings! It's probably amazing that I *only* gained 2# last week, haha!
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    How did it go? I love socializing and that's when I tend to overeat or eat off plan.

    I was about 95 calories over for the day. I was upset but it wasn't too bad. I mean, we had healthy food like kale salad, roasted fish, homemade bread! But I totally killed a creme brulee at dessert. I managed to control myself on the wine though!

    Only 95 calories over is WONDERFUL!!! Way to go. I love crème brulee and the whole menu sounds wonderful. I would have a tough time controlling the wine, it's my favorite. We had a celebration anniversary dinner with my in-laws on Friday at a local restaurants Chef's table, 5 courses with wine pairings! It's probably amazing that I *only* gained 2# last week, haha!

    It's probably some water weight due to shredding. And it sounds like that was a lovely meal out. I think if it's worth it, there's no reason to feel too bad, especially when one is also exercising. Now, if I found myself strapped for time and pulled into a drive-thru or something, I'd feel pretty guilty. But quality food is always a good choice.
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    That's obviously how I feel too pistachiopeas. If you remember the meal, and savored it, and enjoyed every bite, and were surrounded by friends and or family, it was worth it. Of course that kind of meal can't happen every day!