Long distance runners live shorter lives?

fleetzz Posts: 962 Member

Would be interested in more studies that can answer "why?" And can this study be replicated with the same results?


  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    We have already been over this. It's total bull**** based on one flawed study that some nimrod decides to trot out about every 6 months.

  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    This "study" is not a study. It is a survey. (The researchers simply had a webpage where runners could post answers to some questions.) Surveys might be a fair gauge of who is going to win an election. But they are far too fraught with problems to either identify a possible medical problem or to detect the kind of minor difference there might be in life-expectancy, even for something as dangerous as, say, cigarette smoking, let alone running.
    I know many, many, ripe, old runners. And, I have never heard that former professional soccer players keel over at a young age.
    Seems kinda unlikely, this finding.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    No idea about whether running causes a shorter life or not, the fact is I love running, therefore I will run. The end.