Any petite skinny fat girls in this group?

Any fellow "skinny fat" ladies in this group trying to use the 30DS to tone up--not necessarily lose weight?

I'm 5'4", about 117 lbs, NO muscle, and an "apple" body shape (belly fat with skinny legs & arms no matter what).

My boyfriend always told me that I needed to work extra hard since I'm already so small. When I first started exercising, I convinced myself that I could get away with fried chicken and 2x 30min gym workouts a week :tongue: Now that I found the 30DS, it's finally convenient for me to workout 6x a week.

Do you find that the 30DS is enough? Are you supplementing it with additional cardio or strength training?

I had an appointment with my trainer this morning where we focused on leg weight machines. When I got back, I completed my 8th day of Level 1, and thought I was going to pass out! Had to scarf down a Clif bar ASAP.


  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    haha that's funny that you post this i was just talking to my husband about that! I am 5'3 123 pounds but i have a lot of fat hanging around my mid section and thighs. I posted my before pics in the "stats" thread. I'm excited to see if this helps tone me up! after I had my second the fat has been hard to get off ( but then again i haven't done a lot to get rid of it yet either lol)
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    and I also want to start weight training because i mainly want to tone as well, i have to find a gym i like first :)
  • agent85
    agent85 Posts: 23 Member
    im 5'2 and 128 lbs. after baby #2 i was 180 so ive come a long way but i still have a little jiggle around the middle to lose. ive gained a good bit of muscle working out with jillian. all that time in the plank position will do wonders for your arms, shoulders, and, chest.
  • agent85
    agent85 Posts: 23 Member
    oh and if you want to build muscle in your legs, get her killer buns and thighs dvd. its brutal but it works.
  • danabm
    danabm Posts: 47 Member
    I am 5'3" and currently 128.5 lbs. I am totally pear shaped. I am small busted, but have a big ole butt that thankfully my husband loves and big thighs from years of dance. I have nice calves though.

    I do the elliptical every morning for at least 15 minutes and I have added the 30DS. In the afternoon I try for a 20 minute walk for now, but will be jogging before long and hopefully longer.

    I have never done strength training and don't live near a gym to try it. My legs are ok it is my arms that need help. I have bat wings even though I have tiny arms. I would love any advice on how to work that out. :laugh:
  • laurawale
    laurawale Posts: 9 Member
    I'm about 5' 3" and I'm 10 stone 13. I think that's 153lbs. I get married in August and the belly and floppy arms have to go! I've got quite big boobs, I've always had them, so I'm never going to be super light, but it would be nice to see the other side of 140 lbs.
  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    I'm 5' 1.5" and I weigh 128, so I think I qualify as petite skinny fat! Cutting carbs is the only thing that has helped me lose fat in the midsection. Sucks because I love my carbs!

    I also run and hike. I don't do much strength training although I should.
  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    I have bat wings even though I have tiny arms. I would love any advice on how to work that out. :laugh:

    Maybe working on your triceps? If you have bigger muscles it might fill in the skin (wings)??
  • muroo
    muroo Posts: 68
    Almost completely off topic...I used to do pole fitness and still have a few sessions here and there. There is no more fun way to tone up your upper body and arms. :-) Legs too but less so unless you intentionally add those in. .

    Also I'm 5'2" and 145 lbs ( only healthy habit is not checking up on that too much =P). Not exactly skinny-fat, but people also don't immediately think I got much to lose when I know that I do.

    BUT something that IS important especially to use shorter peeps since net lbs lost means a lot less is to make sure to have realistic weight loss goals. If you can get a body fat measurement, even just a ballpark from a cheap one, you should calculate how many pounds of fat you have. Gross, right? But then you know how many pounds you have to work with.

    For example, if you're 130 lbs, and you have an already fairly alright normal body fat percentage of 25%, you have 32.5 lbs of fat, gross haha. But you need some, and for example, I think 18% is in the "athlete" range. To reach that, assuming you don't gain any muscle, you should get to 119. And you probably will gain some muscle weight for a grand total of less than 10lbs weight loss for becoming awesome! Anyway, I might be going about that logic the wrong way, but I think some of it is right. Realistic goals, ftw.
  • I'm just 5 feet tall, and started out at about 114 pounds, and after a month of eating better and just doing some elliptical work, I'm down to 111.5 before starting the shred this week. Most people think I don't need to lose weight, but I'm more the "skinny fat" I suppose, and not as in shape as I'd like. I'm more comfortable with myself at around 100 lbs. I'm pear shaped and tend to carry extra weight at my belly/hips/butt/thighs. I had an illness about six years ago that dropped me down to a terrifying 82 pounds, and for a while I was so used to eating everything I could to gain, I went a little past my goal. Couple that with a desk job, and I've gotten a little squishier than I'd like. ;)

    What I have the most problem with is knowing how much to eat. It's hard to trust recommendations for the average person, when you're petite and not really overeating (just eating bad bad things) to start with.

    Right now I do 15 minutes of elliptical twice a day, a few extra exercises in the morning (25 reps of leg lifts/crunches/squats), and now have added the 30DS. Trying to stick to a 1200 calorie diet, but generally it's difficult for me to get to eat that much in one day (and not eat junk), especially after subtracting exercise.