Just aim to maintain or to lose more in the green bmi zone?

cathy0536 Posts: 137 Member
Still mulling this over so would be grateful for your thoughts :)

During the April Fool’s challenge developed a bit of a hate relationship with the scales that resulted in me changing goals twice and deciding just to aim for maintenance, which I’m on track to do - just the small matter of a big family wedding on Saturday but that’s life!

Now mulling over goals for this new challenge – part of me does want to lose more – I want more of a buffer between where I am and being BMI overweight; I have a beach holiday booked for August and I am still loving the feeling of walking into shops and picking up clothes in what seems like crazy small sizes and they fit! However am liking the relative freedom of maintenance, I’m eating a bigger variety of foods (including eek crisps/chips and cake) and am feeling better with being at the end of the day and not feeling guilty that I ate 50 cals more than I should…

However do think I am starting to slip into some bad habits – see crisps/chips/cake above – and maybe I need a bit of the discipline of positively trying to lose again? And easter’s coming up…


  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Boy you are right on the key subject that is starting to weigh on me (pun intended). I almost feel relieved that I still have weight to lose, it makes the path forward clear. But, I am hopeful I'll hit my goal in this challenge and I'm worried about maintenance. I've lost weight on previous occasions and gained it all back and then some. This time has been different, I've lost double the amount in previous attempts and I'm determined to not throw it away this time. I'm also digging having jeans that fit! My guess is that those of us who have been overweight got there because of our propensity to overeat. Assuming that basic fact is still true (of course it is), then maintenance will feel similar to a loss program in terms of attention to calories and the scale. I am working on my expectations. Maintenance is forever (or until I choose to be fat again). I need to always be self-conscious about calories and cool-it on portions and snack binges. I also should expect some failure and the need to get back on the weight-loss wagon from time to time. A five-pound weight loss sprint is easier than a 25-pound weight loss endurance race--right? My mother-in-law is in her eighties and is still in Weight Watchers!! She is thin and in good health. Lesson learned.
  • Shaky44
    Shaky44 Posts: 214 Member
    I know I've posted on this before, but I think you should really consider getting into a heavy lifting program like New Rules of Lifting for Women or Stronglifts. I'm doing it now and it's OK to maintain muscle while eating at a deficit, but the gains you can make while eating at maintenance (or even a little higher) are amazing. Take a look at this thread and make sure you enable the images.

  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    I'm nervous about the maintenance phase too but for me I have a ways to go to get there. I think you have to do what feels best to you. Honestly, I'm looking forward to being a healthy middle of the normal weight range so personally I would go with the buffer, but if you feel happy with where you are now, shift into maintenance mode. :smile:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    When I was on WW last year, I was in a group that had a number of maintainers. They shared that they still weighed, measured and journaled every bite that goes in their mouths. If they didn't they would gain. A few of them had been on goal weight for over a year.
    So I hope that helps.
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    As one Weight Watcher leader told me, it's a lifestyle change. So you have to keep at it until eating healthy is just a part of your life.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    When I was on WW last year, I was in a group that had a number of maintainers. They shared that they still weighed, measured and journaled every bite that goes in their mouths. If they didn't they would gain. A few of them had been on goal weight for over a year.
    So I hope that helps.
    As one Weight Watcher leader told me, it's a lifestyle change. So you have to keep at it until eating healthy is just a part of your life.

  • KMasz
    KMasz Posts: 2,677 Member
    I know I've posted on this before, but I think you should really consider getting into a heavy lifting program like New Rules of Lifting for Women or Stronglifts. I'm doing it now and it's OK to maintain muscle while eating at a deficit, but the gains you can make while eating at maintenance (or even a little higher) are amazing. Take a look at this thread and make sure you enable the images.


    +1.. mainly because you said...
    I am still loving the feeling of walking into shops and picking up clothes in what seems like crazy small sizes and they fit!

    I think that body recomp is more of what you are aiming to acheive. I think losing inches instead of pounds is what will make you feel accomplished in the long run. If need be, still try to have a small deficit to keep you on track with your food choices, but I would try to keep it close to maintenance.
  • cathy0536
    cathy0536 Posts: 137 Member
    TY for your comments, decided to be positive and go for the loss. And going to start incorporating some weights, just need to plan out the hows/whens....