Newbie, trying to lose weight!

zepherly Posts: 6 Member
Hi everyone. I've actually been on this site for a while but only recently decided that I really want to work harder at losing weight. So i'm 21 and I've had hypothyroidism since I was little. When I was about 7 years old I started to gain weight and began to experience loss of appetite. My mom's a doctor so she was able to see that something was wrong. However it took a while to arrive at my diagnosis because like most 7 year olds I hated getting shots and blood tests. After finding the correct dosage of levothyroxine and a few months of taking my medication regularly, I was a pretty healthy child. Throughout middle school and high school I was pretty fit and felt great. I'm short about 5'1 and weighed about 100-110 pounds at the time. Over the past 3 years I've been gaining weight probably because I don't eat right or exercise much, as well as problems with absorption of levothyroxine. I weigh 130 pounds now and I would really like to lose about 20 pounds over the next 5-6 months.
I don't want hypothyroidism to be my excuse. I really want to work hard to become more fit and live a healthier lifestyle.
I would love some advice about weight loss plans and whether diet or exercise is more important. And also are there any do's and don'ts specifically related to trying to lose weight with hypothyroidism? :smile:


  • brenda5476
    brenda5476 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I will tell you what my personal trainer told me. In order to lose weight it is all about changing your lifestyle to include clean eating and exercise.

    In order to lose weight, you should focus on 80% healthy eating 20% exercise.

    In other words, focus on your eating habit and do some form of exercise daily.

    I track everything I put in my mouth - even that little candy. I have a fitbit and try to get in 10,000 steps at least 5 x week (hiking)
    and on the other days I just try to keep active.

    Good luck and the weight will come off if you are diligent. I am sure you will be successful - but make sure you log in daily.