Important stuff will go here one day.
Getting Frustrated...movtivation help?
Hi Friends, I've been diagnosed hypothyroid, PCOS and insulin resistance for about a year and a half. In the summer, I did a pretty intense 4 week diet that helped me to lose some weight, but right after the diet it came right back. At the end of the summer, I moved to do a year with Americorps. I'm on a lower budget, and…
New and mad, but feeling better
Not mad at anyone in particular but that annoying gland in my body that seems to hate me. I got diagnosed in the fall and quickly gained 30 pounds from I would say august through February when I finally stopped gaining. Over the course of that weight gain I was an emotional roller coaster. I also saw a nutritionist over…
Gluten Free
Has anyone had any sucess with a gluten free diet and having hypothyroid? I was recentley told I'm gluten intolorant and was wondering if anyone else had this issue on top of a sluggish thyroid?
Newbie, trying to lose weight!
Hi everyone. I've actually been on this site for a while but only recently decided that I really want to work harder at losing weight. So i'm 21 and I've had hypothyroidism since I was little. When I was about 7 years old I started to gain weight and began to experience loss of appetite. My mom's a doctor so she was able…
New here, new to hypo, pregnant
Hello! My name is Jamie and I am so so so happy to have found this group! I am 27 years old, I just found out I'm hypo, and I'm pregnant. I've been feeling TERRIBLE for the past two years and could not for the life of me figure out why and neither could my doctors. Now I'm pregnant and my OB just so happened to have a…
New here:)
Hi! It's so nice to have found a group for Hypothyroidism. 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with it, and 2.5 years ago, I decided to do something about the extra weight I was carrying. I am 75 pounds down----no easy feat:( It is at a snail's pace. To accurately describe it, I feel like a motor that is smoking and smoking, the…
The Thyroid Diet
I wanted to see what other thought/think about the Thyroid Diet. Has it affected you in any way? Has it helped or made things worse? I know everyones situation is different, but I just wanted some feed back. I have been diagnosed for almost a year now, and due to recent ortho surgeries I am just now able to start trying to…
clean program
Hi everyone, I just wanted to know if anyone else out there completed the clean program cleanse?. I'm on week 3 and have lost 12lbs so far. This is such a great program, I feel great, I'm not hungry and I've proven to myself that I can lose weight even with a sluggish thyroid. Going Paleo after I'm done this program.…
miscarriages/still births
does anyone know why thyroid conditions cause miscarriages/still births?? from so many of you women i've read about alot of you having miscarriages and it tears me apart because i almost miscarried my daughter but she held in for 81/2 months. Unfortunately she was born still due to multiple heart defects. any information…
Newish to hypothyroidism..
I am SOO happy there is a group for this. I was recently diagnosed (in October last year) And after they put me on meds I realized I wasn't crazy! There was a reason I was so "lazy" and depressed! The "new me" is HAPPY! It's just hard for me to lose the extra pounds I gained in the last year (close to 30) any pointers??