Ketogenic Diet

Hi everyone, I'm Amanda! I'm 28 and have had recurrent grand mal seizures for about 9 years now. It's nice to see everyone in this group supporting each other and active despite there individual difficulties!!
I'm new to the group and am interested in any feedback on the Ketogenic Diet in helping reduce seizures.
I've tried all sorts of diets over the past 7 years; vegan, vegetarian, raw foodie, gluten free all with little or no improvement on my seizure activity (I don't take prescription meds). I'm finally going to try the old school Ketogenic diet as a last resort.
Any success stories for me?


  • RevivingOphelia
    RevivingOphelia Posts: 16 Member
    If you aren't taking prescription meds, then you have a way to tell if it works or not.

    From my understanding (with a lot of discussion with my neurologist), it is starting to show that it works with adults. When I questioned it, he said since my seizures are under control (I take two different prescription meds) that we would never really know. But if I wanted to try it, he was ok with it. Just to make sure I found a nutritionist with knowledge of the ketogenic diet to help. He said it is VERY difficult to stick to, and if you don't follow it 100%, then it probably won't work.

    So, while I don't have a success story. I can share with you the knowledge I learned from my neurologist.
  • dianegreennet
    dianegreennet Posts: 17 Member

    I'm just back on myfitnesspal after taking a break from it while I was doing a teaching residency. I went without seizures for over 2 months. I'm on 3 scripts though. I'm not having too hard of a time with the diet. I lost weight at first, but now I'm starting to gain, but maybe it's because I've been exercising more walking to my job. I may have gone out of ketosis, so I'm back here putting my food in a diary again
