New to SL, started yesterday!

belsameth Posts: 11 Member
Hello girls, I'm new to lifting heavy things :)

I had a free 30 min session with a personal trainer at my gym last night just he could show me how to use the equipment and look at my form. I was a bit apprehensive as I've read enough stories of bad experience with trainers and women lifting heavy. But it was brilliant :D He thought it was great that a woman wanted to lift heavy. I asked if he was familiar with the stronglifts programme, which he was. So we went through all the lifts, first with dumbbells, then the barbell. Although I had to use a 15kg fixed barbell for overhead press haha :) He said my form was very good, just gotta work on getting my squat lower. And he thinks I'm very strong (for a girl I guess although he didn't say as much!) as it's my first time doing weight training :D
We had time for one full set of 5x5 towards the end, I ended up doing bench press...managed all of them with 25 kg yay, I'm sure I looked a sight grunting and pulling faces haha!
It was the hardest work out I've ever had, absolutly loved it! I gotta watch what I eat before I train though... was very sick in the changing rooms after :s Can't wait for friday night now!

Anyway, well done if you read through my ramblings haha. And thank you ladies for being so inspirational!


  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    yay for starting and even more yay for getting a decent PT who wasn't just trying to sell you a plan based on crap knowledge

  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    So great to hear a good experience with a trainer! I never had a session, but have trolled YouTube etc., for form videos.

    Welcome aboard!
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Welcome :-) your first training sounds great. It's really cool to have a good trainer
  • verasdaughter
    verasdaughter Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome....been doing SL for three months now. Watched alot of you tube videos and have had my brother check my form from time to time. I have found one of the things that has helped me tremendously when lifting is knowing how to breathe during the lift. Really has made a difference. Good luck!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    yay for starting and even more yay for getting a decent PT who wasn't just trying to sell you a plan based on crap knowledge


    Most definately this.
  • belsameth
    belsameth Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks ladies :) still loving it! Yes I was getting the breathing down yesterday and it really helped on my squats in particular. Graduated to the bar for OH press, felt like a big jump from the 15kg preloaded barbell! Can't wait for next session, rows, second favorite after deadlifts :D
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member