Overweight, losing during pregnancy

kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
Hey all! Pregnant with #2, due in October.

A little background: I've had problems with being overweight most of my life. I'm 5'10", and I was around 170 for most of my high school/college days. That took a controlled effort to maintain! I started a swing shift job behind a desk, and skyrocketed to a shocking 260 lbs in less than 2 years. I got engaged, and managed to drop back down to 185 by the wedding... afterwards, I managed to maintain around 190 with a LOT of effort. Then I got pregnant. I weighed 236 when I had my son. Within 8 weeks, I was down to 205. I quit weighing myself because I obsessed over it. Over the next year, I went back up to 252 lbs.

Jan. 1st, I took control again and managed to get down to 237 before I got pregnant again. I went back up to 241 in the first 6 weeks... until morning sickness started. With all the nausea, and making a concentrated effort to eat healthy I'm down to 234. I'm trying really hard not to "diet", but I'm being very careful with what I eat and I log all my food at the end of the day. I'm averaging between 1300 and 1600 calories.

I know you're not supposed to diet... but is there anything wrong with weight loss as long as you're eating healthy? I'm assuming the loss is from me cutting out all the junk food and soda.... but I want to make sure I'm not intentionally cutting calories. The OB said I can only gain 10-15 lbs, and I know I'm going to fly past it if I eat the same way I did with my first pregnancy!

Sorry this was so long, but I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and hard place with trying not to gain weight but at the same time, stay healthy for the little one....


  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Gosh, thats a tough one. I, personally, feel 1300-1600 calories are way too low, but I eat a lot! lol I think most people set it at maintenance for the first trimester and then up it a few hundred for the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, when the baby is really filling out. If you don't feel comfortable eating at maintenance, I would ask your doctor (or a nutritionist) what would be a safe amount of calories. I think eating at maintenance should allow you to gain a moderate amount (that you need to for baby, placenta, blood volume, etc) and quickly lose it all within weeks/months of giving birth. (In other words, you won't be putting on fat!) Congratulations by the way! :)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I also think 1300-1600 calories are too low. Before pregnancy I was eating 1500 calories to lose, and I'm only 5'6. I guess it depends how much you exercise though.

    I was overweight at the start of my last pregnancy and I gained too much. But I lost it all, and more, and started this pregnancy (my 3rd) smaller than I started my first pregnancy in 2008.

    Just eat sensibly and exercise when you can, and try not to worry too much about the scale. I guess I'm lucky as I live in England where they don't check your weight at all, apart from at the booking appointment.
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Thanks! Believe it or not when I was in maintenance, I was around 1500 calories. I'm not counting my calories and limiting them... I'm just logging all my food at the end of the day and that's where I'm ending up. I'm sure once the morning sickness is past, I'll start getting more in...

    I'll be honest, I'm not trying to lose the weight, but I'm not heart broken about it either.... lol
  • Nique85
    Nique85 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi there! I also started this pregnancy off overweight. 207. So I set my calorie goals to loss .5 a week. which put me at 1700 calories. In your first trimester you don't need much. I only gained 5 lbs in my first trimester. In the second trimester I upped it to 1800-1900 calories. 1300-1600 does seem on the low side, however if you doctor approves it then it should be okay.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I really think that is too low!
    I am eating a ton right now! Granted, I am not really limiting myself on calories much because I eat healthy, my doctor is not concerned and I am not gaining too much. I have quit counting but I know I am eating around 2000-2500 calories a day and I weigh less than you!

    Basically, the way I have been monitoring myself is with the scale. Every few days I weigh myself - almost always the results are the same - a fraction of a point gain. As long as it keeps doing that I don't change a thing. There have been a couple weekends I went overboard - all you can eat restaurant and steak and eggs for breakfast in one day - and when weighing myself on Monday I saw a 3lb gain. I just make a mental note to be careful about eating like that and I move on. As long as my weight gain stays steady and reasonable, I keep eating healthy options and my doctor doesn't say anything then I am not going to stress it.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I'm not counting my calories and limiting them... I'm just logging all my food at the end of the day and that's where I'm ending up.

    I personally think this is fine as long as you aren't intentionally limiting calories. Definitely don't do that! I am almost 32 weeks and my morning sickness hit me hard again with a bang over the weekend - worst than the first trimester. I am feeling better today but don't have any appetite. I was eating 2500+ and then the past three days barely made it to 1200. Just focus on eating healthy foods and if your body is dropping weight from that and your doctor isn't concerned, that's good. Don't start to obsess over it and intentionally limit yourself and baby though, that's where you can get into dangerous territory and I hate to say it but there are a few women on here who are doing that. Not this thread but these boards, that I've noticed.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,864 Member
    if you are overweight, losing weight the first few months is normal, but 1300 is too low, i would aim for atleast 1800-2000
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Thanks, all! I appreciate the different viewpoints. Gives me a lot to think about. I have an OB appt on Tuesday, and I'll ask her about it then. I'm sure she'll say it's fine as long as I'm not intentionally dieting... just due to the morning sickness, I'm not eating as much as normal. If she says I have to up my calories, I have no idea how I'll manage.... some days I'm lucky to be hitting what I am! Can't wait for 2nd Tri!

    The only "dieting" that I'm doing is to make sure I'm not eating junk food like I used to, and I definitely think that contributed to the weight loss. I'm reaching for cold fresh fruit instead of candy, etc... so that probably helps!

    I think I'll just monitor my weight, and if I keep seeing losses, and no plateau I'll try to increase something somewhere. Maybe an extra serving of protein, or something? I just don't want to eat when I'm not actually hungry, it doesn't feel good. lol

    I used to plan out my meals for the day, and see where I hit calorie-wise to make sure I was good. Maybe I need to start doing that to make sure I'm hitting at least a certain amount instead of logging at the end of the day and finding that I'm short.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    Here is a pregnancy calorie calculator for you. http://www.freedieting.com/tools/pregnancy_calorie_calculator.htm First trimester is at maintenance, then it adds on 200-400 for 2nd, 3rd trimester. I can tell you that I'm only 5'1" and I'm eating average 2000 calories in my second trimester with exercise factored in. I've been gaining well according to the normal weight gain schedule. With your height, I think you might need more calories, even if you just set it to maintenance for all three trimesters. Also, I liked the book what to eat when your expecting for great healthy food choices advice. They might have it at the library too.

    Good luck and congrats.
  • kikibyrd
    kikibyrd Posts: 6
    I feel like I'm in a similar position as you. I'm overweight and pregnant, and I have been hitting a little under my cal count a day. It's not intentional. I just have completely changed that way I'm eating. Good to know someone else is experiencing this. Thanks for posting!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I used to plan out my meals for the day, and see where I hit calorie-wise to make sure I was good. Maybe I need to start doing that to make sure I'm hitting at least a certain amount instead of logging at the end of the day and finding that I'm short.

    I make the mistake of thinking everyone does this since I do it too. I plan and log continuously throughout the day. That should definitely help you.
  • Miska_
    Miska_ Posts: 84
    I'm 5'5 and started my pregnancy at 192 lbs.

    Like you, my doc said 10-15 lbs max.

    I eat 1800 calories a day and log them, only to make sure I am eating enough and that I'm making healthy choices.
  • HeyNikkita
    HeyNikkita Posts: 147 Member
    I'm 5'5 and started my pregnancy at 192 lbs.

    Like you, my doc said 10-15 lbs max.

    I eat 1800 calories a day and log them, only to make sure I am eating enough and that I'm making healthy choices.

    Me too... 5'5" and started at 190 (obese according to the BMI chart). I have my calories set to 1780. I usually eat most of my exercise calories back. I am never starving and I usually gross 2000-2200 calories/day.
    I am currently 26W and still attempting to net 1780 calories.

    Feel free to add me, people. LMK you are from this board. :)
  • rhye
    rhye Posts: 104 Member
    I think it's fine, as long as:
    1.) As you said, you aren't trying to eat a low number of calories. You just happen to not be needing more.
    2.) If you have a day/week/month where you are hungry and your body is asking for more, you give it that.
    I had a very low appetite for a while and then every once in a while I would have a week where I could not stop eating things. I was pretty freaked out by that but it was a passing phase and I've learned it equals out pretty well. Just listen to your body.
  • supaflyjoy
    supaflyjoy Posts: 20 Member
    I think your body will tell you if you aren't getting enough calories. Whenever i get busy and forget to eat enough I get so fatigued and exhausted! My sister dieted her entire pregnancy and majorly limited her calories. She slept until 10 am, and then napped from 1-3 and went to bed at 8:30. She didn't work or have kids. So unhealthy! So stay satisfied but make lots of good, healthy choices with protein in every meal and snack, work out, and walk a lot, but rest on days that you feel the need and you may find yourself with a lower weight post birth than pre pregnancy.
  • auntkk28
    auntkk28 Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you for sharing that website Mslmsq, very helpful and I'll need it to calculate my calories when I switch over to breastfeeding:smile:
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Thank you for sharing that website Mslmsq, very helpful and I'll need it to calculate my calories when I switch over to breastfeeding:smile:

    Believe it or not, out of the 40 extra lbs I'm carrying, only about 15 were from my first pregnancy... the rest I gained while I was breastfeeding! I don't know if it's the same for everyone, but I felt like I couldn't eat enough! I was stark raving mad hungry all the time... no one told me that would happen while nursing! (of course, I ate all junk because we didn't have a working kitchen for the first 6 months. Lots of bagels and high carb foods. Bad bad bad...)

    I lost weight for the first couple months after birth, but as soon as LO cut out the night feedings, I started gaining because I didn't adjust my calories to compensate the fewer nursings. (Just as an FYI if this is your first!) I'll be sure to keep that in mind this time around... lol
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    I think your body will tell you if you aren't getting enough calories. Whenever i get busy and forget to eat enough I get so fatigued and exhausted! My sister dieted her entire pregnancy and majorly limited her calories. She slept until 10 am, and then napped from 1-3 and went to bed at 8:30. She didn't work or have kids. So unhealthy! So stay satisfied but make lots of good, healthy choices with protein in every meal and snack, work out, and walk a lot, but rest on days that you feel the need and you may find yourself with a lower weight post birth than pre pregnancy.

    My concern with not getting enough calories is hurting baby's growth. I don't know how extreme it has to be before that starts happening? Obviously I'm not dieting, but I might as well be with the limited calories I'm eating right now. I'm 11 weeks now, so I'm hoping in the next week or two, the morning sickness will subside and I'll be able to stomach more.

    I have a major issue with getting enough protein. I need to work on that...
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I think your body will tell you if you aren't getting enough calories. Whenever i get busy and forget to eat enough I get so fatigued and exhausted! My sister dieted her entire pregnancy and majorly limited her calories. She slept until 10 am, and then napped from 1-3 and went to bed at 8:30. She didn't work or have kids. So unhealthy! So stay satisfied but make lots of good, healthy choices with protein in every meal and snack, work out, and walk a lot, but rest on days that you feel the need and you may find yourself with a lower weight post birth than pre pregnancy.

    My concern with not getting enough calories is hurting baby's growth. I don't know how extreme it has to be before that starts happening? Obviously I'm not dieting, but I might as well be with the limited calories I'm eating right now. I'm 11 weeks now, so I'm hoping in the next week or two, the morning sickness will subside and I'll be able to stomach more.

    I have a major issue with getting enough protein. I need to work on that...

    Babies take what they need first, so it's you who will suffer for not having enough calories. Even women in third world countries give birth to healthy babies.

    It'll be easier when you're not nauseous any more. I found the first 14 weeks really tough.
  • shannonbrandy
    shannonbrandy Posts: 3 Member
    I had the same concerns so I read through this post and found it very helpful. I'm 5'5", and at my heaviest weight ever - 203! I weigh more today than I did when I was 9 months pregnant with both of my babies so I'm SO worried about gaining! Thanks for all the helpful advice! I had my calories set at 1250 and thought I'd up it to 1550 during pregnancy but it seems I'd still be too low - glad to hear this since I have literally been so hungry during my 2nd trimester! (Due Sept 10th).