possible stall

mistersir86 Posts: 4 Member
Im in full ketosis! Ive noticed lately that my appetite is almost non existent, I did a bit of research and my body may be stalling. Has anyone had the same experience and what would be the best way to counteract whatever it is that's going on. I also but stevia but I am too scared to use it since I don't know if it would have a negative effect on my ketosis. I just find mybullet proof coffee unbearable sometimes. Any suggestions??? =)


  • gonesquatchin85
    gonesquatchin85 Posts: 8 Member
    I usually stall when I eat too much protein. I was always at a slight deficit but I was eating wayyyyy too much protein about 180g. Without exercise, I was supposed to be eating about .06-.08g protein per lean body mass so I adjusted to around 100g daily and I started losing again.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    We need more info. How long have you been keto? How long have you been "stalled" (if it's under 3 weeks, just wait)? How much weight have you lost each week? Can you make your diary open to the public so we can evaluate your eating choices?

    No way to know if sweeteners affect you other than trying it out and seeing your progress. It's a case-by-case kind of thing.

    Weight loss can "stall" after the first 2 or so weeks of drastic weight loss. This is your body converting from burning off the glycogen to transitioning over to fat. This is a good thing. Read this to get a better idea: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/684525-why-the-rapid-weight-loss-on-low-carb-induction-stops
  • Spazzomatic
    I use stevia in my bulletproof coffee. In my experience, Stevia runs safest among the artificial sweeteners. Good luck, you're probably not stalled, you're probably just over-weighing yourself.
  • dhilltx
    dhilltx Posts: 5 Member
    I switch between Stevia & Sucralose every few weeks...I prefer the liquid Splenda, but notice I stall after using awhile, so I go back and forth and it seems to break my stall.

    I also purchased a Magic Bullet blender to make bulletproof coffee...it's much better that way and I've been experimenting with unsalted Kerrygold butter, but it's no better or worse than Kroger unsalted organic butter an harder to find, so when I'm out, I'm back to the generic brand...I also find stronger coffee is better...I'm using French Market coffee with chicory at the moment and look forward to it every morning...it hides the coconut oil much better than standard coffee.