Feel so alone

EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
I wanted to join this group and reach out to others who are going through this painful and frustrating time with me.

I am so depressed right now, I had my surgery 4 and a half weeks ago, and already I am back in pain and bloated again, plus still cannot have intercourse without crying! I am very discouraged, I thought he got a lot of the endometriosis out during the surgery but when he showed me pictures at my follow up last week, it turns out I have a few holes from the endometriosis (I dont know exactly where, I was taken off guard by all the new info) and he wants me to do rounds of Lupron starting in a couple months.

I dont want to start googling this drug, as I have a feeling I wont like what I read. But I am wondering what I can expect from that, and would like reviews from others. Also, is there ANYTHING out there that will relieve the pain during intercourse? At this point, we have one position that is OK but still I get no enjoyment, which is having a negative effect on my relationship as you can all relate or imagine.

My final question is, has the Endo diet been worth it and helped any of your symptoms greatly improve? It seems so restrictive and I am not looking forward to it.

I will read some of the other posts in this forum, but I also wanted to introduce myself here. I am 26 years old, 2 little girls and have lost over 100 pounds-- started gaining a lot back in the past 6 months though, since the endo symptoms really started getting to me. I am looking for friends to add on here that can relate to how I am feeling.

Thanks everyone :)


  • Skinny625
    Skinny625 Posts: 79 Member
    I can totally relate to the pain that you are going through. I had stage four (severe) endometriosis. It is a very painful disease that takes over your body. I actually had a total of 3 laparoscopic procedures and was on Lupron two different times.The first time I was on the Lupron I couldn't be on it very long because it really takes a total with mood swings. I am generally a very nice person but after 3 months of it my employer told me that I was not being very nice to people. That's when I told my doctor I couldn't do it any longer. But Lupron will cause you to put weight on.

    I ended up switching doctors because I had gotten married and my husband and I were trying to get pregnant. When I had two more lap procedures both times the adhesions were so bad along with the large masses. Which kept coming back even with the treatments. The last time my doctor did the procedure he told me it would be a miracle if I was able to get pregnant. But my husband and I wanted to tried every option. Well needless to say it was in god's hands and it didn't happen.I ended up having a total hysterectomy in January 2013. I physically feel 100 percent better but emotionally it was a very hard decision. But I am realizing how much it took over my health.
    You can add me or message me if you have any questions. Also congratulations on your 100 pound weight loss. I am on that weight loss journey to do that myself.
  • smelons
    smelons Posts: 450 Member
    PLEASE give the diet a go. What have you got to lose? I had my first and only op (so far) in 2009 and was advised to go on Zoladex (similar to Lupron). After reading up on its effects, I decided not to to go through with it and looked into the diet instead. I know alcohol, wheat and dairy make my symptoms a lot worse, so I would advise you to at least try giving up those. Soy and liquorice both cause me breast and womb pain, so I avoid those like the plague. I try to only eat organic meat and eggs and avoid cleaning and beauty products with chemicals in where possible. I still get pain, but my symptoms have vastly reduced from the time before my operation. If I lapse on the diet, I definitely pay with pain, so I'm adamant it helps. Take a look at this for a guide: http://www.endo-resolved.com/diet.html

    Also, don't rush into having sex too soon after the operation. I know it's frustrating, but your body needs time to heal.
  • LexxyV
    LexxyV Posts: 60 Member
    PLEASE give the diet a go. What have you got to lose? I had my first and only op (so far) in 2009 and was advised to go on Zoladex (similar to Lupron). After reading up on its effects, I decided not to to go through with it and looked into the diet instead. I know alcohol, wheat and dairy make my symptoms a lot worse, so I would advise you to at least try giving up those. Soy and liquorice both cause me breast and womb pain, so I avoid those like the plague. I try to only eat organic meat and eggs and avoid cleaning and beauty products with chemicals in where possible. I still get pain, but my symptoms have vastly reduced from the time before my operation. If I lapse on the diet, I definitely pay with pain, so I'm adamant it helps. Take a look at this for a guide: http://www.endo-resolved.com/diet.html

    Also, don't rush into having sex too soon after the operation. I know it's frustrating, but your body needs time to heal.

    I agree with all the above, the endo diet is really worth a shot, it's a great starting point to helping your pain and healing. I'm the same with wheat and alcohol. I have limited amounts of dairy- but it has to be organic. Also stretching, yoga, and alternative therapies really help. I love acupuncture it did wonders for my pain levels as well. Hope this too also helps