Week 2 Monday April 7 to Sunday 13

Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
Please check in with your progress (or lack of) any day of the week you are due.
Thank you.

So i gained about 2 lbs. this week. Oh well.....


  • LastLily
    LastLily Posts: 5
    Week 1 weigh in: 157.6
    Week 2 weigh in: 156.5
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Week 1 weigh in: 107.6
    Week 2 weigh in: 109.8 :sad:

    Frustrating but will work harder this week!!
  • nancyrom
    nancyrom Posts: 31 Member
    I Had A Terrible Eating Weekend, I'm So Discouraged, I Will Weigh Myself On ThurS Morning
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    Week 1 weigh in: 157.6
    Week 2 weigh in: 156.5

    Congratulations on your progress.
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    Week 1 weigh in: 107.6
    Week 2 weigh in: 109.8 :sad:

    Frustrating but will work harder this week!!

    I feel your pain, I gained 2 lbs. too.
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    I Had A Terrible Eating Weekend, I'm So Discouraged, I Will Weigh Myself On ThurS Morning

    We are in the same boat.
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Week 1 weigh in: 118.2
    Week 2 weigh in: 117.6

    .4 lbs...I will take that :happy: I was even lower during the week at 117.2, but when I DO get there I know it will be SOLID. :happy:
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    Week 1 weigh in: 118.2
    Week 2 weigh in: 117.6

    .4 lbs...I will take that :happy: I was even lower during the week at 117.2, but when I DO get there I know it will be SOLID. :happy:

    Doing the happy dance here for you Debbie good job!.
  • nancyrom
    nancyrom Posts: 31 Member
    I hate when that happens, how do you overcome these set backs?
  • smm1010
    smm1010 Posts: 3
    Week 1 weigh in: 115.8
    Week 2 weigh in: 116.4

    It was my spring break this past week and vacation meant breaking my diet more times than I'd like to admit! Oh well, I'll just have to get back on track this week.
  • genesquire
    Week 1: 145.8
    Start of week 2: 143
    Total fat loss: 2.5lbs

    *PLEASE LISTEN* I ate perfectly clean for four days this week and on Friday to sun I sort of binged however those four days of intermittent fasting help me out plus I was exercising regularly , please take home this message don't sweat the small stuff you don't need to get your macros spot on, just make sure you exercise and on the days that you do over indulge log everything, I now motivated by this as I am now more motivated to do it right. Hope you get inspired peeps
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    week 1: 129
    week 2: 129

    Keeping at it!
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    *PLEASE LISTEN* I ate perfectly clean for four days this week and on Friday to sun I sort of binged however those four days of intermittent fasting help me out plus I was exercising regularly , please take home this message don't sweat the small stuff you don't need to get your macros spot on, just make sure you exercise and on the days that you do over indulge log everything, I now motivated by this as I am now more motivated to do it right. Hope you get inspired peeps

    Thanks for the inspiration :):) I am looking forward to "seeing results and becoming ADDICTED to my new Lifestyle. Thanks EVERYONE for your focus, and Kathy for starting this... Deb :drinker:
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    I hate when that happens, how do you overcome these set backs?

    We identify what we did wrong and change the approach and let´s listen to GENESQUIRE´S MESSAGE.
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    Week 1: 145.8
    Start of week 2: 143
    Total fat loss: 2.5lbs

    *PLEASE LISTEN* I ate perfectly clean for four days this week and on Friday to sun I sort of binged however those four days of intermittent fasting help me out plus I was exercising regularly , please take home this message don't sweat the small stuff you don't need to get your macros spot on, just make sure you exercise and on the days that you do over indulge log everything, I now motivated by this as I am now more motivated to do it right. Hope you get inspired peeps

    THANKS for the lesson.
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    *PLEASE LISTEN* I ate perfectly clean for four days this week and on Friday to sun I sort of binged however those four days of intermittent fasting help me out plus I was exercising regularly , please take home this message don't sweat the small stuff you don't need to get your macros spot on, just make sure you exercise and on the days that you do over indulge log everything, I now motivated by this as I am now more motivated to do it right. Hope you get inspired peeps

    Thanks for the inspiration :):) I am looking forward to "seeing results and becoming ADDICTED to my new Lifestyle. Thanks EVERYONE for your focus, and Kathy for starting this... Deb :drinker:

    Thank you Debbie for appreciating it.
  • Lucilu75
    Lucilu75 Posts: 14 Member
    Now 125/56.7kg (was 127.8). Think a lot if normal fluctuation. Have however over last 6 weeks list 2 cm from around belly button and 1cm off muffin top. Finally some tangible results!!
  • linka411
    linka411 Posts: 101 Member
    Last week: 127.2
    This week: 126.2

    I'm very surprised at this quick of a jump-it hasn't happened yet and I'm only set to lose 0.5 lb/wk. It may be because of TOM, but usually I bloat when that happens so idk what's going on. Oh well, hopefully it's a good loss either way.
  • nancyrom
    nancyrom Posts: 31 Member
    Weight 115.4
    Waist 25.5
    Hips 36
  • ochibi91
    ochibi91 Posts: 115 Member
    SW: 114.6 (been fluctuating for over a month)
    CW: 113.5 (Finally a change!)

    Based on fitbit, I should be losing about 0.3 pounds per week. It's slow but at least it's a downward trend overall. I haven't measured myself yet, so I'm hoping that it was mostly fat loss and not just water weight due to low sodium intake for 3 days straight. I'm also hoping to see some inches lost by the end of this month.