Week 24 Monday Sept. 8 to Sunday Sept. 14
Hi everyone, I am very pleased with my progress. I have lost 7 lbs. of total weigh. 5.4 is from fat so 1.6 is water. I weight 111.6 today my goal is 110 lbs. so i am only 1.6 away from it. My body fat percentage is 19.7% I want to lose 3 lbs of fat more then put on some muscle to never go lower 110 lbs. of total weigh and…
Hi to all my Pals and very dearly to my friend Debbie. With God help, the support of this website and again my pals, (Debbie you are dear to my heart) I have reached my goal of 110 lbs. or 50kgs. I can see my abs. I am doing the happy dance here. It can be done with a lot of patience and sticking to the plan. Thanks.
Week 29 Monday Oct. 6 to Sunday Oct. 12
Good morning all. I am so pleased at my progress. God and Life is good. I can totally see my four first abs muscles. the last 2 are still hiding. Will burn 3 lbs. more of pure fat and gain more muscle I have gained lean body mass. I am at 111.6 lbs. right now. Shooting for 110 so almost there. Thanks for your support…
Week 28 Monday Sept 29 to Sunday Oct 5
I ate salty foods yesterday so i am not showing my true weight today
Week 27 Monday September 22 to Sunday 28
Hi, i have burned an average of 1 lb. per month of pure body fat. I want to burn 3 to 4 lbs of pure fat more.
Week 25 Monday Sept 15 to Sunday Sept 21
I can see the first set of my abs very clearly and the second set kinda incomplete. I got measured at my gym and t got 17.4% body fat. So i am kinda close to my goal. Thanks for your support specially my dear friend Debbie. God bless you Debbie.
Week 23 Monday Sept. 1 to Sunday Sept 7
Hi Guys and Gals. I have lost 4.4 lbs. of pure fat (using Omron device) in exactly 3 months. I am seeing my upper abs now which i am so exiting about it. I can see some definition in my arms too. I plan to burn another 4 pounds of fat.
Week 22 Monday August 25 to Sunday August 31
Hi everyone, something weird is happening to me, i stopped doing cardio after weights one month ago to focus on building muscle mass, i am lifting heavier weights so i must have gained muscle mass, my omron device which measure upper body fat have been steady going down but my tanita which measure lower body fat has went…
Week 21 Monday August 18 to Sunday August 24
Hi guys, I have been losing 0.4 lbs. of fat per week. Please check in whenever you are dued during the week.
Week 20 Monday August 11 to Sunday August 17
Thread is ready for checking in any time of the week you are dued.
Week 19 Monday August 4 to Sunday August 10
Burning fat really slowly for my taste but surely and steady. About a 1/4 of lb. per week. How are you doing guys?