New to group

Ebonyrae87 Posts: 3 Member
Hi! I am ebony and I am new to mfp and the group. Reading how much everyone has lost is motivational. Looking for friends and support. I am pretty disciplined about my new healthy eating lifestyle. My problem is the scale.i am one of those people that will weight themselves everyday but I know that's not good. Finally decided enough was enough with my weight because of my daughter. I have always been overweight and I want to be role model of good health for her so she doesn't have the issues with food and self esteem that I have.


  • Can you hear me shouting "E-b-o-n-y, E-b-o-n-y!" You go girl!!!! I'm new to the group too, so I guess we shall be newbies together. :-) So glad that you're taking control of your destiny!!!!!
  • missjones513
    missjones513 Posts: 345 Member

    Try not to focus too much on the scale. Sometimes the scale won't move but you'll lose inches or gain muscle. Focus on eating well and exercising.
  • Mrsjqp
    Mrsjqp Posts: 6 Member
    Hello my name is Jameka and I am new to the group as well. I have been attempting to drop the pounds...Some days are better than others. I'm ready to focus and get it done. I love the support of others!! I'm also looking forward to supporting others! Feel free to add me!
  • OhFitness
    OhFitness Posts: 31 Member
    follow me on instagram for major fitness help : )

  • Applegondi69
    Applegondi69 Posts: 54 Member
    Welcome Ebony! Same here because you can't preach what you don't practice!:) We can keep each other on point!!
  • MrsSweetT
    MrsSweetT Posts: 90 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Tara and I'm new to this group and I'm a Yo-Yo'er. I'll drop 10-15 lbs. and fall off or let my cravings take over and then wait several months to pick back up. Hopefully and Prayerfully I'll be able to stick with it this time around. My problem foods are sweets, sauces, breads and sodas. Sometimes I'll have anywhere from 4-6 can sodas, 2 packs of vanilla creme filled cookies, chips for breakfast w/a soda and fried foods for lunch and dinner...please don't judge me from what I just said but I am an emotional eater. I tend to get carried away with eating when I'm stressed or have something heavy on my mind. This is something that I have just figured out and hopefully I can get control of it and maybe this is just one of my problems other than I think I just like food...who doesn't? I think I need to make better choices of the food I eat and this too will help me from packing on so many calories and gaining so much weight.

    Keep me motivated ladies and I plan to do the same! Off to the park for my daily walk...
  • pepepoo
    pepepoo Posts: 2
    Hi my name is Paula and I am new to the group (member since 2013) but never posted anything. My goal is to lose one pound a week and become active. I am 50 something and I am looking for encouragement.....
  • trochelwoman
    trochelwoman Posts: 10 Member
    Hi ladies! My name is Julie. Folks call me Jule. Can I join in here? I am looking for my first group to join. It says any color is welcome. I'm white but that's okay by me. I've been told more than once my soul is black. I'm 51 yrs. old, 250lbs. and just started at the gym this week. I am looking to lose 80-100 lbs. I am starting an entirely new regimen of losing weight. Being part of this group would be a good addition to my regimen. And I might quite possibly the only white face in here. I'm in if you'll have me. You ladies seem nice, and the motivation and camaraderie in here are great!
  • lhevan
    lhevan Posts: 12
    Welcome. I am new too!
  • tianasamour
    tianasamour Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Hey Hey!

    I am new too. I am not very disciplined and very very easily side tracked. Looking for some friends to motivate and be motivated by. Feel free to add me and judge me (my diary is open).

    I bought some rather obscenely expensive target jeans............

    Ps ..... I have gained more than I lost, but I am too scared to get back on that scale lmao.
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I'm new to the group and I'm looking forward to it! My name is Lydia, I turned 50 last year, I'm a 10 year Breast Cancer Survivor and I'm on a mission to lose these last 50+ lbs. This is my second year on MFP and it has truly been a great tool to keep me accountable! I excercise 5-7 days a week doing something, walking, treadmill, Zumba. I am currently in a group doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I have completed Level 1 and I am currently on Day 20 of Level 2. This journey has had it's ups and downs, but I am committed to getting to where I want to be. It's been great to communicate with others in these platforms!