Hmmm 2 weeks to go

Artificer22 Posts: 68 Member
Its really amazing how far all of us have come. Those of us still going will have accomplished something that 90% of ppl will never do. Keep it up, we are on the home stretch!! I wish you all good luck and good health


  • littlecely
    littlecely Posts: 45 Member
    We are two weeks away!!! That and the fact that there are others still doing it with me is the reason I haven't stopped. I might have my weak moments but knowing that we will be the few that actually finish is great motivation.

    Great job guys!
  • mummybabyjojo
    mummybabyjojo Posts: 87 Member
    :-) go us!!!

    Two weeks till completion! Well done everyone :-)
  • lauraashley09
    lauraashley09 Posts: 182 Member
    i can't believe we're this far!
    what are you guys planning on doing next? i'm thinking about doing 30 more days of month 2, and then go on to Asylum!
  • jade_222
    jade_222 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm excited to be done soon! And I agree we all really have accomplished something. Next I think I'm going to focus on running (for a half marathon in August) and some weights. Might even try out T25, I'm looking forward to something that is a bit shorter in length.
  • mummybabyjojo
    mummybabyjojo Posts: 87 Member
    We're going away at the end of the month so I think I'm going to do a mix of insanity and weight training after we finish to tone up before we go. Once back I plan on doing a hybrid of t25 and p90x. It'll be nice to work out for 30mins a day rather than an hour for awhile. I think I'll do insanity again in a few months time I have enjoyed it even though I've moaned(a lot) it has been quite good fun!
  • littlecely
    littlecely Posts: 45 Member
    I'm planning on doing HipHop Abs with my Mom (she couldn't do Insanity because of her knees) as well as some weight training. My dad unearthed a pull up bar we've had this whole time apparently so I'll be using that.

    Afterwards I will do another round of Insanity with my sister and maybe Asylum after that? I'll have to see.
  • Artificer22
    Artificer22 Posts: 68 Member
    I plan on doing some running, never been my strongest activity. My brother in law is big in the T25 so Ill be doing that. After a couple of months Im going to come back and do Insanity all over again from the start. It feels so good to be this close to being done!!
  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    I am going to get back in the gym for a while. There's a kickboxing class I've always been too nervous to try. Also, interested to see how much stronger I am at spin now.
    I want to make some of my own workouts to do at the gym with some of the things I've learned. I need to get a good interval training app on my phone that allows me to time it out like the intervals on the videos.

    Then, I'm going to go train insane again in July!
  • NyxButterfly
    NyxButterfly Posts: 88 Member
    I'm a week behind now, but that's okay. I want to do this right, even if i means I lag a bit.