I'm hungry

I eat my yogurts, and protein and cottage cheese and Refried beans. And I'm still hungry. It's just been a week today since my surgery. I get as much water as I possibly can like 4 cups in a day. I'm not understanding the hunger pains.


  • Liongoddess
    Liongoddess Posts: 107 Member
    Did your surgeon prescribe Nexium or Prilosec (Omeprazole) for you? I have read that the sensation of hunger can actually be caused from the excessive acid in our stomachs after the surgery. I am only 4 weeks out from surgery and have had a few days when I also felt hungry. I did seem to help when I was able to get the recommends 64 oz ( 8 cups) of fluid in. This seems to be improving the further out I get.
  • platinum3karat
    platinum3karat Posts: 66 Member
    I take Nexium which I end up mixing in some applesauce. I ate a softly scrambled egg with cheese and mixed a 1/2 spoon of fat free mayo and now I'm full. I took a few bites and instantly felt full and satisfied.
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    Platinum3kara - WOW!!! I can't believe you are already eating these type of foods at only one week out. My surgeon and team have their patients on full clear liquids and their weight loss, protein rich shakes, puddings and soups for a minimum of full two weeks post surgery, then to pureed foods for minimum two weeks, then at 5-6 weeks post-surgery can start soft foods if you get the okay, and finally to Low-fat, low-sugar solids for the rest of your life. I'm 8 weeks out and just began trying the "rest of your life foods" a week ago, introducing one food/day to see if I can tolerate it.

    Liongoddess - Have you lost 57 pounds altogether from the start of the process or in the 4 weeks since surgery. Either way it's a GREAT beginning. You provide incentive for me to keep to my schedule of diet and exercise.

  • platinum3karat
    platinum3karat Posts: 66 Member
    My doctor ordered puree diet second day I was in hospital. He said if I can tolerate it then I can go home. My stomach was able to tolerate it. I'm not sure why every doctor give different instructions for each sleeve gastrectomy patient. The pureed foods I ate in hospital was pureed scrambled eggs. I know after I ate a few forks of that I'm not starving anymore. I have a Dr. Appt with my primary care physician to see if I can be taken off my blood pressure medication. I guess since my blood pressure medication is basically a water pill then it makes sense to stop this medication especially since they want us to focus on getting liquids down.
  • DawnHuck
    DawnHuck Posts: 5
    Be prepared to gain some weight after going off the water pill....I gained 14 pounds in the hospital after they took mine away. Who goes home from weight loss surgery that much heavier! LOL!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I get stomach pain if I am getting dehydrated. Very likely your stomach pain is not about food but water. Any liquid counts, chick broth, crystal light, milk.
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    I am nearing 5 weeks out and I have realised the difference between what I thought were constant hunger pangs and my stomach acid gurgling away.
    I explained to my husband that it was like when you haven't eaten all day and you actually get past the really hungry stage and have that gurgly feeling in your tummy. I have finally recognised that this was ok and it has started to settle a bit as time has gone by.
    I am still amazed at the foods you are eating so soon. By week 2 I was still on liquids which caused light cramps. I imagine anything more for me would have caused major cramps.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I HAD to stop one of my BP meds within the first week post op. My BP had dropped low enough that I was getting dizzy! They told me a drop in BP is common in the first few weeks as it's hard to get enough fluids. And yes, when I quit the water pill a few weeks later, (BP had been lowish again for a few weeks), I gained a couple of pounds. My diet was full, (non clear) liquids from day 1. Not quite purees, but close... Whizzed black bean soup, whizzed bean and ham soup, pretty much anything whizzed with no chunks. Puree'd, eggs, shredded cheese etc at about 2.5 weeks I think. It all went down fine in small quantities.
  • platinum3karat
    platinum3karat Posts: 66 Member
    I have no cramps, I basically stick to the Oikos 0 fat free Strawberry yogurt in the morning. Then 160z of water an hour later, then my next meal is Premier Protein Shake Strawberries and Creme 30 grams of protein. Snack is a 4 oz Cottage Cheese. Water, Dinner is another Protein Shake and if I haven't fallen asleep by then i would have a sugar free Jello Snack.

    Yesterday I felt hungry so I made a soft scrambled egg with cheese and 1 tbsp of mayo in it and I took a few bites which melted in my mouth and I was instantly full and satisfied.

    My Doctor had me on Puree diet 2nd day in hospital, so I figured a soft scrambled egg wouldn't hurt and it truly didn't. It actually did the job. When I weighed in the day of Surgery I was 245.

    I am now 236, I feel good, no pain. My goal is to try to get 8 cups of water in a day. And maybe work on walking more during the day.