Biggest struggle so far

I want to see what is/are your struggles right now? maybe committing to do the program, food, making time for it, injury, anything! We can all discuss what is going on and help and motivate each other :)

I'm in week 2 of Pump/Combat hybrid and so far my biggest struggle is the food...too many sweets and temptations around but I'm doing my best to stay away from it (though I admit I have my sweets here and there) :)


  • jhonanie89
    jhonanie89 Posts: 12 Member
    biggest struggle = food! portion control, sweets, giving in to temptation. Haha. But yeah food is my biggest weakness, which is why my progress is slow. But I will get there.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    I work at an accounting office and this is our busy season, everyone one is stressed to the max. They all buy giant bags of pretzels and chocolate and it's so very hard to stay away from it, once I start with it I have a hard time stopping.