Need Lots of Support

robinred2 Posts: 59 Member
Hi, I am 73 years old and have had Type II for a year or so now. I can't seem to get into a regular routine. I first had metforman 500, then 1000, then slow release 500. I could not tolerate them. I felt so sick all the time. I now have Glipizide. I am having a terrible time staying on any kind of healthy eating. I am a binge eater and think of food all the time. I had lost 32 pounds last year and in December was very sick for a month, treated for UTI and finally found I had a kidney stone and had surgery. At that time I was at my lowest weight for years. In a month to 6 weeks I had put on 10 pounds after coming home from the hospital. After I got home we had so much company and living at a resort for the winter, everything we did involved meals or snacks. I realize this is no excuse; I through caution to the wind. I am, a Christian and I honestly feel for myself gluttony is a sin. I so want to please God but my flesh is so weak.
I am finally home in Missouri now and have started using a lot of frozen Lean Cuisine and vegetables. Keeping a journal on my day's eating and checking calories, carbs, protein, fats and fiber here on MFP. I have not taken my meter readings , nor weighed. I am giving myself this week and Sunday I will begin checking my readings and weight. Thinking I can get a good start on my health, looking forward to Sunday. I need a friend to spill my woes on and help me stay on track. I will also listen and respond to you. Thanks in advance for being my friend.


  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi robin, I'm 56 and diagnosed with T2D in 1982. I can truly empathize-with the same struggles you're facing. It took me quite awhile and patience to overcome my addiction to food.

    It's great you've set some new goals for yourself now by moving forward-taking back control-one step-and day at a time.

    Good for you!

    I welcome any opportunity to help you reach your goals whenever possible.

    Best wishes and good health!

  • robinred2
    robinred2 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks Bob, I have had 2 good days now going for 3 tomorrow.. Going to have to watch lean cuisine meals for the carbs. Some are higher than others. Try for 30 morning and lunch and 60 for dinner or 150 - 160 for the day. I am doing pretty good now and seems fairly easy, but I know one bad slip even with one meal can through me into a tail spin that takes months to get control. All I can do is to pray this time it will work for me. Sounds like you have found the control you need. Congrats on the 72# loss. And thanks for respondingl.
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Two good days now? Fantastic!

    Everyone of us slips from time to time. It's important to learn from these experiences and move forward knowing perfection does not exist-only improvement matters. We all slip from time to time, myself included, its our human nature.

    With the help of my Faith and prayers-along with this very powerful tracking program tool-have I've been blessed with continued success and improvement moving forward.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Hi Robin...I just caught your post! It sounds like you've got a plan and determination and both of those are valuable. I've been type 2 for several years and finally decided to get the excess weight off. It has improved my numbers yet they still aren't quite where I'd like them, so I'm a work in progress. You mentioned eating a lot of Lean Cuisine and veggies. I haven't bought any frozen dinners for awhile but since I also have to be careful of high blood pressure, I stear clear of them because some are pretty high in sodium. But if that's not an issue, they're a good way to get in some tasty meals. Good luck as you work one day at a time toward better health.
  • robinred2
    robinred2 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks for your support Bob. My third day and doing ok. Lots of anxiety yesterday; but I made it through ok. Got in the car and went to town, then visited with my son for a couple of hours, ate my dinner and went to bed to keep from eating anymore. In a sense running away. I do need to plan something around 3 or 4pm and not eat until 6 or 7. Afternoon and evening eating is my worst time it seems. This afternoon around 4 I plan to go and walk 9 holes of golf. We'll see, again thanks.
  • robinred2
    robinred2 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks for you reply. I too take linsinapril for high blood pressure. And so far I have stayed under the sodium intake allowed on MFP. I am trying to cut back on salt a little. I know salt in an aquired taste and can be controlled and not missed after a while. I know when I cut back, I will then realize how salty some things taste that I haven't eaten for a while such as cottage cheese. I guess I don't worry as much about the salt as the carbs and sugar now. I have noticed when I eat a lot of sugar my eyes focus differently. I have an appointment with my dr. tomorrow to check my eyes.