Outdoor running

Ok, I've been treadmill running since the start (I'm back to W3D2 after starting over). Always have been.

But it's going to be 75 today, and my husband wants to run outside.

I admit it, I'm intimidated by the outdoor run. Everyone I know swears it's better. But I think my primary area of concern is controlling my own speed. The treadmill does that for me. I'm worried because I know myself, and that I will try to push myself and burn out.

On the plus side, at least there won't be a screen with a timer on it to sit and obesessively watch :)


  • piercedee
    piercedee Posts: 59 Member
    Do it!! I know one time I was forced to run outside (all the treadmills at the gym were in use) I actually had a better pace and felt more refreshed (less like death) after my run. Your body will learn your treadmill pace and while you may start out a little faster it will be ok. You may find that you really can't regulate your speed yet or you may surprise yourself (that is my guess) and do awesome!!!

    I know you can do this. Give it a try!
  • piercedee
    piercedee Posts: 59 Member
    And let us know how it goes!