Daily Chit-Chat



  • ally_land
    ally_land Posts: 28 Member
    Sculpt 1-2 done. Just lettin ya know...

    Diva, I read reviews about X3 a while ago and some were complaining that Tony was goofy and talked too much (totally used to that by now).....and that everything seemed rushed. Now that I dusted off the Power 90 videos.....it seems like he was the same back then. Sculpt 1-2 is pretty rushed....I actually like that....no need to take a long break between each set. What are your thoughts on the pace of X3?

    Also Diva....just curious how long your 7 mile run takes you. A 12 minute warm up and 30 minute workout plus a 7 mile run is amazing!!! Are you training or just like to run? :)
  • want2bahotmama
    want2bahotmama Posts: 6 Member
    Happy Thursday All!

    Sunday: Sculpt 1-2
    Monday Sweat 1-2

    and that has been it for this week : ( Work has been crazy and I have been having such a hard time getting any workout in! So I have planned tomorrow to go into work late so I can workout.. So it's only Friday-Sunday.
  • DivaDeV
    DivaDeV Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Ally, I would say that the pace in Power 90 is close to the pace of X3. P90X there were much longer breaks in between moves and that was fine for the first couple of rounds but after that I just started to chapter forward to the next move on my DVD once I was finished with my reps. I much prefer the faster pace and with only 30 minutes you really need it to pack a punch. That said there are still some parts where I keep working because he is talking and if you look Tony's style then I think you will like this program. He was SUPER goofy in the Master's Series....I can barely stand those DVDs but every other Horton program I own is great! As far as Tony goes I have Power 1/2 Hour, Power 90, Master's Series, P90X, P90X+, a couple 1 on 1 DVDs, P90X2 and X3.

    I am omly running 3 days a week. I run about a 9-10+ minute mile pace. 7 miles takes me roughly 70 minutes. I have had some issues with my foot so I am running closer to 10:00-10:30 min miles currently. I was training for a Spring half marathon with my husband but he has and to work longer hours recently and has had less time to train. We have yet to commit to a race. I don't love running but I like it more than I did when I started back in 2006. I think the attraction for me is the competition with myself to get faster and more efficient ;)

    Hope my thoughts on P90X3 helped ;)
  • DivaDeV
    DivaDeV Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Jen, just keep trying to make the time for yourself. You are doing your best and that's all you can do ;)
  • ally_land
    ally_land Posts: 28 Member
    Sweat and Ab 100 done.

    Jen - It's still 4 workouts in a week. That's pretty darn good considering you work 60 hours a week and have kids! I'd say you should pat yourself on the back!

    Diva - Thank you for the insights on X3. Think I may have to get it. Sounds perfect for my schedule. Your exercise schedule still amazes me, especially considering you don't love running!! You are one determined woman. ;-)

    Hi Skill. :)
  • want2bahotmama
    want2bahotmama Posts: 6 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    2 mile run and Sculpt 1-2 : )

    Hope you all had an amazing day
  • ally_land
    ally_land Posts: 28 Member
    Funny....I haven't been very sore during the first 2 weeks of Power 90......over the weekend I did 30 minutes of Yoga X and now I am sore!

    Back at it again today.....Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100. Probably do another week or two of this and then switch it up a bit......maybe Slim in 6 or Power Half Hour. I am really going old school.
  • ally_land
    ally_land Posts: 28 Member
    Sculpt 1-2 done. Added a little weight this time. Feelin good and strong.
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    Nice Work Ally!! Way to work and be accountable. Yoga X is no joke...I remember!

    The groin is feeling much better so I hope to start back up on Monday. I'm super busy this week as my wife is in Florida and i'm playing single dad. Also going to a soccer tournament with my daughter this weekend so will be away for a few days.

    Only thing that may derail me is that I have to bowl tonight or tomorrow to pre-bowl for Sunday since we will be out of town. I'd rather not, but we are bowling for first place and need to win one game to win first place. my daughter is pretty competitive and really wants me to try. She won 2 out of 3 games with me last week so I tell her she can do it on her own, but she's not buying it. So I may try to throw one game and if it hurts just stop. Probably better off just taking my average minus 10 pins as that's what they do if you don't bowl.

    Happy Thursday!
  • ally_land
    ally_land Posts: 28 Member
    Glad you're feeling better Skill! Sounds like you're listening to your body. :)

    Was starting to go through the motions a bit so did about 50 min of treadmill & rowing machine yesterday instead of Sweat 1-2. Will go back to Sculpt tonight. Sliced my finger open during lunch today so hopefully wont slow me up at all....
  • ally_land
    ally_land Posts: 28 Member
    Ok, let's see. Sculpt on Thursday.....back to Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100 on Friday. Rest on Saturday. 25 minutes of Yoga X on Sunday. Then went to lunch with a friend and have been sick ever since. Haven't had food poisoning since a Mexico trip 5 years ago. Guess I'm sitting it out today. Back in my extremist days, I would have freaked out or made myself exercise anyway. Now in my self-loving phase, I know I will pick back up tomorrow. No big whoop.

    I do realize I am writing these posts for myself. ;-)

    Skill - did you end up bowling? How are you feeling injury-wise?
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    Ally - sorry to hear you are feeling Ill. Any better today? Glad you aren't an extremist anymore. :P I did bowl last week and did get through it without aggravating the injury. I slowed up my delivery and took it easier. I went for a good walk last night and feel like i'm close to being in the clear. I still feel a little sensation in the area, so I want to be smart about what I do. My plan today will be to walk again since we finally are seeing some nice weather. I will get on my recumbent bike later tonight as well and see how that goes. I don't think I'll start P90 stuff before Sunday as it looks like we will be bowling for the championship and I don't want to reinjure it before then. If all goes well through Sunday then the plan will be to push play on Monday. Man it really blows getting old!!
  • DivaDeV
    DivaDeV Posts: 15 Member
    Skill, looks like you are feeling better! Good luck with the bowling this week!

    Ally, I am reading about every other day or so. You are not only writing to yourself ;)

    Jen, hope you are finding the time for yourself <3

    I have been busy! I meant to pop in here the end of last week and post but all I managed to do was read a couple if posts :/

    This is what I did last week....

    Monday - Cold Start (X3 warm up), X3 Decelerator and a 6 mile run
    Tuesday - Cold Start and MMX (X3 mixed martial arts)
    Wednesday - Cold Start, X3 Eccentric Upper and 47 minutes of jump rope, jumping jacks, squats and lunges (did this in place of running. It was raining all day)
    Thursday - Cold Start and X3 Triometrics
    Friday - Cold Start, X3 Pilates X and a 5 mile run
    Saturday - Cold Start and X3 Eccentric Lower
    Sunday - Rest

    This week....

    Monday - Cold Start (X3 warm up), X3 Decelerator and an 8 mile run
    Tuesday - Cold Start and X3 Agility X

    The rain this week is actually cooperating with my running schedule :) Wonders never cease!

    I hope you all have an excellent week!
  • ally_land
    ally_land Posts: 28 Member
    Still down for the count. 5 days and counting...... I won't go into the details.....if you've ever had a food-born illness, you know exactly what is happening. ;-)

    Skill, I see you've been pretty active the last few days. Good for you!

    Diva, I'm glad you're still popping in here. I think I'll start X3 in about 3 weeks. Then I'll know what you're talking about when you post your workouts. ;-)

    I miss exercising, but the rest is nice too. The more I think about it....3 weeks on and 1 week off probably isn't such a bad idea. Who says we need to go at it 5 to 6 days EVERY week? Tony talks about muscle confusion....I'm trying body confusion!!
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    yes getting a little more active each day. Have to ease back into things after an injury when you are 41!!

    Going to Tigers game tomorrow so I'll get plenty of walking and stairs in there. Then Sunday is bowling...then Monday P90 if all goes well this weekend.

    I'm eating decent although haven't been logging....part of my all or nothing mentality which is silly I know!! have a good weekend...
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    Got through the weekend unscathed...P90 tonight!! Been walking 10,000 steps a day since Friday as well.
  • ally_land
    ally_land Posts: 28 Member
    After one whole week.....I'm back among the living. Feels good!! Eased back in with Yoga X on Sunday.....back at Power 90 with Sweat 1-2 and Ab 100 last night. I guess the week off did the trick with the boredom factor. Think I'll do another few weeks of Power 90 until I receive X3.

    Good to see you back, Skilly. How did it go last night? Did you break out the Power 90 videos? :)
  • ally_land
    ally_land Posts: 28 Member
    Sculpt 1-2 last night. Sweat and abs done for today. Just keepin accountable. :)
  • DivaDeV
    DivaDeV Posts: 15 Member
    Ally, so glad you are feeling better! Way to jump back in :)

    Skill, did you get a pedometer? Awesome that you got through the weekend! Weekends are the toughest thing for me :) Good job!

    I am in the last phase of X3 (block 3) and ran 20 miles last week and the week before. Feels great to thrive and not just survive....I've been feeling good! My leg and foot were pain free the last few runs!

    I hope you are all doing well!
  • ally_land
    ally_land Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Diva! Feeling good feels good, doesn't it??! heh. I've been eating a little more sugar lately and THAT doesn't feel good! It affects my joints....and my moods FOR SURE.

    Where did I leave off? Tuesday was sculpt. Wed was sweat and abs. Sculpt again Thursday. Friday I did Cardio X instead of sweat and abs. WOW. I remember when I used to think that workout was easy. Not so much now. It was really hard for me. But it felt good. You know that feeling - kinda like when you work your abs and the next day they are sore. It's like that good sore feeling. ;-)

    P90X3 should be arriving on Tuesday. I'm excited. I know I can't do pull ups any more, so I also got a pull up assist. Gonna need it.

    Might have to look for an X3 group. I remember how fun it is to have others doing the same program where you can share the pain and glory. :)