Meeting the surgeon for RNY/ Need friends

I go friday to meet my surgeon and get my surgery date for RNY. I am excited its been a year of jumping through hoops to get to this point. What questions should I be asking?

Also I could really use some friends that I can talk to and get some support from. I havent told many people about this because so many think its an easy way out which pisses me off.
Anyhow im 34 will be 35 on april 27th. Im married. I weigh 328lbs as of today my highest was 345lbs.

Any info or friendship would be greatly appreciated


  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member

    This is the group for you! Everyone is this group is somewhere in the process or beyond. For nearly every step of this journey to get healthy, there will be members that can offer advice, suggestions or ideas. All you have to do is post. Feel free to add me! Glad to have you here. :flowerforyou:
  • LolaBug85
    LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
    Welcome to the group! I agree, this is definitely the place to be! There are tons of us here for support along this never ending journey. The road is bumpy but it's well worth it! Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    I'm 19 months post op (today actually!) and had the RNY as well. I started at 340 and have my ultimate goal set as 180. I'm at 193 right now. So getting close!

    So yes, you are right that there are many people that see this as the easy way out, and it's not. There is a lot of work that goes into the pre/post surgery, not even including the recovery. Not to mention that you do have to work at the portion control more the further out from surgery you go. This surgery is simply a tool to help you change your lifestyle.

    You've found the right group for support and questions! I'm a member of a few groups on here and this is by far the most active one. You can feel free to add me as well
  • Tristaan
    Tristaan Posts: 126 Member
    I'm almost 6 months out from RNY. Feel free to add me :)

    As far as questions, I can't remember having too many. One good tip I got after my surgery way to buy a set of baby spoons. They really helped with keeping bites small once I was off liquids and onto pureed.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Yup. I'm 6 months post-op VSG. I ate with a baby spoon for the first couple of months... and salad plates. Stock up if you don't have many. Also visit theworldaccorgingtoeggface, a blog site with lots of ideas and recipes for all stages.
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    Hello And Welcome! Glad to have you here and you have definately found a great resource for your journey. Best of luck in everything that lies ahead of you! :flowerforyou:

    You could ask the surgeon what kinds of support does he offer you post surgery. (besides the obvious check-ups)The surgeon I am going to use does a monthy clothing exchange in which he attends to visit with his patients and see how everyone is progressing, which I think is just awesome! Plus you get to bring clothes you no longer use and EXCHANGE them with other patients for clothes they no longer fit into, win-win!

    Maybe even tell your doc about this idea, you never know he or she may love the idea!

    Good Luck!!
  • candy69apple79
    candy69apple79 Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you all. I am so very excited and I bought baby spoons and little 4 oz bowls so its smaller were also now using child size plates. Im also picking up some of those baby seperated spaces plates. I bought the book weight loss surgery for dummies it was really informative.
  • Hello and Welcome, my name is Megan. I just had VSG on 4/7. I didn't tell a lot of people either just close family and friends. I use my fitness pal and my hospitals wls forum as my support group. I'm on the liquid diet now and will be starting puréed on Monday can't wait to start eating some substance again. Feel free to message me or read my diary. Best of luck!!!
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    I just met with my surgeon today for my consult. I have to do a 3 month supervised diet so I won't get sleeved until July or August. We are at similar starting weights. I'll send you a friend request.

    I am also starting to figure things out for life after - trying protein drinks, working on sipping my water throughout the day, etc. I am also not planning on telling many people. So far, only 1 person knows. Other people know I am having surgery this summer but they think it is related to a previous surgery on my pancreas, because that's what I told them! I even told my mother this today because I just don't want to hear it from her. And she's lives in another state so why bother. I still have to tell my kids.
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    I just met with my surgeon today for my consult. I have to do a 3 month supervised diet so I won't get sleeved until July or August. We are at similar starting weights. I'll send you a friend request.

    I am also starting to figure things out for life after - trying protein drinks, working on sipping my water throughout the day, etc. I am also not planning on telling many people. So far, only 1 person knows. Other people know I am having surgery this summer but they think it is related to a previous surgery on my pancreas, because that's what I told them! I even told my mother this today because I just don't want to hear it from her. And she's lives in another state so why bother. I still have to tell my kids.

    I pulled this reply from another thread about people and their negative opinions about WLS maybe this could help you in not only defending your decision to others but feeling maybe like you need to hide the fact your taking the steps you feel necessary to be healthy. This is from another member of our group DJRonnieLINY:

    " * I know a few people who have pacemakers - guess they are cheating, should have stronger heart
    * I know a few people taking anti-depressants - guess they are cheating, weak minded
    * I know a few people with false teeth - guess they are cheating, didn't brush and floss enough
    * I know a few people who did invitro - guess they are cheating, didn't try hard enough
    * I know a few people who had knee/hip replacement - guess they are cheating, should just limp on through
    * I know a few people who color thier hair - guess they are cheating fakes, we should just go grey

    I can go on, and, on ...... I freely tell people that I needed a first step to help me control my hunger and eating. I explain that the surgery simply limits my capacity to eat but that my weight loss and current appearance is the result of my hard work since the operation. Responses have been completely positive. "

    I LOVED IT when I read that list. Such a stigma with weight loss surgery and it is unfair. By believing we are doing the right thing for us and showing people in the end WE made the RIGHT decision to save ourselves maybe that stigma will dissipate one day.

    Until you have the support of those close to you though you have us! :wink:
  • Mell0566
    Mell0566 Posts: 9 Member
    Glad you are reaching out. I had VSG on 03/27 & am on soft food diet right now. While each of us has a different experience, we all have taken the surgical step because we are ready to make a change in our lives and embrace health.
  • candy69apple79
    candy69apple79 Posts: 36 Member
    Seen the surgeon on friday im booked for surgery may 23rd I have to dk a 3 week optifast diet that I start may 2nd im so excited about all of this thankyou all please feel free to friend me we can all use supports I know I can use it
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    Ah, the good old Optifast diet! I had two weeks of that.

    3 suggestions.

    1. Don't eat the tomato soup. It's tastes awful. Get double the amount of the chicken. I always had my soup for lunch.
    2. Put a bit of bullion or soup base in the chicken soup. Really helps it. It's not bad on it's own, but is much more enjoyable with some extra bullion. I used Better than Bullion chicken base.
    3. Chill your shakes well. The chocolate was my favorite this way.

    Oh, and if you have a caffeine addition, now is the time to work on it. I had a diet soda addiction. Coke and Mt. Dew. I slowly decreased the amount I was drinking during the month leading up to surgery.
  • candy69apple79
    candy69apple79 Posts: 36 Member
    They didnt give us any soups we were only allowed the shakes and beef broth. 3 weeks should be fun.
    Thankfully I dont drink caffeine really or carbonated drinks so im good. Ive been trying to make lots of changes over the last year. :)
  • snickerdoolers
    snickerdoolers Posts: 13 Member
    After surgery it takes forever to eat as it should. I couldn't stand cold food, So i used one of those coffee cup warmers and put my small plate or bowl on it to keep my food warm for me.
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    After surgery it takes forever to eat as it should. I couldn't stand cold food, So i used one of those coffee cup warmers and put my small plate or bowl on it to keep my food warm for me.
    What a great idea!! I could have bought one of those on clearance a couple weeks ago but passed it up because I have to give up coffee anyway! lol Does it really work to keep your food warm, this is something I hadn't thought of but I can see how your food would get cold taking 30 mins or more to eat. Very Clever!