Just starting - any tips?

Hansonian Posts: 78 Member
Hey ya'll,

I know I'm a little late but I just started the 30 Day Shred today. Do ya'll have any tips for me? Like, how long it takes for it to get easier? Or how much protein to eat to stay full throughout the day? I would love to hear any and all tips or just stories about your workout journeys! Those are great motivators for me!



  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    Well a lot of course depends on your fitness level when you start out. I had not worked out much beyond walking and bike for a year or more, then I started Daily Burn, True Beginer in Feb. It was a great bridge program for me because I had never done any sort of lunges or squats. Anyway, I began 30 day shred on March 26 after almost two months of that easier program. The shred was tough for me but it's doable. I was and still am pretty sore but stretching throughout the day helps. I found I needed a rest day on day 5 and day 11. I have finished 3 days of level 2 now and I feel stronger and definitely leaner.
    I try to eat more protein such as hard boiled eggs, turkey breast or chicken when I first get up, wait and wait a few hours then do the shred.
    I also get a burst of energy from doing the workout and a decrease in appetite for several hours after.
  • boofburrows
    Hi, I'm late to the party too- I've just finished day 2. Today was harder for me but I pushed myself to use weights that actually felt like they were heavy enough. I've been trying to eat more protein too, but I'm veggie so for me thats stuff like greek yoghurt, eggs etc. :-) good luck with day 2!
  • Hansonian
    Hansonian Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks for the tips, Dchaya! I'm a workout beginner, too. I've only done Walk Away the Pounds for the past month and before that I was a couch potato. So Jillian is kicking my butt!

    Do you think it's possible to have two rest days? I am pretty active on the weekends and hang out with my fiance all day Saturday and Sunday (he works really long hours during the week so it's very rare that I see him). We always do something active together and I would hate to have to postpone our plans to do this video. Could I do "40" day shred and have my weekends?

    Also, boofburrows, I'm just about to do day 2! :) I've been noticing that I need to eat more protein. I used to hate hard boiled eggs but it's like my body craves them now! How long have you been a vegetarian?
  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    Hansonian, as far as rest days you have to listen to your body and do what is going to work for you. If you need two rest days to make sure you finish the whole program then why not? It's all about finding something that works for you to maintain the habits of exercise and fitness. I happen to hate running and machines and I have discovered I really like in home training like this. I don't get bored and I really work up a sweat. So I think I will keep going after the 30 days with something similar.