For today Apr 10th

GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
“Time ripens all things. No man’s born wise.” – Miguel de Cervantes

“For today: My Higher Power offers me a way to live free of the obsession with food. I am willing to do today’s footwork and wait for the results.”

Lately, I’ve been feeling restless, irritable, and discontent about the immediate gratification that I tend to seek when it comes to losing weight. My logical self knows that I’m not in control of that, but I still try to work it that way. The weight will come off as long as I stick to my plan and I work my program honestly. I’ve broken abstinence many times, and I’ve done about a hundred re-starts. I’ve reached the point of being sick and tired. I know stewing in self-pity will only bury me deeper, so I must focus on my recovery and will hit up a meeting for sure!

I hope everyone is having a great, abstinent day!


  • purplybob
    purplybob Posts: 51 Member
    I talked with my sponsor about this very topic this morning! I am impatient...I want to be well yesterday! Time takes time, and I struggle to accept that. Our quick-fix, fast-paced society doesn't help matters either. It boils down to me wanting what I want now. I want an easier, softer way. But I know it is a process, etc etc...I just don't like it sometimes!!!
  • blackthrux
    blackthrux Posts: 58 Member
    I'm struggling with this a bit, too. I feel like I've been wasting time my whole life in getting to this point. Now that I'm here and have started working to figure out what caused my compulsive overeating, I want to have everything fall neatly into place in short order and wrapped in a pretty bow. Intellectually, it makes sense that this is simply not going to happen. Emotionally, I'm excited to get on with the rest of my life and to actually start living it in the way that I choose, and I don't want to have to wait for results. I'm fine in accepting the weight portion of the process in taking its own time. As purplybob said, as far as the emotional piece, I want what I want, and I want it now.