
firegirley Posts: 86 Member
Saw a thread titled "Boston???" and all it was, was a bunch of people saying they are from the area. Thats all well and good, how about we all COMMUNCATE??? LOL!! Here is what I posted on that thread. I hope you'll alll join in!!:

Massachusetts born and bred! Born in Marlboro, lived there till adult-hood , then moved out to the "sticks". I'm a little West of Worcester but would NEVER go back toward the city.

Loving the "country" life, kids are grown, last one graduating HS an moving on. I have 2 horses and a new one coming next week.

It looks like this thread was just a "I'm from such-and -such" so lets get it hopping!

I'll start. My name is Tricia and I live out in Spencer. Mom to 3, a 21 yo son in the Marines, a married 20 yo daughter in the Marines and another 17 yo daughter about to enter college. I work FT as a firefighter and am working on getting back in shape. I am a lifetime weight watchers member, however have given it up for MFP and Beachbody. Currently I am doing the T-25 series, on week 8. Down 16.4 lbs since starting. I'm doing the 21 Day Fix next.

I also gave up coffee, artificial crap (almost 100% clean eating) and cut WAY back on alcohol. Thats going to be tough this Summer, as I have a camper at Indian Ranch. I gained 30 lbs there last year! Country music, alcohol and good food KILLED me.

I'm going to start a new thread to get us going. Massholes, perhaps? Ok, I'll be nice. I'll just call is Massachusetts for now ;)


  • patsina55
    Hi Tricia, I live in RI, but I work at Commerce Insurance, which is about a mile from Indian Ranch. I want to start walking/running after work on Tuesdays and Thursdays (I kickbox on Mon/Wed/Fri) when it gets warmer, and I had a hard time getting anyone at work to walk with me after work last year - everyone just wants to go straight home. Let me know if you'd like to walk together sometime once you get to Indian Ranch. Mary
  • firegirley
    firegirley Posts: 86 Member
    Hi Mary! I'm usually only there on the weekends :( Its about a half an hour from my house. Do you ever go to the concerts there?
  • Jaydec70
    Jaydec70 Posts: 63 Member
    Tricia - my wife and I are nearby (Hubbardston), kids are 12 and 10. We both work in Worcester. If your getting groups together or such, let us know. I think we're doing our first 5k in Worcester for Autism Resource Center on April 27, we love to hike and geocache too. Our son is Autistic, so he keeps us very busy :-) too!! Would love to meet other MFPers from area. Together my Wife and I have lost over 140 pound in last 8 months since starting and happy to share our successes!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hi- My name is Dani. I am a mom to 2 boys 3 1/2 and 1. I was born in CT but have lived in Central Ma for the last 12 years (Oxford, Grafton, and now Sutton). I fit in work outs whenever I can, lots of running after work and Yoga at lunch time. I work in Worcester.

    Jaydec70: My husband and I ran the 5k in Worcester for the Autism Resource Center in 2011. We are thinking about running it again this year. It is a great race and a nice course for a great cause. I will let you know if we end up signing up (might have a family obligation out of state if someone would make up their mind).
  • firegirley
    firegirley Posts: 86 Member
    Hi Everyone!!
    Is there a way to get notified when someone comments on this thread? I didnt know there were more responses ;)
    Jaydec70: I have a friend that geochaches like crazy! I'll bet you know her, her name is Martha and she lives in Blackstone Valley area
    I just signed up for the Run or Dye in Worcester for June 21st. It was only $23.50 on Groupon, so I'm giving it a shot. I was going to do the Warrior Dash but they changed the date & location on me! I'm not available for the new date :(
    What else is everyone up to?
    Hows your weight loss journey going? I'm weighing in every Saturday :)
  • Jaydec70
    Jaydec70 Posts: 63 Member
    Dani, thanks for shout out and encouragement with 5k,, fire girly sorry, it keeps autocorrecting the space on me, I too wish there was a notification, but not sure. I think if okay I'll send friend requests to you both. I'll see if my wife will too (fragile123). We (my kids are 12 yo boy and 10 girl) all climbed Wachusett last weekend and I'm trying to talk them into doing Monadnock this weekend. My 5k time is down to 34 minutes, and that is with 5 minute walk/warm up per c25k I'm doing. I tend to start running and not stop at this point, I'm stoked to get into an actual timed event as I just look at iPod at start and end for times now. Are there others out in the area too? Geocachers know each other by there handles, ours is kandjc. Eager to get back to that too.
  • patsina55
    Hi Tricia, I just saw your post now. I've never been to any of the concerts at Indian Ranch, but they certainly have some big names there - you probably get to hear them for free from the campground! Hi to everyone else - I started kickboxing about a year ago and I try to run/walk whenever the weather is decent. I walked my first 5K last year and hope to walk at least one more this year, haven't decided which one yet.
  • CardiacKev28
    CardiacKev28 Posts: 172 Member
    Hi Tricia I am from Leominster. I started this journey last April. When I started I weighed 363 and now at 308. It has been very interesting to this point. I have learned a lot from everybody on this site. I work with trainers two days a week and try to do cardio 5-6 days a week (treadmill) I am now trying to eat as clean as I can but I am also trying to work with weights too. My goal is to lose a lot of weight but in do time. This new lifestyle isn't a sprint but a marathon. I am commited to change. I haven't lost any weight in a long time but I am still working hard at my goal. One of my goals is to hike Mt Monadnock. Never done anything like that but would like to try on my Birthday in June.
    I am all for a Massachusetts group! I welcome all the other locals and I will post frequently! I wish you all success in your journey's

  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    My weight loss journey is in a stall pattern but at least I am not gaining. I only have ~10-15 lbs to my goal weight but I am finding it hard to find time to workout and lack the will power to make good choices. I have a tough mudder coming up in Vermont in May and the Spartan Sprint at Mohegan Sun in June. I also want to do a triathalon in June. I am hoping the training for these events will spark a fire to get my butt in gear.
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    Boston Strong. Peace.
  • valerievest1
    valerievest1 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm from Arlington! I own an Ideal Protein locally and decided to join groups and start blogging because I'm starting the diet myself as of tomorrow. I though it might be a good way to be accountable for what I'm doing since I'll be my own weight loss coach. It would be great if people followed my blog so I have a good support system through this! I have about 15 pounds to lose!